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<acheam> cem: why do you do this temp file thing instead of just ". $(command -v kiss)"
<acheam> also why use sed instead of cp?
<illiliti> > library
<illiliti> temp file can be replaced with eval i guess
<illiliti> eval "$(sed "${kissln}d" "$kissloc")"
<acheam> I still don't understand.... is the original not just copying kiss into a temp file and sourcing it?
<acheam> why not just source the original kiss file?
<illiliti> because kiss calls main function and sed removes it so that it can be used as library
<acheam> ah thanks
<acheam> oh thats literally written in the comment
<acheam> dont know how I missed that
<illiliti> it is a dirty hack of course, but there's no other way
<illiliti> the proper way would be having KISS_LIBRARY variable in kiss that disable execution of main function
<illiliti> but afaik Dylan was against it, don't remember why...
<phoebos> eval "$(sed '/^main "\$@"/d' "$(command -v kiss)")"
<phoebos> or even sed '$d' /usr/bin/kiss
<acheam> I wouldn't assume /usr/bin/kiss
<acheam> for a while I put kiss in sbin, and have often had a kiss that I was messing around with higher in my path
<cem> uhmm because I was an idiot when I wrote that particular line
<cem> what I wanted to go for was definitely "sed '$d'"
<cem> my mkrootfs script is old and pretty bad honestly, but it was working so I always delayed revising it
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<acheam> hi
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<noocsharp> 1.2.3
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<doggy_breath> OK, I'm buying a (used) laptop and going to try to install KISS on it. It will probably end up being some ancient i5 thing with 4GB ram and 256GB storage
<doggy_breath> Will I be able to stay connected to this channel during the install process in case I get stuck?