dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<Consolatis> oh wow, just recognized dnkl implemented fancy underlines. awesome!
<Consolatis> and echo "$(tput Setulc 0xff0000)$(tput Smulx 3)underlined$(tput Smulx 0)" just works :)
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<dnkl> Consolatis: thanks, I somehow missed setal when I looked for the upstream names. I'll add that too, to our terminfo
<dnkl> and once styled underlines is in a foot release, I'll send a patch to ncurses
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<lanodan> brocellous: One way I've used it recently is via -serial pty which then prints something like /dev/pts/$number which you can pass to foot, and another option you might want to also pass is something like -display none so serial0 / ttyS0 is what -serial pty allocates rather than serial1 / ttyS1.
<j`ey> why is it different to when you just start qemu with -display none and -serial stdio?
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<dnkl> j`ey: stdio prints to the current terminal instance, possibly mixed with other output
<dnkl> pty allocates a new pty, allowing you to see the serial output isolated on a separate foot instance
<j`ey> I guess the 'mixed with other output', is a case I havent run into with qemu!
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<delthas> > <rockorager> dnkl: What do you think about an explicit control sequence to set window urgency (as opposed to hoping that the terminal sets urgency on BEL)?
<delthas> i'm actually interested
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<delthas> i'd like to set urgency when being highlighted in a buffer, but i don't really want to send BEL by default because that makes a sound on most terminals?
<j`ey> dont most terminals actually have a setting for that now?
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<qyliss> brocellous: I use it with Cloud Hypervisor, but I think for QEMU you'd use -chardev pty
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<dnkl> delthas: I'm kind of interested in something other than BEL as well.
<dnkl> too much is using it for things I definitely don't want urgency and/or notifications
<rockorager> dnkl: kitty issue if you want to follow: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/7642
<rockorager> and wezterm:
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<dnkl> rockorager: thanks!
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<j`ey> so is the a DEC mode test for this?
<j`ey> or what's that called to see if a term can support it
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<dnkl> j`ey: is what a DEC mode?
<j`ey> I mean the 2048 resize thing, there's a way to test if the terminal supports it?
<dnkl> it's a private mode, so a regular DECRQM (https://vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/DECRQM.html) will work
<j`ey> Thanks, I haven't really looked at the DEC stuff much
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<rockorager> dnkl: another to track https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/-/issues/11735
<dnkl> rockorager: thanks. btw,I agree with Kovid that the terminal should be required to send the current size when enabled, even if already enabled
<dnkl> I'll update my PR to do that
<rockorager> I updated with that already
<rockorager> Cool
<delthas> dnkl: so would that be some implemented by some escape sequence to set/clear urgency? probably automtiacally cleared by the terminal on window focus
<dnkl> delthas: on wayland (which is all I really know), there's no way to clear urgency.
<delthas> like, it's automatically cleared by the compositor on windows focus and you can't manually clear it?
<dnkl> technically, there's actually no way to set it either... it's just that some compositors interpret a window activation request as a request for urgency
<delthas> oh...
<dnkl> yes, it's done compositor side, and compositor clears it when the window is focused
<delthas> window activation request means requesting the focus?
<dnkl> my understanding is that this was the only way to get _a_, any, protocol merged. GNOME people, at least, were against a proper urgency protocol
<dnkl> yes
<delthas> that might a bit too strong of a request if the intent was just to flash the task bar
<dnkl> "xdg activation"
<dnkl> I think the discussion was about policy vs. procedure; i.e. "set urgency" is too low-level for an application...
<dnkl> compositor decides what to do given an applications intent
<dnkl> or something like that
<dnkl> in any case, what we _can_ do, in foot, is implement an escape that requests urgency. Whether or not urgency is actually set is up to the compositor, and not something we can guarantee
<delthas> yeah, but i'm wondering if urgency makes sense in the end. like, activation request means "requesting the focus", and i don't want senpai to steal the focus when the user is highlighted; this would be too strong
<delthas> i'd just like the window to be highlighted in the task bar or something
<dnkl> delthas: foot uses an intentional quirk in the protocol, where not everything is set in the request to the compositor. My understanding all compositors therefor denies actual activation
<dnkl> everything about this protocol is quirky and weird, and feels like a strange compromise. But it's currently all we have
<delthas> :(
<dnkl> rockorager: PR updated
<delthas> do you know what these activation requests do on the common compositors? like gnome or sway
<Consolatis> using the xdg activation protocol for urgency hints is really messy. And a very bad idea IMHO https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/issues/150
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<Consolatis> at least in its current completely undocumented state, it would be a different situation if the protocol specifies that a compositor *may* treat a token without seat and surface as a urgency hint but there is not even that
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<dnkl> delthas: sway marks them (foot's requests) with urgency
<dnkl> no idea what gnome does, but I haven't received any bug reports about foot windows stealing focus at least
<dnkl> Consolatis: fully agree
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<delthas> hmm... not sure how to move forward with this. perhaps we need to have a proper wayland protocol/normative clarification for that before we make a new terminal escape sequence?
<delthas> though i guess the two can be developed independently
<Consolatis> there are also other display servers and other operating systems out there so I think just because wayland-protocols is lacking in this case I don't think it should slow down the terminal side of things
<rockorager> gnome displays a notification that focuses the window when clicked
<rockorager> "Foot is ready"
<delthas> oh...yeah.. i remember now. just a few weeks after installing gnome i installed some plugin to mute those because they were so annoying
<dnkl> I just don't use gnome 😅
<dnkl> wonder who thought it was a good idea to use a notification...
<rockorager> I don't think there is a portable concept of "urgency"
<rockorager> not that it matters to foot specifically, but for broader terminal use i mean
<dnkl> one reason BEL is overused... it's just to signal completion of long-running jobs, or that something happened in your chat application, or that you pressed an invalid key, or ... the list goes on
<dnkl> there simply isn't a single response that fits all of those use cases
<rockorager> Notifications are the answer, I think
<rockorager> a better VT sequence with a priority / urgency level of the notification would likely solve this I think, right?
<delthas> yeah
<delthas> in senpai i gave up and am sending notifications directly to dbus (best effort)
<dnkl> which breaks on ssh...
<dnkl> perhaps the solution is a new escape that replaces the current notification escapes
<rockorager> the current ones leave a lot to be desired
<dnkl> maybe kitty already has an improved one...
<rockorager> kovid has one
<rockorager> yeah
<dnkl> cause there's a lot of use cases where I absolutely don't want a notifaction, and where the compositor rendered urgency (which also affects taskbar) is better
<rockorager> it has urgency
<rockorager> and a lot of other stuff too haha
<delthas> i used native notifications in order to get a nice icon (but no need for that now if the terminal supports OSC AppId),
<delthas> and for knowing when the user clicked on the notification, in order to switch to the appropriate buffer
<delthas> that last part is really useful and i think will be a challenge to implement in notifications going through the terminal
<delthas> also i'm dismissing notifications of a buffer that is read/switched to
<delthas> that i couldnt do with the terminal based spec
<delthas> oh... kitty's osc 99 seems to support detecting when the user clicked on a particular noification
<delthas> so i'd just be missing a way to dismiss notifications from the app
<rockorager> I think once the window is focused the app can still handle it's own visual indication though
<delthas> yeah, but like you can have a notification on buffers A and B, then you click notification for B -> i have to know if it's A or B in order to switch to the right one.
<delthas> same for dismissing, if you're focusing the window on B, i'm dismissing B but keeping A open
<rockorager> The kitty sequence solves this
<rockorager> On click, you can have it send escape sequences to the terminal with the ID of the notification that was clicked
<delthas> yes, so that part is OK, but apart from that i'd also like to dismiss some notifications (by identifier)
<rockorager> I think this could be extended to add a dismiss-by-id feature
<delthas> yeah, looks like that could be easily added to the spec
<Consolatis> some way to trigger a notification which allows to set a) app_id b) icon name c) urgency d) timeout would be useful indeed
<Consolatis> maybe even some way to receive back a xdg activation token and another escape to ask the terminal to use an activation token to activate itself
<Consolatis> i am not sure if this is necessary / a good fit for a BEL replacement though
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