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<doggy_breath> Oh, and one other question: I've never used Wayland. Will the community download of dwm work with that?
<tleydxdy[m]> dwm is X only
<tleydxdy[m]> wayland is still a huge mess imo
<doggy_breath> OK. Sooo...does the community repo have X?
<tleydxdy[m]> I think so
<doggy_breath> So if kiss is using Wayland (which is the impression I got from the website) and Wayland is a mess, are you guys running kiss with wayland, and is your computer a mess?
<phoebos> doggy_breath: you're very welcome to ask for help here :)
<phoebos> is a maintained repo for X stuff
<tleydxdy[m]> my kiss install just doesn't have have any gui
<phoebos> i am a mess
<phoebos> my computer is a mess
<doggy_breath> phoebos thanks. I have to have X for work, because I work online and my employer's interface uses js
<phoebos> x is also a mess :p
<phoebos> wayland doesn't stop javascript from working...
<doggy_breath> phoebos does wayland work? That's all I care.
<doggy_breath> When I'm not working, I just use a tty usually
<phoebos> yes, there are occasional bugs but they've mostly been worked out. it's still not necessarily an improvement, so use whatever you want
<tleydxdy[m]> depends, if you use a ime then wayland doesn't really work
<tleydxdy[m]> screen capture is half broken too
<tleydxdy[m]> lots of things like that
<tleydxdy[m]> maybe try out wayland using something like arch first see if you have all the use case covered
<doggy_breath> I may use void, and buy a separate laptop to experiment with kiss. Work computer has to be rock solid.
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<phoebos> testuser[m]: would you consider installing /etc/axelrc in the axel package?
<phoebos> also harfbuzz-icu in community is quite outdated
<testuser[m]> I dropped all the webshitgtk related stuff
<testuser[m]> phoebos: ok
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<rohan> yo
<rohan> how do i enable i2c touchpad in kernel?
<soliwilos> rohan: Probably more than you need, but this should help:
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<testuser[m]> Clickbait link
<soliwilos> Wasn't there a huge nvidia source dump posted online some while back?
<testuser[m]> It was useless
<testuser[m]> This one is too
<testuser[m]> But more relevant
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