there, fixed the file names in the ruby-versions checksums database, so ruby-install will correctly verify the downloaded jruby release files again. https://github.com/postmodern/ruby-versions/issues/53
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enebo: woot just saw 6777
well not totally woot
it should be now though
so the method table change seems to be working out
When I woke up I forgot I pushed that fix before stopping so I did not see it had a single regression
yeah if you look at my PR you will see quite a few changes but most of those were me getting rid of the use of getNonIncludedClass to getOrigin
yeah we should have done that a long time ago just to match terminology
sharing the method was a couple of lines to IncludedModuleWrapper with a bunch of removed methods since we do not need to delegate any more
I fixed two other prepend bugs not actually solved by this but they are tiny commits which can be evaluated pretty easily
There is one more I am looking at for constant resolution of a included module which has been prepended
ah yeah
I can see if I do ancestors I see the right list but if I walk up superclasses it skips them
I wonder if we could just rename PrependedModule
it is not something I would ever expect third-party code to care about
we have a lot of checks like 'attribute == other.attribute' to mean things like 'skip this it is prepended' which has made understanding this more difficult
Yeah I thought about that too
I would guess no one should be using it in an instanceof or constructing it directly
yeah they do this.methodTable == that.methodTable checks in MRI too which are confusing
getOrigin change looks so much better
It also is shorter :)
Another thing I was thinking about was making an isSame then I realized there was one so I made isSameOrigin
yeah I see that
yeah this doesn't look bad
I thought about using it for things where we don't even neccesarily need to call getOrigin on one member just to make it more obvious
For 3.0 logic we will also need to keep track of all includes/prepends on original module so when we change it via include/prepend all consumers of it will change
so they do basically delegate like we always wanted to
well it sure looks that way
should have been that way years ago
yeah although the accounting sort of explains why they were resistant
I see you have a PR for 9.2 as well, you feel pretty safe about it>
so frustrating that we can't mark more than one milestone for these prepend issues
I landed one directly as it was just a mistake of not adding methodLocation.searchXXX if was only searchXXXX
there's a mix of prepend issues marked for 9.2.20 or 9.3 right now, just reviewing updates
This other one which is a PR atm is just removing using definedClass in AliasMethod for call(s) klazz
which I would argue was the wrong behavior anyways if we were in the presence of a method containing a super
I did not verify that but it looked wrong to me
alias super behavior has changed subtly over the years too
I think we still do it a bit differently than CRuby
it was masking off findImplementer logic
It might have been correct for some other setDefinedClass consumer maybe knowing it is the proper location to search if super is present but in the case of prepend I don't think that is right
LOL ok...so definedClass is only used for prepend
there's not much left on 9.3... reviewing to see what can be deferred
I punted a couple obscure load issues to 9.3.1
headius: and just to follow up...I recently changed milestones on those prepend issues to reflect where I planned on landing them
2 of them are isolated enough to just go on 9.2 the super one donv opened is fixed (among other things) by sharing the method map
that one I was less gung ho on considering backporting
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It feels bigger/riskier in a way I cannot really qualify
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yeah cool I saw that bunch get retargeted and it will be great to have them gone
The 2 I did back port are either completely broken (alias) or super obviously just doing it wrong
I am looking at this thread kill race issue for a bit
there's not much else that needs to go into 9.3 of the non-prepend stuff
but with that said 'doing it wrong' makes me wonder how many more sites should be updated in our code base to do methodLocation.XXX
I am hoping to fix the constant one and then the only open prepend issue is enumerable in JI which I do not think is likely really prepends issue
nice this may be fixed by my handle_interrupt changes
it is not hanging on master
A spicy bonus would be if I could fix the two other prepend alias owner issues in ruby/spec that are tagged out
Although owner of alias methods I doubt are all that important in real code
Especially since they report weird anonymous classes
prepend on include which is then included is a weird beast codewise :)
m = Module.new { def meth; :m end }
c = Class.new { prepend(m); alias_method :alias, :meth }
oh ruby
owner of meth here should be c but it is likely some wrapper :)
so I likely will only fix this if it is obvious (e.g. 30-45 minutes of puttering)
I am really only boiling the ocean on these issues because 3.0 is a significant change and I want us to be pretty working on old behavior before changing it
yeah for sure
great leap forward
yeah this seems fixed
ok the 9.2 thing says red but it ran out of meatspace in a jit job
enebo: oh not sure if you saw but FFI changes backported to 9.2 look good now too
that covers upgrading as well as the bundle issue where we activate FFI too early
zeitwerk test suite is nearly 100%, only three failures, so I closed the original issue and punted those failures to 9.3.1
down to 9 open (milestone shows 10 but there's only 9 in the list) with 7 of those prepend related
ok and only 1 of those 7 is not fixed
I punted the open-ended fiber leak issue and will examine that in 9.3.1 along with the parallel fiber shutdown thing that eregon filed
the optmized escapeCGI is part of prepend too if you were including that PR
they may or may not be related but given the fact that fiber shutdown runs in parallel there is a potential for it to interfere with fiber termination
shutdown runs in the GC and because it can trigger ensures and runs in parallel it may end up racing and messing up the locking structures involved
enebo: last issue with bundler was also fixed by other updates
so I'm thinking a round of gem and dependency updates
sure thing
may as well be current when we leave the gate
yeah and there have been some good jnr updates recently