Hi all. Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but anyone know what's up with http://mavengems.jruby.org/releases and whether or not it's coming back online, or if it's being replaced with something else?
We have it in our Maven settings and it started failing this week, at least. When I head to that site there's some parked domain message there.
Wow what the heck
Yeah I don't know anything about that park domain, but file an issue and will try to get it back up. It's just a matter of running a simple service and it's moved around a bit over the years
File a ticket in the jruby Github project?
Yes please
Created https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/7194, but I failed to create a simple failing project. My test project (to show the issue) isn't failing. :(
Only our projects being built in Docker images are failing. So, there seems to be more to this picture than meets the eye.
Okay, I remember we addressed the shutdown of some related servers a few years ago but I can't recall whether we or someone else are running this server. Given the parking page that's there right now I'm guessing somebody else was running it and probably just lost track of it
enebo controls the domain for jruby.org so tomorrow perhaps he and I can look into this and figure out what is or is not running
I believe I've tracked down the issue of failures within our Docker image. Not only is that repo no longer available, but there's an old version of json-schema that is unresolvable via the GemInstaller bit of that de.saumya.mojo:gem-maven-plugin
I can see the 2.8.1 version that we depend on in rubygems.org, but for some reason the Maven plugin is failing to see it.
So, upgrading to json-schema:3.0.0 makes our builds pass (though, I don't know yet what it does to our application).
Thanks fellas.
Oh that's interesting. Update the issue with this info so anyone else will find it
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Jason Rogers: I am a bit confused and know almost nothing about how this works. So updating some deps ended up making stuff work again?
I know it sounds really strange enebo ... Removing the http://mavengems.jruby.org/releases repo in Maven settings, and adding mavengem:https://rubygems.org was step 1. The 2nd step was to upgrade json-schema from 2.8.1 to 3.0.0. When Maven looked for the 2.8.1 version of the gem it got some HTML output instead of the tarball thus causing the plugin to fail when it tried to copy the gem contents into the JAR. The 2nd bit is very confusing
to me because I can certainly see that version in rubygems.org, but thankfully we were able to update that version without breaking our app.
Jason Rogers: so we do have the functionality in rubygems.org now but the configuration in maven/pom to use it is substantially different? Is that a reasonable summary
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enebo: you have to use the mavengems wagon in order to pull them in. But, that's existed for a while.
I suppose I could add that as the solution on the issue and close it out.
Perhaps not necessary to run the other mirror?
Jason Rogers: I think so long as you end up with the same result then I think we should figure out the best way to documenting this
(sorry my responses are slow, the element.io website doesn't notify me of messages or taggings)
That infrastructure is essentially gone and we would need to set it up again
Jason Rogers: no problems
That definitely sounds like a lot of work for little reward.
yeah. I am hoping something explaining how to change pom/config to get same result could be something we at least put on our wiki or at least in that issue
Let's face it people just google for the error and if it shows up in that issue with a reasonable explanation of what needs to be changed then I think this is a time-limited issue where people just need to update their projects
OK. Let me update the issue with that info. Thanks!
Jason Rogers: and thanks for figuring this out and basically doing all the leg work :)
Not at all ... you guys have done the real work! I'm a huge JRuby fan! Thanks enebo and headius !!
Jason Rogers: thanks. Appreciate that.
and apparently I stopped writing complete sentences recently
Hah! I'd buy you guys a beer if I could, but hopefully my adulation will be reward enough.
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Is there an issue raised for not being able to run mvnw on windows?
Getting a ClassNotFoundException from maven-wrapper.jar in the .mvn folder
It's the main class it is looking for apparently
puritylake: I don't know. Probably not but I guess search for mvnw
Doesn't look like it, I don't see what the issue is with the file though
I can see if I can repro on my windows machine...I will have to swap over to it
No rush, running maven installed on the system still works but just thought I'd check if anyone else was having this issue
So sqlite3 in arjdbc before: 7650 runs, 21357 assertions, 36 failures, 38 errors, 18 skips
kares: I know we are more autoreconnect within Java than normal cext AR so I am not sure what flakiness I am adding by making closed? (which really is just the mirror of open? which has same comment). Seeing our #execute renegotioate connections if they are lost happening in Java knowing this seems to also be happening in Ruby in generic AR code makes me message you :)
puritylake it grabbed maven 3.8.1 jar unpacked it and built JRuby. So I guess works for me. I happen to be using Java JDK 17
I see my issue, my path had a space and ' character in it
Yup moving folder fixes it
headius: looking at your issue https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/7177 I find the japanese characters don't show up even in just printing, just weird characters for me or question marks in the case of printing
It doesn't apply to just strscan, this could also be an issue on my side though
puritylake: I believe an issue here might be that muliple byte characters on windows get transcoded to an output encoding for display in a console
like CP1252
which for ASCII is no big deal
but for, let's say UTF-8, it needs to transcode UTF-8 to CP-1252 or something like that
I suspect this is a larger generic issue
puritylake: if you can make a utf-8 method and NoMethodError like ```-e "ใในใ"```
Although if that works it may be because a command-line string is cp1252
so put that into a file test.rb and run it
If that does not display properly then it is a generic issue with multibyte chars (mbc is shorthand for that)
mbc being display as UTF-8 looks like garbage if you just dump it to a cp-1252 terminal
Same problem it seems
I have repeated cp-1252 here multiple times but I am not sure how wide-chars in windows get presented to a terminal
cp-1252 is similar to iso8859_1 which is largely just an 8bit (single byte) representation
I may have known at some point :) but wchar in windows presented to terminals display properly
they are not utf-8 so I think my explanation above is the same
So is it possible for java to print in wchar?
My memory is remembering that wchar is sort of like utf-16
I just remember to terminate wchar you need \0\0
We have a huge transcoding system built on top of C Ruby's encoding data so we can probably represent anything
but I just don't know how we handle this (or if we do). I just remembered that you cannot just dump utf-8 data into a windows terminal and have it look right
Text in computers definitely is an area I am not very good with, well international text being solely english speaker
* text being that I am a solely english
yeah text is horrible to support
lopex: perhaps you can tell us what I am saying above :)
lopex: windows transcodes output for display in a windows console right?
what do I know
you mean full unicode support ?
technically CharSequence support all codepoints
but for example String#charAt only supports UCS-2
lopex: The specific use case is a UTF-8 method name NoMethodError should display those characters in a human-readable way as an error method in a windows window
lopex: you have already helped
it's like utf-16 without surrogates
puritylake: wchar is UCS-2 encoded
lopex: All I remembered was it was terminated with two 0's :)
To think I mostly implemented win32ole and I cannot remember any of this stuff
but there may be more diffreences between utf-16 and ucs-2
Windows has never been my thing
like is there endianness in ucs-2 ?
lopex: does windows run on different endian machines?
technbically there should
I would not be surprised but I don't know
wchar is juz like short in c right ?
two bytes
That's what I had always assumed
yeah I think it is 2 bytes
So I don't really get how that works without surrogates
so the double zero makes sense
well, it doesnt support full unicode
2^16-1 chars?
so it has to have smaller planes for codepoints
I am confused but I suppose this does not matter
65,536 - well with zero
terminator counts
"The characters in UCS-2 are synchronized to the Basic Multilingual Plane in Unicode."
well, I know what BMP is but
what does it mean syncchonized...
well what UCS-2 is ... is not as important as how we represent strings as errors in JRuby
I would assume for majority of cases to work just like utf-16
I make the string using Ruby String now (using the str() utility method) so the string is a consistent encoding. The Java makes it into characters and it gets barfed out onto the screen
So it looks we just let Java handle this detail for us
I swear this used to work
I will not mention Charlie by handle since he is at the airport but he changed how this works last year
It actually looks more correct now but we used to just do asJavaString() on a RubyString
I could also be wrong
puritylake: as it stands figuring out why puts is not displaying to console is higher value than error messages not printing out. With that said I guess when we print out exceptions we must bypass Ruby IO to do that or we would see the same ???
So maybe look at the rbW32WriteConsole method or possibly even just look at other issues if this is looking too hairy
The actual problem is the charsequence we think we are making is not right
or what we are expecting of System.console().printf() is not working as expected
In both cases I would be annoyed to see wrong text showing up in a windows console but it would not prevent me from running a Rails app
It would just make debugging it challenging if there were lots of mbc text and I depended on the console
I could still look in the log file
but if I was making a command-line app on windows this would be a show-stopper
I just suspect that is not many people
Honestly looking through this, I don't think I could figure it out, at least in a timely manner
* at least not in a
puritylake: yeah and that's fine. This is a more complicated thing
if you can run spec:ruby:fast or test:mri and see windows specific failures there are oodles
I'll give that a go
lopex: how are you doing?
enebo: surprisingly quite well nowadays, thanks for asking
last year learned quite a bit about cryptography, needed it for work (banking)
and about those damned clouds
enebo: also we have a new trend here, craft vodka :P
lopex: straight vodka is a neutral spirit so I am guessing it is about having the right flavors added to it
those are too goods for driks seriously
driks too
well I dont have to many oportunities now though
I am not much of a spirits guy. I find it too hard on my gut
yeah I think it is all the same thing. you get around freezing and remove the non-liquid
water freezes before the alcohol
yeah I know
but still you might get some losses :P
you can lick the ice
and god knows how the extract reacts
Most beers at 16% start to get a flavor like a liqeur
enebo: you still brew at home ?
so it is not too surprisnig to take a barley wine as they are already pretty sweet
toffee and all that
yeah, but that one at relatively low temps you could only feel the heat
I have not in the last year but I did last year...once
in the throat
jeeze I had to look up how do I write throat
and I know words like larynx and pelvis
blame it on age
and not that english is your second or third language
I was about to say very same thing
better is a history
wow just looked up your covid numbers
looks like things are really pretty good or the government is lying
after omicron those went down significantly in EU and US
even in JAN in became bovious is the end of things
like more contagious and less pathogenic
standard path
more contagious than measles and about as deadly as the flu
not as deadly
not even close now
and I'm not into conspiracy thories :P
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I dont get what China does now though
ifr of covid is what now? 0.1
I think flu is 0.04 but covid may have dropped more
but of course this is an averaged statistic. If you are not vaccinated it is probably many multiples higher than the flu
well which covid
Although we are "mostly" talking about older folks
omicron replaced all old strains
delta was almost 10x higher ifr
In any case I think my issue is there is no guarantee next variant will even come from omicron
well here i Poland out government is so fucking incompetent they cant even lie propertly
it's like a big mess
BA.2 is taking over BA.1 and so that is ancestral but Delta and omicron where related waaaaay back
but the rest of EU came to the same conslusion, GB leading the way
Until omicron every spike had a new variant where you tracked their ancestry they effectively were not related
I heard the peak for omicron in west EU was in march
from different sources
which if that happens again then we can maybe go back to and ifr which is 100x worse than omicron...or 100x better
but the eveolutionary mechanism is always the same
pathogenicity drops
but what I don't understand is you need to be more contagious to take over so ??? maybe omicron will be always be ancestral
no that is not true
The number of times I have read epidemiologists say you cannot count on that
more contagious good at this stage, ti will produce even weaker pathogenes
Yeah I don't think that is true either but I think it may make it harder for something radically different from omicron to take hold
well, it's a common mechanism, the maybe exceptions
but it makes sense for me
unless omicron and another strain mix via recombinant virus
very rare
there was this deltacron
It has happened with covid already...just has not become dominant
but it could.
it always can
you have billions of petri dishes walking around :)
but it';s rare
it like genetics drift and genetic shift
the worst things come from genetic shift in birds and mammals
We probably should cut this conversation off but my main concern is we have never left pandemic state anywhere. We are spiking again in MN (albeit a much slower spike)
yeah, I'm a bit biesed here too, since covid is no loger a topis in EU
in 3 weeks we went from 3/100k and we are up to 37/100k. Last week we were 28 or so
for another reason
this ignores most people are not reporting it unless it is more serious or they have some reporting requirement
Most of the US has not had this happen though. A few places are slow-spiking
they were always at odds with political decisions
the other thing is of course different populations respond differently
lots of factors
tons fo factors
you call it
though I;'m a bit surpprised about what you said about MN
it's not a densly populated state is it ?
in US we reclassified hospitalizations/deaths. We stopped reporting requirements from states to the CDC. We stopped masking. We stopped reimbursing rapid tests
It is just a super contagious virus which is continuously spreading but the spread is predicated on lots of variables
and average age ?
comared to other states ?
The US is literally messaging that is not that serious. So people are going out and mixing it up.
Our age I do not think is a lot different than others
Our largest county does have the most cases right now but historically that has not really held true
well, we almost have a joke here in Poland, covid ended 24.2.2022
Usually that county is average or even a little below it
I think policy and messaging is making people do things which make more people sick
enebo: now we had like 3mln imigrants, and no testing
lopex: yeah that's a tough situation
you are so close :)
we're also the only path for transferring the weapons
so you're perception changes a bit wrt covid :P
here now it;s a history
no one even talks about it in media etc
yeah I wish that were true but we are still in a pandemic the world over
no the youtubers make money talking about the war
My main perception of covid is I don't want long covid.
I am not worried about dying or getting a serious hospital visit because I limit exposure. I am pretty healthy
but we don't know that much about long covid.
well, I guess I'm on high risk list too
mid age smoking etc
we do have some hope with things like fluvoxid
but I'm tired of it
it supposedly clears much of the virus once you know you have it without making your immune system go ape shit
So if we get decent treatment drugs and people can readily take them and it prevents long covid AND covid continues being approximately omicron...then I will be ok
ah, the long covid, how frequent is it and on what condition ?
look, those terms are from the past :P
I know ver young ppl that had it
The stats are not very clear and one thing to come from long covid is that long flu and long other viruses is a thing that is starting to be recognized more now
so are you affraid of it
but one study I saw about 7-8 months ago said 1 million workers are no longer in the work force because of long covid
(in the US)
I think they said something like 4 million people said they have symptoms
I'd look at more data seriously
It is not just a single study but the studies themselves are squishy
long covid is so many symptoms/conditions
like metaanalysis thingy
but it is not just one place. It is definitely real and I can see people in our field complaining about having it
It is for sure real but how real is the problem
Taking off for AMS now, will be online later from the air
but I dont know how frequent it is
human studies that are largely survey's are the hardest science
headius: ok have a good flight
lopex: yeah as I said I want to understand long covid and all I know is it definitely is real and has many symptoms....just not sure how many people really get it
yeah, but how many papers talked about tak
how were the peer reviews
what countries
Also things like a study showing people who made it to the hospital. Like 25% of a study of like 450 people (not a big number) has significant cognitive decline
what arxiv index etc
oh yeah I know. There are a lot of bad studies
I'm not trying to diminish that
no I got your point and I agree with it
but there is no way long covid is not real. It is mostly just understanding the magnitude of it
who is denying long covid ?
What is interesting as well is a lot of these symptoms have been documented in other viruses. So this is not really unique at all
I think people are not denying it outright but since it is not so easy to put a number to people dismiss it as something which is rare
and I guess it depends on the definition of rare
If 3% of the people get it is it rare?
yeah, makes sense
but clinically you have to build some kind of a model that identifies it
and more than 2 years into this we have people writing papers but it is not the major topic of covid
I guess probably because death and hospitalizations are more immediate
actually the powers like facebook etc could to it
havin stolen all the bright minds :P
crowdsourcing problems I think can solve a number of things
but removing bad data is not something I understand
just like the spanish flu
yeah, in greated schemes of things we'll get insights after like 10 years from now
I was horrible in college statistics and I am not a sociologist
yeah, hated statistscs as well
It seems like we repeated the spanish flu socially pretty much
and terrible execution
same misinfo campaigns. same fatigue from it sticking around
from whatever point of view
maybe covid will disappear a few years from now in the same sense spanish flu did
I don't know. I am mostly just concerned and I do not think this is over. At least not yet
during 2020-2021 polish government was cirtisised mostly for overplaying covid for other morbidities
adn I agree this that
like you had a stroke and dies because mild covid patient had precedence
in the US the reason people died from strokes was not gov giving preference to covid patients. It is that we have a privatized health system which only factors in ~15-20% excess ICU space
So every spike pretty much would nuke our entire state of any ICU space
yeah, thats fucked in the US
People in MN were in ambulances for hours and hours because no hospital would admit them
there's a vid on YT where the tell GB ppl how costly healt insurance is
imagine the shock
yeah I mean it is amazing how broken our system is and I have seen that video
that one shows the cost of holding your baby right?
and cases like accident victims dont want to call for ambulance
they just cant afford
most people who call an ambulance in the US will effectively be bankrupt if they have no health insurance
I'd be concerned here too in Poland but no bancrupt
it's different in other ways here
all countries have their issues I guess
US health care for a programmer working for a company is probably pretty ok health care
like you pay for national health but you choose to pay commecial companies just for get the thing done in time
and be better treated
but we constantly deal with bizarre rejections of payments where you have to resubmit before the insurance pays...just shit like that
yeah for nantional health care this is a debated topic right? private for premium can hurt the national system
Some people say they should have the option if they are willing to pay but others say by allowing that it creates a system which encourages it which makes the national system worse due to profit motive
hah, it;s critisised here too, but because it's overblown and corrupted
but I think almost all systems with dual care like this has the same criticisms
who is right? I don't know. I will not cast stones :) I live in the US
anyways I should consider prepping some dinner
for anyone else on this channel both lopex and I apologize for our typical tangent into the abyss :)
we will not return people to the regularly scheduled channel on jruby
yeah, good talkin to you
lopex: and I am glad to talk with you. We have not had a chat in a long time
we might spin off some other channel for that
yeah we should
err afk
enebo: I guess the only thing we didnt agree on was that patohgenicity/contagious, I'm not an expert on that but we can tackle in on another room