dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> delthas: that'll be interesting to see how it goes...
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<dnkl> heads up; there's a bug in the master branch, where closing a terminal, or soft- or hard resetting it accidentally closes FD 0. This typically leads to a crash later
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<delthas> dnkl: notifications working perfectly on foot master (detecting close, activation, explicit close)
<delthas> i guess there is a small difference https://f.dille.cc/delthas/5ce7695c1.png which is that foot does not explicitly pass its own app-id as the notification icon, but that's probably expected. lower notifications is with osc 99, upper one is me with dbus
<dnkl> delthas: the default should be "foot" (or"footclient") for both app-name and icon
<dnkl> perhaps your notification daemon requires "org.codeberg.dnkl.foot" to be able to map it to an icon...
<dnkl> both mako and fnott displays the icon just fine
<delthas> dnkl: when app-id is set, the icon should be that of the app-id, right?
<dnkl> unless --icon is set
<dnkl> actually, the protocol doesn't say anything about app-name being used as icon
<dnkl> there's an explicit app-icon parameter that needs to be set
<dnkl> but notify-send sets it to the same thing as the app-name if --icon is used
<dnkl> now, foot does set --icon if you use the default configuration
<dnkl> but it should expand to the same thing as --app-name (by foot)
<dnkl> you can check with 'ps' while you have a notification dieing 6
<dnkl> showing
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<dnkl> (look for notify-send)
<dnkl> hmm, no, notify-send sends an empty icon string if --icon isn't used
<dnkl> so it's really up to the notification daemon what to show
<dnkl> mako and fnott simply doesn't show any icon at all in this case
<dnkl> in any case, it should be fairly simple to get the notify-send command used by foot, and then manually tweak it until it "works". then we'll know what the daemon is expecting
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<delthas> ah yeah foot does pass --app-name senpai and --icon senpai
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<delthas> oh
<delthas> it seems to me that notify-send isnt compliant to the spec wrt the icon
<delthas> notify-send calls org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify with app_icon = "senpai"
<delthas> but app_icon should specify the type of icon we are sending, either "image-data", "image-path" or "icon_data"
<delthas> and the actual name should be sent as a hint
<delthas> actually im not sure. but thats the difference i'm seeing between my implementation and notify-send
<delthas> oh okay no, my impl is probably wrong (but it works because i'm passing the desktop-name in addition to app_icon)
<delthas> the spec supports both an icon and an image. foot sets --icon, so the notification has the right icon. but no image.
<delthas> my impl sets an image in addition to the icon, so that's why i'm seeing a big senpai image in addition to the small icon.
<delthas> so i think the foot implementation is good. set the icon, but no image.
<delthas> if an image is set it should probably be different from the icon anyway. like the icon should always be the current app-id of foot, but when we add support for notification images, the image should be added to the notification in addition to the icon
<dnkl> right, notify-send doesn't seem to set image-path or image-data at all
<dnkl> guess I could add support to 'fyi' to set icon and image-path separately
<delthas> this works: notify-send -p -w --icon senpai -h STRING:image-path:senpai himom
<delthas> -h enables setting hints
<dnkl> oh, right, yeah, you can set the hint manually
<dnkl> now... should we add that to the default notif-send command used by foot 🤔
<dnkl> ?
<delthas> imo (even though thats what im doing right now) we shouldnt set an image by default
<delthas> it would be redundant with the icon
<delthas> i'd suggest to add that when we enable terminal apps to explicitly set an image
<delthas> wrt your ongoing discussion with kovid
<dnkl> yeah... just trying to figure out how to that given the template based implementation foot uses to call out to notify-send
<delthas> ahhh
<dnkl> I guess we could hope that notification daemons ignore empty image-path hints...
<dnkl> I mean, they must handle invalid filenames. right...?
<delthas> notify-send -p -w --icon senpai -h STRING:image-path: himom works fine on gnome (no image is displayed, no placeholder for the image is displayed either. just as if no image was passed)
<dnkl> alright. then I think I'll change the default to "notify-send -a ${app-id} -i ${app-id} -h STRING:image-path:${icon} ..."
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<delthas> regarding chunking the osc 99 payload, should i base64 encode first, and then chunk by 2048 bytes, or chunk the string first then base64 encode?
<dnkl> spec says max payload is 2048 *before* encoding
<dnkl> foot doesn't care, we don't have a limit on OSC escapes
<delthas> dnkl: should foot also send -h STRING:desktop-entry:${app-id} ?
<dnkl> don't think that's necessary since we always use --icon?
<delthas> the icon is working fine, but i was just looking at the standard hints table, and theroretically it could help notification daemons if we passed it? "This can be used by the daemon to retrieve the correct icon for the application, for logging purposes, etc."
<delthas> not sure if this is overkill
<dnkl> I think it's overkill. But I'll remember it, in case we need it in the future
<delthas> +1
<delthas> other (overkill) feature: setting the category. such as im.received
<delthas> this could be another osc 99 field that foot could pass through to notify send
<delthas> mako can make use of this: users can define criteria to apply some configuration conditonally, and the category is one of the criteria that can be used
<dnkl> if category is added to the protocol, we'll add it to the default notify-send command as well
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<neurocyte> is there a way to launch a command in the current terminal's cwd with a keybinding? I could miss-use one of the pipe-* actions, but I don't actually need any input.
<neurocyte> I want to open (for example) tig status in another window in the same directory
<j`ey> ctrl-shift-n should do that by default
<j`ey> that's if your shell reports cwd via osc7
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<neurocyte> yeah, but I want to run a command too, not just open an empty terminal window
<dnkl> neurocyte: add a binding to your shell?
<dnkl> FD 0 bug fixed, master should be safe to use again :)
<j`ey> oh I see, misunderstood
<dnkl> delthas: I've updated the master branch to use ${app-id} as the default --icon, and instead pass ${icon} via --hint STRING:image-path:
<dnkl> (using the not yet finalized icon/image support in OSC-99)
<neurocyte> dnkl: I would like it to work anywhere, not just when I am at a shell prompt
<neurocyte> 'pipe-visible=[sh -c "cat > /dev/null ; foot tig status"] Control+Mod1+g' seems to work fine, I'll just use that
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<dnkl> yeah, that should work. If we were to implement it natively in foot, it'd be virtually the same thing, minus stdin. It might make sense to add support for that, but I'd like to see if there are more people who would want that feature before implementing it
<neurocyte> I use it a lot. build commands (check/test/build), git commands (tig status/log), docker commands (lazydocker), file manager (ranger), basically anything I might need in the current project.
<neurocyte> and with foot these commands start instantly. I'm *really* impressed with how fast foot is, and I don't even use the client/server thing.
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<toast> yeah IME foot doesn’t benefit much from the client server thing outside of very underpowered clients like the pinebook
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<Brazhh> hi i was searching for a good lightweight terminal on wayland because kitty is burning my laptop
<Brazhh> can foot be the one that i need?
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<rockorager> Brazhh: yes.
<Brazhh> good i switch let's see
<xoip> archlinux, latest foot and sway do not fit well together? the terminal shines through on the left and top
<xoip> latest = from extra repo
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