cbb: I'm on 2.35.3, and haven't noticed anything. But then that's perhaps because *I* own the repo? Is that what they mean by "owned by someone else"?
I think it means "owned" as in owned by a particular system uid
and it's something to do with using sudo
ah, yeah, seeing it too
Using "sudo fakeroot ninja -v -C bld install" works
and I guess the "safe.directory" suggestion in the error message would work
seems like a wierd fix though...
I guess I should just read that commit message and try to understand what they're fixing
also slightly annoying when all we do is run "git describe" and "git rev-parse"
I suppose it's because those commands are running under sudo
would it be straight forward to somehow make so they only run when building?
and not when installing?
not sure, but don't think so. running "ninja install" is supposed to build everything needed to "install" first.
but if we can figure out a way to add a dependency to, I don't know, the .git directory or something, so that we don't always have to rebuild the version target
I think it's quite common for autoconf/makefile builds to make some exceptions there...
did using the git command `git config --global -add safe....` fix it for you guys though?
novakane: I haven't tried that yet
I just worked around it with fakeroot
but I'm assuming it will
let me try...
cbb: worth testing it at least. Not sure when it was added - docs doesn't say anything. Perhaps it's always been there, but I just didn't see it