dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<davidlt> the recording of yesterday's meeting is online
<davidlt> "A few thoughts from me after that meeting, which got quite angry at times"
* davidlt reading mailing-list
<davidlt> it's snowing outside :/
<davidlt> It took <3 weeks from summer to snow
<sorear> I'm hoping people think about comparative advantage - aarch64 will be free in less than a decade, and the less we fight over the exact same niche the happier everyone will be
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<davidlt> rwmjones, I am trying to setup podman on SOPHGO 64-core system again
<davidlt> rwmjones, what do you want me to test?
<rwmjones> davidlt: hey
<rwmjones> can you clone this rep:
<rwmjones> repo:
<rwmjones> then "sudo dnf builddep nbdkit"
<rwmjones> then ./configure && time make -j1
<rwmjones> (note -j1 because I'm trying to get a handle on single thread performance)
<rwmjones> I also have some multi-threaded rpmbuilds to test out if you have time later
<rwmjones> oh if it's running ubuntu, apt build-dep nbdkit IIRC
<davidlt> I plan to get into podman container Fedora 38, is that fine?
<rwmjones> yup
* rwmjones wonders why cc1 is part of the cpp package
<davidlt> It's running Ubuntu, but it's a bit tricky
<davidlt> It takes forever to download thing in China. I am still just at 20/70MB on container image pull :)
<davidlt> builddep will probably cost the whole day
<rwmjones> can you point dnf at our repos?
<davidlt> That's what it uses once I am in our container image
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