dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> migrating mastodon account, and forgot to turn off email notifications *before* starting the migration 🤦
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<j`ey> dnkl: whats the new addreaa?
<j`ey> the server i used blocked your old server :/
<dnkl> j`ey: that's one reason I'm switching...
<dnkl> @dnkl@emacs.ch
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<j`ey> dnkl: emacs??? I cant follow that!! :P
<delthas> dnkl: rockorager: modified vaxis to add osc 99 (with activation & close reports, explicit close), modified senpai to use that, tested against kitty-git. it's working nicely :-)
<dnkl> delthas: I plan to merge the OSC-99 PR soon. I am however saving "close" for a follow up PR. It's complex enough it warrants a separate PR
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<rockorager> dnkl: how does one send a patch to thomas dickey?
<rockorager> nevermind I found the ncurses mailing list
<dnkl> rockorager: I've emailed terminfo patches to the ncurses mailing list
<dnkl> if anyone can figure out how to close an existing desktop notification using a helper binary one can reasonably expect to exist on most users systems, I'm all ears
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<delthas> maybe some low level dbus tool? like dbus-send? not sure how common this is
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