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<midfavila> coming to you live from the mnt reform
<midfavila> very based and chunky pilled
<midfavila> gonna have to put together a KISS image for it asap
<midfavila> brb
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<midfavila> back
<midfavila> initial impressions are pretty good
<midfavila> the keyboard layout takes a little while for me to get used to
<midfavila> i normally don't have caps bound to ctrl
<midfavila> and the split spacebar with alt keys on the inside is odd
<midfavila> otherwise layout is comfy
<midfavila> can use the trackball with a thumb without taking my hands off the keeb
<midfavila> mechanical switches are okay but they're not my preference
<midfavila> kalih choc browns are linear, i'm very much a tactile guy
<midfavila> coming from buckling springs the browns feel mushy
<midfavila> especially because they have a lot of travel
<sewn> midfavila: pic
<midfavila> the design of the caps is great though, i'm not having the usual issues with fat fingering multiple keys that i do on most non-spring boards
<midfavila> sewn: patience child
<sewn> sad_plan: I already rebuild chromium about >40 times in one day
<midfavila> trackball is solid but it's a little scratchy
<midfavila> at first it bothered me but now there's a pleasant tactility to it
<midfavila> it's sensitive but not overly so
<midfavila> the chassis is very very sturdy
<midfavila> feels great in the hand
<midfavila> reminds me a lot of old IBMs
<midfavila> especially with the thick bezel
<midfavila> the hinges are super sturdy
<midfavila> there's zero wobble
<midfavila> they have a huge range of motion
<midfavila> lid snaps tight almost too securely using a super strong magnet
<midfavila> but you can still open it with one hand
<midfavila> my main complaint is that the debian image comes on SD instead of the module's onboard storage
<midfavila> with more and more debia-family stuff wanted snap and every dependency under the sun and the incomplete partitioning of the SD card you run out of space really quickly
<midfavila> especially since the image comes with like 1500 packages by default
<midfavila> performance is pretty decent across the board with the imx8
<midfavila> the bottleneck is definitely the SD interface
<midfavila> opening large programs like firefox is notably slow
<midfavila> not unbearably so, but it's noticeable
<midfavila> the display panel is beautiful
<midfavila> although the tty and terminal under sway have very small fonts so it's kinda eyestrain inducing by default
<midfavila> the suggested ath9k mpcie card works out of the box with no configuration and using the standard crowd supply antennae gain is solid
<midfavila> haven't installed an m.2 ssd
<midfavila> build process was straightforward enough
<midfavila> only issue i had was installing the display cable the wrong way around the first time
<midfavila> although trying to put it together without magnetized tools made me want to reeducate myself
<midfavila> took about two hours from unbox to boot but most of that was me cursing after dropping screws
<midfavila> with a proper setup you could easily have it together in 30min to an hour
<midfavila> overall 9/10 so far
<midfavila> i might seeif i can get a custom keyboard pcb printed and populated according to the schematics and then i'll install a tactile switch
<midfavila> see if even
<midfavila> that would be sick
<midfavila> e ink display coming soon:tm:
<sad_plan> sewn: why though?
<sewn> sad_plan: because I like chromium :3
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<sad_plan> but why build it so many times? would 1 be enough?
<sad_plan> s/would/wouldnt
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<sewn> sad_plan: i think i overexaggurated it
<sewn> well not 40 times in one day but just 40 times in general
<sewn> i want to use webkit but no vencord :9
<sewn> :(*
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<sad_plan> 40 version bumps isnt that bad. vencord?
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<sad_plan> oh, I see. discord client
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<sewn> sad_plan: nono
<sewn> vencord is a discord client modification mod
<sewn> there is a client for it called vesktop. it can work in the browser using a chromium extension, or a userscript (which isn't reccomended)
<sad_plan> I see. and that obviously dont work through webkit. arent there any other clients you can use instead? appart from the vanilla one obviously
<sewn> wdym other clients? discord?
<sewn> pfft. discord is so complicated youd lose 90% of the functionality it offers by using alternative clients.
<sewn> and i would like that functionality due to my position
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<sad_plan> yes. so all other clients are basically trash, is that it? what position?
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<sewn> yeah so im forced to use the official discord client
<sad_plan> i see
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<midfavila> just use bitlbee and rcirc
<midfavila> with a discord plugin
<midfavila> then you can use discord in emacs
<midfavila> :3
<sewn> midfavila: as i said i like the functionality that discord offers
<sewn> if anything, id rather write a discord
<sewn> -to-irc bridge
<sewn> so i can use whatever client i want without worrying about using the same bugyg client everywhere
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<midfavila> that's what bitlbee is my dude
<midfavila> it's a libpurple to irc gateway
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<sewn> hmm
<sewn> ill think about it
<sewn> ill give this a shot actually
<sewn> do i have to self host this midfavila?
<midfavila> no
<midfavila> you can connect to public instances but then you have to trust that sysop and you're limited to what their system supports
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