dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<davidlt> djdelorie, finally! tunables in the /etc!
<davidlt> I think that was presented many years ago, I was waiting for it.
<djdelorie> well, I only just started :-)
<djdelorie> it's been on Carlos's list for a while, yes.
<davidlt> many years :)
<davidlt> seeing that email woke me up better than a cup of coffee :D
<djdelorie> I don't think it's that technically difficult, either. Just a lot of code to write, plus get consensus for the plan
<davidlt> There might be a wiki page or some slides about it from the past.
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<rwmjones> is this a glibc thing?
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<davidlt> rwmjones, what?
<davidlt> You mean underflow float exception thingie on T-HEAD? I haven't read all the emails, but it's a hardware thing. It's already fixed on C908 (e.g. K230) and SG2044 (next gen) according to folks.
<davidlt> Oh there is actually more comments there now since I looked at it.
<rwmjones> davidlt: I mean the reference to tunables in /etc
<davidlt> rwmjones, yes
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<djdelorie> davidlt: I don't see many big builds on my board; are you scheduling builds on it?
<davidlt> djdelorie, not right now
<djdelorie> is there a way to let it do small builds when there are no big builds?
<davidlt> Lately not doing too many builds, but instead focusing on other areas
<djdelorie> ah
<davidlt> Like toying with images that have a different bootflow
<djdelorie> Related do those "createAppliance" jobs?
<davidlt> Yeah
<davidlt> I build a kernel on your new board, that worked IIRC.
<djdelorie> I guess my real question is, does the board seem to be operating correctly again? ;-)
<davidlt> I could send GCC tomorrow if you want :)
<davidlt> Yup, all seems to be fine.
<djdelorie> I'm biased towards the latest glibc ;-)
<davidlt> sending it for f38
<djdelorie> yay!
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