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Apologies if the blatant self-promotion goes against the grain, but I've built a tool that some folks here might find useful. Simplify VCD lets you change the timescale of VCD captures, and slice unneeded time from the start and the end of the file.
I built it to let Pulseview and Sigrok handle Glasgow's analyser captures better; Pulseview would always suck 100% of a core and spin for minutes whenever I tried to open the capture. I've been working with 9600 baud Modbus signals, so nano-second timing is OTT for my needs. Re-scaling my files to micro-seconds and trimming the blank time before my signals makes Pulseview usable again.
this sort of self-promotion is welcome
it's a useful tool that solves a real problem that can't be easily solved elsewhere and benefits everybody
mikecoatsdotcom[, nice, that would have been useful a little while back. I was also considering building a debouncer for VCDs
I was having trouble getting CAN captures to decode properly and had to go through and manually debounce
probably wouldn't have been an issue if I weren't already committing shenanigans
at that point i would probably just add an RC filter :D
pulseview could use a debounce filter as well :)
although if i didn't feel like soldering it is not too difficult to modify the gateware
we should have a pulse filter somewhere in glasgow gateware
fair enough, if I were doing it more than once I would have fixed the issue in a more reasonable way
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