whitequark[cis] changed the topic of #glasgow to: https://glasgow-embedded.org · digital interface explorer · https://www.crowdsupply.com/1bitsquared/glasgow · code https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/glasgow · matrix #glasgow-interface-explorer:matrix.org · discord https://1bitsquared.com/pages/chat
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Cattus[m] has joined #glasgow
<Cattus[m]> Hi Folks, I got the coreboot-flashrom website updated to show that the Glasgow is supported hardware for the serprog protocol, and linked to a blogpost walking through how to use it.
whitequark[cis]1 has joined #glasgow
<whitequark[cis]1> oh that's really cool! thank you
<whitequark[cis]1> there are quite a few more people than just me who've done major contributions to the project
<Cattus[m]> Ah, apologies! I can submit a patch if theres a preferred way to credit folks
<whitequark[cis]1> i'd say just link to the website
<whitequark[cis]1> https://glasgow-embedded.org
<Cattus[m]> Sure I can do that
<Cattus[m]> Thinking now, I should probably have reached out here first. I'll know for next time!
<whitequark[cis]1> it's all good
<whitequark[cis]1> in the blog post, I noticed you run `glasgow build`, that isn't needed as it's implicit in `run|
<whitequark[cis]1> * in the blog post, I noticed you run `glasgow build`, that isn't needed as it's implicit in `glasgow run`
<Cattus[m]> Ah thankyou. I was trying lots of things during troubleshooting so I probably did a few unnecessary things.
<jn> glad the serprog support is seeing some use :)
<jn> (it's the one tiny thing i contributed)
<Cattus[m]> Heres the uncommitted change, if yall are happy I will submit:
<jn> https instead of http, perhaps
<Cattus[m]> ah my bad, good catch
<jn> other than that, looks good to me
<whitequark[cis]1> seems good!
<Cattus[m]> Cool cool
<whitequark[cis]1> might also want to explore memory-25x applet
<Cattus[m]> oooo Ok!
<jn> (although perhaps, you could also just stip the schema from the displayed version of the link - it's a matter of style though, you decide)
<jn> s/stip/strip/
<Cattus[m]> Ill make it consistent with the other two links
<Cattus[m]> Is that what you mean?
<jn> what i meant is pointing to https://glasgow-embedded.org and rendering/displaying glasgow-embedded.org instead of https://glasgow-embedded.org -- i find that the schema (https:) is rather noisy to look at and doesn't add much value
<Cattus[m]> Ok no problem
<jn> anyway, just my two cents on a rather minor detail :)
* jn heads to bed
<jn> Cattus[m]: yup!
<Cattus[m]> Cool thankyou. Its cool, I want to be consistent with what yall already have.
<whitequark[cis]1> purrfect
<Cattus[m]> Patch can be tracked here: https://review.coreboot.org/c/flashrom/+/85929
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