dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.11.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<Arnavion> Worse than the cloud features is that there's telemetry to segment.io and sentry.io that can't be opted out of and that you need to log in with a GitHub account
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<peetee> info: main.c:420: version: 1.11.0 +pgo +ime +graphemes -assertions
<peetee> info: main.c:427: arch: Linux aarch64/64-bit
<peetee> info: main.c:439: locale: C
<peetee> err: main.c:471: locale 'C' is not UTF-8, and failed to enable a fallback locale
<peetee> warn: config.c:2928: no configuration found, using defaults
<peetee> info: fcft.c:324: fontconfig: 2.13.96
<peetee> info: fcft.c:314: fcft: 3.0.1 +graphemes +runs -assertions
<peetee> info: fcft.c:330: freetype: 2.11.1
<peetee> info: fcft.c:794: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf: size=8.00pt/8px, dpi=75.00
<peetee> warn: config.c:3253: IBM Plex Sans: font does not appear to be monospace; check your config, or disable this warning by setting [tweak].font-monospace-warn=no
<peetee> What's different between firefox and foot? Firefox is running using wayland but why not foot?
<dnkl> peetee: you need to configure a UTF-8 locale (it's in the error messages you posted)
<dnkl> (you'll also want to use the monospace version of IBM Plex)
<peetee> dnkl: can you give me script to fix this?
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<dnkl> you'll have to check your distro's docs on how to set up a locale
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<beerman> and locale -a to see which locales you have right now, might just be that you already have them but don't use them
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<peetee> C
<peetee> POSIX
<peetee> beerman:
<beerman> then what dnkl already said
<peetee> beerman: why does foot configure these stuffs itself๐Ÿค”
<peetee> I'm trying for 2 days to run foot
<beerman> wha..?
<peetee> Not my foot, foot terminal
<beerman> you need to generate locales, localedef does that, but most distros will offer something to make it easier for their users. you need to read the documentation of whatever distro you are using
<peetee> beerman: why not foot generate those stuffs itself?
<beerman> .........
<beerman> because its not foots job to do it
<peetee> Is this the reason, foot display is blank? Due to locale and fonts?
<peetee> beerman: but I think alacritty does everything, I don't get error
<beerman> just go read the documentation, set locales for your users profile, use foot and forget about alacritty
<beerman> my two cents
<peetee> This is the first terminal I need to struggle like this, atleast show something in my monitor ๐Ÿ˜ฉ why its blank?
<peetee> How to generate UTF-8 locale?
<peetee> Can I get a list of fonts, foot supports?
<peetee> Lol, even we need to manually configure fonts and other stuffs?
<beerman> so.. you use ubuntu? (hint: i don't)
<peetee> I still not get the exact reason why foot not showing anything. Blank black screen lol
<peetee> Check my logs
<peetee> > so.. you use ubuntu? (hint: i don't)
<beerman> :-)
<beerman> lol, with that attitude you can't expect any help
<beerman> good luck buddy
<peetee> Why do you think ubuntu? Scroll up and check my logs I sent in previous message
<peetee> info: main.c:420: version: 1.11.0 +pgo +ime +graphemes -assertions
<peetee> info: main.c:427: arch: Linux aarch64/64-bit
<peetee> warn: config.c:2928: no configuration found, using defaults
<peetee> err: main.c:471: locale 'C' is not UTF-8, and failed to enable a fallback locale
<peetee> info: main.c:439: locale: C
<peetee> info: fcft.c:324: fontconfig: 2.13.96
<peetee> info: fcft.c:314: fcft: 3.0.1 +graphemes +runs -assertions
<peetee> info: fcft.c:330: freetype: 2.11.1
<peetee> info: fcft.c:794: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf: size=8.00pt/8px, dpi=75.00
<peetee> warn: config.c:3253: IBM Plex Sans: font does not appear to be monospace; check your config, or disable this warning by setting [tweak].font-monospace-warn=no
<beerman> dude use a no paste
<peetee> See
<peetee> > dude use a no paste
<peetee> Use senpai client
<beerman> nah, like i said, good luck buddy ;)
<dnkl> Your distro isn't logged by foot. I.e we still don't know which distro you're using
<dnkl> You don't have to configure a font; foot will default to "monospace". However, your setup seems to resolve that to s non -monospace font, which will work, but isn't ideal in a terminal
<peetee> > Your distro isn't logged by foot. I.e we still don't know which distro you're using
<peetee> > info: main.c:427: arch: Linux aarch64/64-bit
<dnkl> sigh... your distro name is *not* in there
<peetee> dnkl: see its there
<dutchie> that is your architecture not your distro
<peetee> dutchie: archlinux
<peetee> Its there
<dutchie> mine says `info: main.c:427: arch: Linux x86_64/64-bit` but i'm on nixos
<manio> peetee: this is architecture not a distibution name!!!!;2;13~
<dutchie> it's just a coincidence that they are the same
<peetee> manio: same thing
<manio> peetee: you are telling us that distribition and architecture is same thing?
<peetee> Not exactly arch, but manjaro
<peetee> > peetee: you are telling us that distribition and architecture is same thing?
<peetee> Yes because, its showing "arch" so understandable
<manio> "arch:" means architecture
<manio> :)
<manio> not your distribution
<peetee> manio: also archlinux
<peetee> So same thing
<manio> :)
<manio> it's hard to make a conversation with you
<peetee> manio: I think its their fault. They should write in full "architecture" not "arch"
<peetee> They hadn't thought about future when writing the software
<manio> this is a debug info
<manio> I think you should create an issue eg in gcc
<manio> because they also use 'arch' for architecture name
<peetee> They thought what short form they understand everyone know that, what keybinds they use, everyone familiar with that, they not thought about future
<dutchie> in any case, https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Locale has instructions for enabling a UTF-8 locale
<dutchie> ambiguous abbreviations aside
<peetee> I think they knew about arch linux, still they write architecture in short form
<peetee> Omg, is it only because of locale that display in blank black?
<peetee> Literally every other software working using wayland, I don't understand what's problem with foot
<peetee> Gui software should be easy to run just by double-clicking
<dnkl> I'm done here
<novakane> how to not get help 101
<peetee> >Configure local, font extra
<peetee> But not telling exact reason why my display is blank black empty, nothing is showing
<peetee> I'm just asking how to run, not how to hack , modify it
<peetee> Why don't made it do everything automatically? And if we can to do manually make a youtube tutorial or write documentation how to configure before running
<peetee> If anyone ask me for help I always help them
<beerman> kids these days... smh
<manio> true
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<snihil> what a wild ride reading those messages
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<peetee> > kids these days... smh
<peetee> So according to you everyone is kid who can't run a terminal which wouldn't display anything without ๐Ÿคฆ "SPECIAL CONFIGURATIONS" ?
<peetee> err: main.c:435: setlocale() failed
<peetee> Why?
<peetee> /etc/locale.conf
<peetee> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
<peetee> Is it wrong
<peetee> ??
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<novakane> that is not foot related but something with your distro so ask on their channel or follow the doc as you have been told multiple times
<peetee> novakane: how is not foot related? Foot is throwing this error
<peetee> err: main.c:435: setlocale() failed
<peetee> Why?
<cbb> peetee: probably because you haven't enabled or generated locales properly
<dnkl> Probably because that locale doesn't exist?
<novakane> but local is something general to your distro not foot
<peetee> I'm using en_US lang. and you are saying it doesn't exist?
<peetee> > Probably because that locale doesn't exist?
<dnkl> Yes
<dnkl> Check with "locale -a" (as suggested before)
<peetee> Then how am I using english in my terminal?๐Ÿค”
<cbb> peetee: why wouldn't you be able to?
<peetee> Everyone is speaking hard words to confuse me ๐Ÿ˜ซ
<cbb> if you're going to use Arch Linux, you need to know basic stuff like configuring a working UTF-8 locale
<cbb> that wiki link above explains how to generate locales
<cbb> generating them and configuring which you want to use is 2 separate steps
<peetee> > if you're going to use Arch Linux, you need to know basic stuff like configuring a working UTF-8 locale
<peetee> Maybe in 90s but today most stuffs are automated
<peetee> > Check with "locale -a" (as suggested before)
<peetee> C
<peetee> POSIX
<peetee> i want to mention again, i'm trying in manjaro, not exactly arch
<cbb> you need to start helping yourself a bit before you can expect unlimited help from other people
<dnkl> right, so no en_US.UTF-8. hence setlocale() fails
<cbb> the wiki link explains it all
<manio> peetee: did you ever read the mentioned wiki ?
<peetee> manio: of course I did
<manio> so you know how to generate a locales?
<peetee> When it will work, I will write a script so other can use it and not struggle like me
<novakane> generating locales is one of the first thing you do when you install a distro, and then you forget about it, there is no struggle if you follow the doc
<peetee> nfo: main.c:439: locale: C
<peetee> warn: main.c:457: locale 'C' is not UTF-8, using 'en_US.UTF-8' instead
<peetee> Now is it okay?
<cbb> peetee: that means en_US.UTF-8 is available but not the default
<cbb> it's ok in that foot will work
<cbb> but you probably also want to make en_US.UTF-8 your default locale
<peetee> cbb: what's the command?
<cbb> sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
<peetee> > sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
<peetee> Any other way?
<peetee> System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
<peetee> Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
<beerman> peetee: according to me, the way you present yourself is in line with any other entitled 13 y/o. you are not having a problem with foot, you have a problem with reading the documentation of software you expect just to run (which you also didn't pay anything for).
<beerman> if you want things to just work I am sure the open source world is just waiting for your pull requests
<peetee> beerman: i don't have systemd. Do you know how to set en_US.UTF-8 as default?
<cbb> peetee: sudo sh -c 'echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf'
<peetee> > peetee: sudo sh -c 'echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf'
<peetee> I did
<peetee> I think I need to restart
<peetee> Wait
<beerman> please, learn how to google yourself
<cbb> peetee: it sounds like your system has all kinds of config problems
<cbb> but none of them have anything to do with foot
<peetee> Okay restarted and worked
<cbb> so it's not on-topic in this channel
<peetee> I'll not ask about locale stuffs again. Problem fixed
<peetee> info: fcft.c:794: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf: size=8.00pt/8px, dpi=75.00
<peetee> warn: config.c:3253: IBM Plex Sans: font does not appear to be monospace; check your config, or disable this warning by setting [tweak].font-monospace-warn=no
<peetee> Which font should I use?
<beerman> comic mono
<novakane> IBM Plex Mono
<peetee> I"ve this file IBMPlexMono-Regular.ttf in prefix/fonts/TFF directory. How to set to it?
<cbb> peetee: man foot.ini
<peetee> cbb: man: command not found
<beerman> rofl
<peetee> I think its not pre-installed
<cbb> xD
<manio> peetee: pacman -S man
<manio> :)
<peetee> I have to just write IBMPlexMono-Regular.ttf in etc/fonts/local.conf right?
<cbb> sudo pacman -S man-db
<manio> oh :)
<cbb> but this also has nothing to do with foot....
<peetee> manio: i'll install it later. First foot
<peetee> > but this also has nothing to do with foot....
<peetee> Yeah I don't want man though
<cbb> well that's where the documentation is
<cbb> you need to read it
<beerman> you dont want to read yourself, like i said before. you are asking for youtube tutorials, I mean.. what is happening here?
<peetee> > well that's where the documentation is
<peetee> > you need to read it
<peetee> But I need to run foot first
<peetee> Not my foot, foot terminal
<cbb> the first rule of asking for help from unpaid volunteers is that you tried to fix things yourself first
<beerman> and be humble ffs
<peetee> Oh sorry
<cbb> reading docs really isn't that difficult
<cbb> it's par for the course when using Arch and dealing with terminals
<peetee> Its not written in https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Font_configuration ๐Ÿ˜ซ how should default config look. No example
<beerman> good lord, at least your emojis work
<beerman> ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
<peetee> ๐Ÿค—
<peetee> beerman: can you share your font config?
<beerman> No
<manio> xD
<peetee> Which family IBMPLEXMONO-REGULAR.TTF belongs
<manio> I have to say that this channel was boring until now :D
<beerman> I loved the title so much, I never forgot about it, and now just googled it for you
<peetee> How is IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf my default font?
<peetee> I just want to switch my font, I don't think its hard
<peetee> No one wants to tell me easy solution ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ซ
<cbb> you're a big boy now, you can read the docs and figure it out
<peetee> cbb: please tell me the (which you are keeping secret) command to switch font ๐Ÿ™ I'm setting default font
<peetee> I'm browing through https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Font_configuration but they don't show any example
<cbb> man foot.ini
<peetee> So you only want to make it complicated for me. Okay I understand
<novakane> if using man is complicated, you're gonna have a hard time on linux
<novakane> man should be the first you use everytime you install a software or you need to know something
<cbb> I've been giving the benefit of the doubt, but I'm pretty sure he's trolling
<novakane> yeah I'm having some doubts too
<cbb> peetee: you should switch to macOS and install https://www.warp.dev/
<peetee> No
<peetee> Still blank black screen
<peetee> What's the reason its blank?
<peetee> info: main.c:427: arch: Linux aarch64/64-bit
<peetee> nfo: main.c:420: version: 1.11.0 +pgo +ime +graphemes -assertions
<peetee> info: config.c:2936: loading configuration from /home/peetee/.config/foot/foot.ini
<peetee> info: fcft.c:314: fcft: 3.0.1 +graphemes +runs -assertions
<peetee> info: main.c:439: locale: en_US.UTF-8
<peetee> info: fcft.c:330: freetype: 2.11.1
<peetee> info: fcft.c:324: fontconfig: 2.13.96
<peetee> info: fcft.c:794: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/IBMPlexMono-Regular.ttf: size=8.00pt/8px, dpi=75.00
<peetee> See see see
<peetee> I told already
<peetee> Its a issue from foot actually
<peetee> This time no error but not showing any display
<beerman> you are still not using a nopaste
<beerman> instead you spam this channel
<beerman> you lack basic manners
<peetee> Sorry
<beerman> don't ever wonder why people dont want to help you
<peetee> I know a irc paste bot. I'll use it
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<peetee> Ihttps://ctxt.io/2/AABgJ5tDFgs it oKay now?
<peetee> https://ctxt.io/2/AABgJ5tDFgs it oKay now?
<peetee> Please tell me why foot not showing anything? https://l.perl.bot/raw/lx73pm
<peetee> Totally blank
<novakane> `foot -d error`
<dnkl> novakane: 'error' is implied with the default level of 'info'
<dnkl> peetee: no idea. You're the first one ever to have this issue (that I'm aware of)
<novakane> oh, didn't really remamber the default tbh
<peetee> > `foot -d error`
<peetee> Showing nothing
<peetee> I think it maybe wayland issue also
<peetee> But how other apps gimp/libreoffice working๐Ÿค”
<peetee> When I was telling its not locale/font issue, No one was believing me and I had struggle for 2 days but still not showing anything, blank black
<dnkl> try running "WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 foot" and post *all* of the output (using a paste service)
<dnkl> and also tell us which compositor you're running
<peetee> I mean when other apps work foot also should right?
<manio> we are trying to figure out the problem, please just paste the output...
<dnkl> that log looks incomplete (there's nothing in it related to creating a window, which you claim *is* happening)
<dnkl> still would like to know which compositor you're running
<dnkl> it's very difficult to help when you're not answering the questions asked
<mx08> I didn't read the backlog today but some days ago they were saying they are using Xfce, IIRC...
<mx08> so...
<dnkl> afaik, xfce is x11 only, so guessing something different now, since foot appears to start at least.
<mx08> makes sense
<peetee> Xfce4 doesn't support wayland so I've uninstalled it
<peetee> > I didn't read the backlog today but some days ago they were saying they are using
<peetee> > still would like to know which compositor you're running
<peetee> Wayland
<dnkl> that's not a compositor
<dnkl> are you running gunning
<dnkl> gnome? kde?
<dnkl> sway?
<peetee> dnkl: No, I'm not running them, just foot
<peetee> Only foot
<dnkl> no you're not
<peetee> dnkl: how can you say this?
<novakane> well running foot in tty would explains some things lmao
<peetee> Seriously, I promise I 'm just using foot
<dnkl> peetee: because foot cannot be run from a VT
<peetee> Firefox/libreoffice/gimp working, how?
<peetee> > peetee: because foot cannot be run from a VT
<peetee> VT?
<dnkl> which desktop environment are you running?
<novakane> what have you replaced xfce with?
<peetee> dnkl: I'm not using any de
<peetee> > what have you replaced xfce with?
<peetee> Nothing. I completely removed xfce4
<peetee> Do you wanna see running firefox?
<peetee> I'm running without any compositor/DE
<novakane> well that not possible, firfox need something to be dispalyed
<dnkl> paste the output of "ps aux" while running Firefox
<peetee> novakane: wait let me show you
<peetee> > paste the output of "ps aux" while running Firefox
<peetee> ps: not found
<peetee> showing command not found
<dnkl> then install it
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<peetee> dnkl: procps?
<novakane> I feel like you miss some step in your instalation, kinda weird that manjaro wouldn't have man and ps already installed
<dutchie> i vaguely remember arch not having man installed by default a few years back. ps seems like a bigger omission
<novakane> yeah even more a bigger omission in manjaro than arch
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<dnkl> packagers: any comments on https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/1015 (changing install location of foot.ini to /etc/xdg/foot/foot.ini)?
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<novakane> that makes me check, doesn't looks like a lot of programm respect XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
<novakane> /etc/xdg is almost empty on my system
<dnkl> I do wonder why they opted for /etc/xdg, instead of just /etc?
<dnkl> For foot, I think the choice is easy; since we don't have (yet) support for any /etc/ locations, we should just follow the XDG spec
<dnkl> (fwiw: I have autostart/ dfc/ foot/ menus/ nvim/ waybar/ Xwayland-session.d/
<dnkl> in my /etc/xdg
<dnkl> so yeah, not a lot
<beerman> as a maintainer, honestly spoken, I don't mind either way. As a user: i always
<beerman> bleh, I always appreciate specs applied
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<mx08> I was also wondering why they created /etc/xdg instead of just using /etc/. Maybe because they are generally dealing with more "desktop" software, and wanted to separate it a bit from some "system" software that is only typically configured only by the sysadmin...
<mx08> dnkl: I think foot already has support for /etc, since it already looks in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS ?
<mx08> dnkl: Also, I'm not sure, but to be spec-compliant, wouldn't it be better to install to $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS with /etc/xdg as a fallback if the env is empty or doesn't exist?
<dnkl> mx08: foot does support XDG_CONFIG_DIRS, but it's usually unset. In this case, the app *should* fallback to /etc/xdg. This is currently not happening in foot, but https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/1014 fixes this
<dnkl> we can't really use XDG_CONFIG_DIRS while building/installing, since a) that env var is a *list* of directories - which one should we use? and b), the env var at build/install time may not match the *users* env var
<dnkl> however, foot's meson script uses the meson variable sysconfdir as base, making the exact location configurable for distributions
<novakane> also most distro usually copy the files where they wwant
<mx08> ah, that makes sense... since the the user's env var is not yet known... I see
<mx08> regarding the list of the directories, as per spec, the first one should be used: "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS defines the preference-ordered set of base directories to search for configuration files in addition to the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME base directory."
<dnkl> yes, but not it talks about "searching" for
<mx08> yes, got that
<dnkl> not the same thing as installing to...
<mx08> sorry
<sterni> dnkl: installing stuff to /etc for NixOS relatively pointless, since it wouldn't actually end up in /etc at all, so I'd like to keep it in share, so it's clear it's an example file
<dnkl> sterni: in a way, it's _more_ than an example file - it's an actual configuration file. Just that everything is commented out...
<dnkl> see https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1001 for why it would be useful to install to /etc
<dnkl> another use case is the obvious one - it can be edited in-place to provide a system-level default conf
<dnkl> I personally don't really care where it goes. I'm guessing most distros can patch their build scripts to put it wherever they want it?
<dnkl> which means foot's meson script should use what *most* distros use
<dnkl> and please don't be afraid of posting feedback in the PR, and not just here :)
<Arnavion> Yes, if you want to promote it to be a default config under /etc/xdg, that's fine for OpenSUSE
<Arnavion> <dnkl> another use case is the obvious one - it can be edited in-place to provide a system-level default conf < FWIW, for OpenSUSE (and I believe Fedora), default package configs are preferred in /usr/etc because /etc is for user-provided files. So it wouldn't be an edit-in-place but a copy-and-edit
<Arnavion> But since your meson script will install where meson tells you to install, you don't have to worry about that anyway
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