dgilmore changed the topic of #fedora-riscv to: Fedora on RISC-V https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/RISC-V || Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-riscv || Alt Arch discussions are welcome in #fedora-alt-arches
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<rwmjones> davidlt: so the news is the genoa-x has considerably worse single thread performance, and therefore worse performance overall
<rwmjones> (although note I have not tried pinning the vCPUs to the "performance" cores)
<rwmjones> this machine is a beast though, 2 sockets x 96 cores x 2 threads
<davidlt> rwmjones, so it sounds that QEMU likes frequency, not cache?
<rwmjones> I believe so, yes
<rwmjones> I'm still doing tests though so will have more to say later
<davidlt> Do you have non-x genoa?
<rwmjones> there are, but I don't have convenient access
<davidlt> I would love to see Intel vs AMD
<davidlt> freq. vs cache, and Intel vs AMD are the interesting ones
<davidlt> There are still cases where AMD or Intel wins by a large margin
<davidlt> wow
<davidlt> Andes is the 1st one to talk about 1024-bit RISC-V vector core?
<davidlt> AX45MPV
<davidlt> There is RISC-V Taipei Day ongoing
<davidlt> Open Binary-Translation Alliance: https://www.binary-translation-alliance.org/
<rwmjones> I'm unclear what that open binary translation alliance is actually doing
<davidlt> Fedora Slimbook is now available: https://fedora.slimbook.es/
<davidlt> Intel i7-12700H + NVIDIA RTX 3050Ti
<rwmjones> hmm .. why?
<rwmjones> very happy with the HP laptop I just bought
<davidlt> Fedora wants to have more laptops that come with pre-installed Fedora + have the official support
<davidlt> Slimbook has done a few community laptops before, so that's kinda just a next step for them.
<davidlt> I don't really like NVIDIA part (or dGPU) in general. Those tend to eat battery, constantly switch between iGPU vs dGPU is annoying, also a lot depend on that is implemented.
<davidlt> I hope AMD rumors are true and they will finally release "mega APU" next year.
<davidlt> Zen 5 + way larger iGPU + double the memory width.
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<davidlt> When did SiFive started using "NPU" naming for X390?
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