dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.17.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<delthas> dnkl: would there be a way to get and properly reset the terminal cursor shape on exit of an app? if not, could that be a new spec/change we could introduce?
<dnkl> delthas: DECRQSS to get the current shape on entry, then use the regular escape to set the shape on exit
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<cbb> https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#:~:text=%E2%87%92%C2%A0%20DECSCUSR
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<MistakeNot> i'd like to have foot switch to a different theme while i'm in an ssh session connected to a remote machine and i'm trying to think of a good way to go about doing that.
<j`ey> MistakeNot: using OSC10/11
<j`ey> there's something called theme.sh
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<MistakeNot> j`ey, thanks
<dnkl> MistakeNot: you can also choose where the script with the OSC-4/10/11/12 sequences should be: locally, run just before connecting, or remotely, run by e.g the shell rc scripts
<dnkl> regardless, you likely want to restore the theme locally, after disconnecting
<MistakeNot> yes
<MistakeNot> a wrapper script around ssh seems a bit messy though, i guess i'm wondering if there's a more efficient way
<dnkl> you might also be interested in the new push/pop escapes that was recently added to master
<j`ey> seems like ssh has a LocalCommand config option, maybe you can add it in there
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<MistakeNot> dnkl, is there documentation for that?
<MistakeNot> j`ey, hmm that could work. doesn't seem like there's a way to run a command once disconnected to restore the theme but that's not the end of the world
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<j`ey> I was trying to look up if there was a way to do that
<MistakeNot> the fact this isn't a Solved problem gives me pause though
<MistakeNot> or rather, that this apparently isn't the solution other people are landing on to easily differentiate terminals running a remote connection
<dnkl> MistakeNot: lots of people change the theme at runtime, but haven't heard of anyone wanting to do it while ssh:ing
<MistakeNot> dnkl, blackbox-terminal supports the feature FWIW
<MistakeNot> except there i think it's changing gtk decorations to red for ssh and sudo but same idea
<j`ey> I wonder how it knows about ssh/sudo
<dnkl> the terminal have to start looking at what's currently running to be able to do that. That's a guessing game, and we don't do that in foot. That's intentional, and won't change
<dnkl> j`ey: you can look at the process tree and identity the "leaf" process
<j`ey> dnkl: :|
<j`ey> im looking to see if thats what it does
<dnkl> but say you recognize "sudo". What about "doas"? Or the new fangled run0? What about tomorrow's new thingy you don't even know the name of?
<j`ey> command.has_prefix ("ssh") { process.context = ProcessContext.SSH; ..
<j`ey> MistakeNot: using an alias or something is probably the best way, since ssh doesnt have a LocalCommandExit
<MistakeNot> last i checked the feature was broken in blackbox-terminal anyway, so...
<j`ey> I saw a suggestion to use a LocalCoammnd that waits for it's parent command to exit..
<MistakeNot> oh that's not bad
<dnkl> MistakeNot: re documentation. xterm's "ctlseqs" is where you want to look
<dnkl> the new push/pop escapes are called XTPUSHCOLORS and XTPOPCOLORS
<dnkl> OSC-4/10 etc are also documented in the same document
<MistakeNot> dnkl, thanks i'll take a look
<dnkl> MistakeNot: just remember those new escapes aren't in any released versions of foot yet
<j`ey> you'd still need a wrapper or something around ssh to do the XTPOPCOLORS
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<kaisan> MistakeNot: let us know your progress please. Im interested in something similar. Im used to having different backgrounds depending on the remote environment (otap).
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<MistakeNot> dnkl, j`ey, kaisan: got it working thanks for all your help: https://paste.ec/paste/Z00afOKP#eAwBs4b4WvoiCoQqtKO-9bxxxVN0okVwx1VmPjutVOn
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<j`ey> MistakeNot: nice!
<MistakeNot> note there's an issue where 'cursor' isn't being restored. probably to do with it being the last item? looking into it
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