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<puritylake[m]> Trying to figure what the hell this string evals to `"#{<<~"{#"}\n#{<<~'};'}"`
<puritylake[m]> It's part of an mri test
brometeo_davinci has joined #jruby
<brometeo_davinci> Hi :)
<brometeo_davinci> I have a problem with Java 17 and JRuby After writing to mailing list and not getting any response, can I ask here? :)
<headius> puritylake: wow
<headius> Two heredocs inside an interpolated string
<headius> I will guess {#\n};
<headius> brometeo_davinci: oh sorry you got no list response! What's up?
<puritylake[m]> I've tried evaluating it in mri but it doesn't seem to work
<puritylake[m]> `test.rb:14: can't find string "{#" anywhere before EOF`
<headius> Pretty weird one
<headius> Oh I see it... Problem inheriting?
<brometeo_davinci> <headius> "brometeo_davinci: oh sorry you..." <- Problem is that when I try to inherit some Swing classes they don't work as expected. I am upgrading my app from JRuby and Java 8, where it worked without errors.
<headius> That is definitely a bug and you should report it. We made some changes in 9.3 relating to extending Java classes and there's probably a bug in there
<headius> With very few exceptions anything that worked in 9.2 is expected to work in 9.3
<headius> brometeo_davinci: ^
<puritylake[m]> Figured it out
<puritylake[m]> I didn't realise it seems to be looking for a pattern, that pattern is everything between `{#` and `};`
<puritylake[m]> Never seen anything like it in Ruby lol
<brometeo_davinci> <headius> "That is definitely a bug and you..." <- Great. I'll report it. Thank you :)
<headius> puritylake: yeah that is a good example of how hard it is to parser Ruby code
<puritylake[m]> enebo: is there a way to run all mri tests with runner.rb?
<enebo[m]> We have two rake tasks which break them up and exclude some we cannot run
<enebo[m]> err test:mri I think does both test:mri:core and test:mri:stdlib
<enebo[m]> but if you need more control and do not want excludes you can also look at command-line that rake task generates and paste it
<headius> runner.rb test/mri should do it but that is a lot of tests and some may crash or hang (excluded from the rake targets) and several will reference extensions we don't have like dbm
<enebo[m]> ah so it will still do the rspec thing
<enebo[m]> I did not remember it would just do subdirectories
<enebo[m]> There are some tests which do not run with us and never will. like some stuff with RubyVM
<headius> Yeah
<puritylake[m]> Ah, ya that makes sense
<enebo[m]> going to leave for dentist appointment soon
<puritylake[m]> I feel I am slightly making a dent in the failing tests, although I have noticed they are the ones that are excluded, labeled "needs investigation"
<enebo[m]> puritylake: that is fine
<enebo[m]> puritylake: you may have a whitespace setting you want to change. It is adding indented blank lines.
<enebo[m]> Or on one file in your last PR
<puritylake[m]> Oops, I'll fix that
<enebo[m]> puritylake: also if you are fixing excluded stuff you should also remove that exclude line from the file
<puritylake[m]> Will do, in a different PR or in this one?
<enebo[m]> same one
<puritylake[m]> Ok may have fixed more than just the two there in the ARGF, just going to confirm in a second
<puritylake[m]> No I did not, my ability to read numbers is awful lol
<puritylake[m]> Although there do seem to be more excludes than there are failing tests but not a fix I provided
<enebo[m]> You can add them to the PR if you care to.
<enebo[m]> It is not part of the PR but it is fine
<puritylake[m]> I will do, just confirm which ones they are
<puritylake[m]> * do, just gonna confirm which
<puritylake[m]> Ok, that should be it
<puritylake[m]> Rest of the day will be sprintf, been putting it off lol