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esden: I was able to rework the vregs and the thing passes POST
Thanks for the pointer
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Ohh! Ok! Glad to hear that! 🙂 I hope it serves you well!
I say "I", but it was one of the techs at work.
Is there an easy way to get the logic analyzer demo running with a client?
I successfully got the glasgow analyzer applet to read a can bus! (which with some manual debouncing decoded properly in pulseview and told me my timing values were wrong)
how did you read it?
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mjmdavis[m], by stuffing the low side directly into the glasgow and setting the read voltage as 3.3V since this particular transceiver was idling at 2.3V and I biased the midpoint closer to 1.3V since can is driven strongly away from idle
no transceiver necessary :D
and pulseview for reading/decoding
though I need to try gtkwave since pulseview has some issues
pulseview is very slow to read these files!
yes....I noticed
and if there's too much in the file it will eat memory until the system thrashes and dies
--pins-i argument is a comma-separated list
so you'd want 0,1, not 01
any tips for avoiding FIFO overrun?
*"0,1", not 01
none, I didn't need to capture that much data
I was essentially just letting the FIFO overrun kill the capture
it only seems to run for a few secs before dying
yeah...I think this is a known issue
I guess there's no "STOP" command
you just ctrl+c the capture to end it
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There is a safe however.
opticron: yrp
* yep
been doing that, ok cool
Any insights as to the buffer overflow thing? Is it a libusb buffer not being emptied?
iirc, the suggestion last time this was brought up is that the glasgow really needs high speed buffer of some kind for this type of use case (and others), the suggestion being a hyperram module
if the ram-pak does end up getting made, I'm interested in having one
we also need gateware for it, which i started prototyping but never quite pushed it to completion
that would be cool
lots for me to learn here but is USB isochronous not good enough for transferring 24MHz to the host?
The old Logic / all the clones did that with just the FX2
although I guess the main use case here is not LA but active logic for TRX etc...
there's a single-digit (or low double-digit) number of prototypes of them already in circulation; the hardware is basically verified, we just need to write a bunch of code and integrate it into the glasgow framework
mjmdavis[m]: USB isochronous is not something you want to use
but also: the problem with the whole thing is not bandwidth, but rather small buffer sizes available on the glasgow + FX2, which coupled with how USB works easily results in overruns
hence hyperram for extra buffering
right, but the cheap logic analyzers manage
maybe because they just have to read and dump for PortA on the FX2?
The ram module makes a ton of sense though!
mjmdavis[m]: they dont
100 MHz @ 2ch basically never works in practice even on Linux
they cap out at 24MHz I think
and if you cut the bandwidth to resemble what works with the cheap LAs you will find that it works with glasgow too
oh, right, the FPGA less ones
they sample with the FX2 directly
the original logic
you could try to make an applet that submits a single byte every other cycle
that will probably give you pretty good results
the current applet is being overly clever for uninteresting historical reasons
There's a ton of cool stuff you could do with the FPGA to get really high sample rates for sure.
How do people feel about webusb?
the current applet tries to do delta compression which works for very sparse signals but fails for many "normal" ones in a way that simply streaming full bytes would not
mjmdavis[m]: i ported openfpgaloader to websusb
* i ported openfpgaloader to webusb
also the entire foss fpga toolchain to wasm
Is there a build of the firmware with webusb descriptors?
i dont believe any extant software reads those
chromium hasnt cared in a very long time and firefox never had webusb i think
I believe Chrome does?
It would be very nice to be able to run the appelets in a browser with a UI.
it does not
and yes, glasgow-on-web has been the goal for a long time
i do have a build of libusb for web but i do not have a port of python-libusb1
if you could get that made and contributed it to pyodide repos that would be much appreciated
FWIW I got the glasgow analyzer to capture a trace, imported to Sigrok, exported a subset (only way to cut?) and then imported it again to get the SPI decoder to work and I was able to read bytes. So that does work. YAY
although the saleae experience is much nicer :P
I've been doing a lot of instrument control stuff in the web but it's mostly python async client to webserver to Svelte webapp
Might another way be to simply download existing bitstreams from a repo, push them in over webusb, and then read the output?
I guess a lot of the params are compiled into the bitstream?
basically all of thrm
we fundamentally treat bitstreams as disposable
but also, the entire toolchain has already been ported
porting that part to web will take maybe a day of work for me, to add some shims for pyodide
the problems are (in increasing order) libusb1 and an UI
more comfortable with UI than libusb but I can give libusb a go for sure
libusb1 is already ported to esm, you only need to make it play nice with pyodide
UI... i really dont like the modern web stack
its not as bad as it used to be since at least you dont need babel anymore, but people still go wild with SPA frameworks in ways im really not happy abouy
its also not clear what kind of ui do we even wany
if it aims to expose a non command line version that will be stalled on a refactoring of the core that makes programmatic inspection of applets not be awful
I have become a fan of Svelte with JSDoc. However I understand the concerns around the web stack.
a command line version is a very easy sell thougg
that or code only
like, if the proposal is to ship yowasp+pyodide+libusb+glasgow and monaco/xterm.js with esbuild im on board already
if it is more invasive i am much less on board
* with esbuild, im
i specifically do not want it to have any kind of backend
directory full of static files is perfect
that's easy to achieve
yowasp is packaged as a bunch of very nice esbuild compatible typescript packages already
you can even run it from the devtools with a oneliner
the glasgow toolchain module will need another option that detects pyodide and picks yowasp as a (only) valid toolchain
we dont have any C extensions in python deps besides libusb and some aiohttp stuff that i swear should just not use an extension in first place
the aiohttp stuff is optional anyway
after this you should be able to run the glasgow main in the browser
xterm.js will do fine for invoking it but a valid question to ask is "how do i get files to/from the applet?"
since its chrome only then the filesystem api might work
at the moment (until the applet ui situation is less of a mess) i dont want something like HTML UI even if its optional
but we could discuss the needed redesign
We use pydantic models for parameters for commands and then generate UI based on json schema generated from the pydantic model.
this is one option to evaluate
i dont super liked pydantic the last time i looked at it but i havent made any specific decisions yet
s/dont/didnt/, s/liked/like/
mostly i feel like its solving a related but different problem
well, it's kind of doing the typing stuff as well as the serialisation to json and typing in js
an you can be very specific
well yes but what i want is some sort of abstract description of like, pins and Amaranth streams and stuff
upstream libusb includes webusb code
you can look at yowasp/openfpgaloader-web repo for an example
so it's just the pyodide libusb1 thing?
trying to grasp the problem statement
pyodide has a list of packages they build yourself because they feature C extensions and you cant upload binary wheels for the web on pypu
they build these packages using conda, which is upsetting but nothing you can do about it
you understand why i didnt want to do it myself, yes?
would be already done otherwise
anyway, there is some way to build a C extension that includes inline JS snippets, like libusb1 does, and package it for pyodide, in their build system
i would like you to do this (write a build script integrating existing python-libusb1 and libusb1 sources, most likely unmodified or almost unmodified) and submit it to the pyodide folks
writing it all from scratch in rust sounds more fun
that's *sort of* planned but at the moment i do not have the bandwidth to guide or review that project
but also i didn't make yowasp because it was fun (it was miserable); i did it because i wanted the users of glasgow to not suffer
How is the performance in wasm compared to python?
performance of what?
or is it called "synthesis"
I'm confused
we don't do synthesis in Python
yosys is a C++ program
my bad
prjunnamed, which we'll ideally replace it with some day, is a Rust program
anyway, yosys is about as fast as a native application, nextpnr is about half the speed
so it's not bad at all
yosys has good performance because it does a lot of pointer chasing and wasm32 pointers are half as big
that's cool
so it has great cache locality (i think)
its completely usable to the point i use yowasp-yosys as my primary yosys
* primary yosys binary
so the whole compile in browser thing is pretty realistic
and you can do it in a webworker probably
yes, yowasp stuff works both on the main thread and in workerd
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