dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.12.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<novakane> welp `git config --global safe.directory *` didn't fix anything for me with git 2.36.0
<cbb> novakane: I had a feeling it wouldn't work
<cbb> both of the people involved in the original patch are Microsoft employees
<cbb> so they're probably not even testing on Linux
<cbb> "works on my machine"
<novakane> cbb: that would explains a lot of things yeah...
<novakane> I guess we stay with fakeroot then :/
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<baltazar> hi! would it be possible to toggle background alpha with a keybind?
<baltazar> (currently the closest I've got is using OSC 11 and 111 from bash)
<baltazar> how hard (/stupid) would it be to extend the idea of the new [text-bindings] with another config section that has similar entries, but the text is not printed to the tty but "read" from it?
<baltazar> then I could basically make my "clear screen" keybind I mentioned in a feature request along with the "toggle alpha" I want now
<dnkl> not sure what exactly you mean with a key binding that reads from the tty?
<dnkl> regardless, there's no way to query a terminal for its background alpha, making a toggle kind of hard to implement with a script
<dnkl> but you _can_ set it with OSC-11 so you could simply set up two (bash) key bindings - one that turns alpha on, and one that turns it off
<baltazar> dnkl: what I mean by reading is that foot would pretend that the program running just printed the bound sequence of characters
<baltazar> so I could have something like `\x1B]11;[100]#000\x1B\x5C=Control+Shift+a`, and instead of acting like I typed `\E11;[100]#000\E\\` it would act like something printed it
<baltazar> and yeah, with this I could have the same thing as you're describing with bash: two distinct keybinds, one to enable and one to disable alpha
<dnkl> ah, you mean *writing* to the tty (instead of *writing* to the client application running in the terminal)
<baltazar> yes, that's what I meant
<baltazar> I just think that these kinds of behaviors should be part of the setup of my terminal emulator, not my shell, as the terminal emulator runs stuff other than the shell (text editor, ssh, etc)
<dnkl> a more generic solution is making it possible to map key bindings to a script. The script can then do whatever it wants. For example, write escapes to the tty
<baltazar> fair enough
<dnkl> so you'd have e.g. [key-bindings].script=[/usr/local/bin/toggle.sh] Control+Shift+a
<baltazar> yep, that'd be awesome
<baltazar> neat
<dnkl> it _almost_ works already, with pipe-*. But the exec:d process don't have access to the tty... :/
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<dnkl> yay, neovim is getting support for the kitty keyboard protocol!
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