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alright, I'm working on a patch where:
foot considers the notification dismissed when the notification command returns
and treats anything printed on stdout as an activation token
"there aren't any technical issues anyway" -> not sure how we'd do it from foot though if we don't do dbus stuff ourselves? theres no way to dismiss a notification with notify-send, or is there?
ah, no, you're right
one could maybe use --replace and set a small --expire-time 🤣
oh, and I'm throwing in icon support in my implementation of OSC99
(I=symbolic name)
also is the notification "closed" when the user clicks on it?
delthas: <dnkl> foot considers the notification dismissed when the notification command returns
if you use notify-send, you can add --wait to achieve this
yeah, but i'm wondering if clicking the notification closes it
--wait will be added to foot's default configuration
that's up to the notification daemon
ok yeah it does on gnome. nice
delthas: anyway, I still don't see a problem with adding it to the protocol
there are alternatives to notify-send that has everything we need
for example, dunstify supports waiting, reporting the ID, and closing a notification
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<dnkl> and treats anything printed on stdout as an activation token
maybe we could prefix it with xdgtoken: or something, that allows to use it for something else in the future as well
otherwise notification stdout can only ever be used for this purpose and nothing else
I'll consider it. Regardless, I'm going to put in a warning that the expected format may change in the future
might want to use stdout for the notification ID too, if we want to support dismissal in the future
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