dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.12.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<novakane> I have a warning building foot, is that a problem on my side? https://paste.sr.ht/~novakane/d63f17e89c5861d004aa10eb030319db6dc5c375
<dnkl> novakane: no, my fault. But thought the CI would have caught that...
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<novakane> yeah weird
<dnkl> novakane: fixed now. Thanks for letting me know!
<novakane> np
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<novakane> looks like git gonna works on that safe dir issue https://public-inbox.org/git/xmqqilqnvacd.fsf@gitster.g/
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<miccaswitch> Can anybody tell me what is going on with my letter spacing here? If I run foot with --font="Fira Code" or any other font from command line it looks fine, but loading from the foot.ini looks crazy like this https://imgur.com/a/y84zEwB
<beerman> this does not look like its actually using Fira Code? when you run it from another terminal, you will see which fonts fcft loads, maybe this can give you a clue?
<miccaswitch> https://imgur.com/a/CegEidF this is what I see in the output when I load it from terminal, it references a bunch of fonts I don't use
<miccaswitch> I don't have any of those in the config though
<beerman> make sure you check your fontconfig
<beerman> in /etc/fonts/ and maybe in ~ if you ever did that
<dnkl> fc-match can also be very useful
<beerman> https://eev.ee/blog/2015/05/20/i-stared-into-the-fontconfig-and-the-fontconfig-stared-back-at-me/ this blog post sticked with me... that title, it just fits
<miccaswitch> Not sure what to check there, haven't used font config. The Fira Code font is working everywhere else on my system though
<beerman> miccaswitch: defining which monospace font to use would be a start
<beerman> i recommend that blog post, it goes over a few details. archwiki has two pages about fontconfig too, as well as a few others
<dnkl> If it looks fine on the command line, but not in foot.ini, it's probably misspelled in the config, ora typo
<miccaswitch> It's just font=Fira Code:size=10 in the config and on the command line I used --font="Fira Code"
<miccaswitch> I tried a couple other fonts too though and it's the same, doesn't work right in config, but works fine on command line
<dnkl> is the config in the right place? ie is foot actually loading the config?
<beerman> when you do `fc-list | grep "Fira Code"`, does it actually say that the font with `style=Bold` is named `Fira Code Bold`? I find that odd, I just installed Fira Code again and for me it doesn't
<beerman> `/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fira-code/FiraCode-Bold.ttf: Fira Code:style=Bold`
<beerman> It doesn't seem to offer Italics either
<beerman> https://dpaste.com/29ZWRUPAM thats the complete list for me
<miccaswitch> I see /usr/share/fonts/fira-code/FiraCode-Bold.ttf: Fira Code:style=Bold
<miccaswitch> same as yours it looks like
<beerman> thats how you need to put it in the foot.ini too
<miccaswitch> yep, that did it
<miccaswitch> thank you
<beerman> 👍️
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