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<dtometzki> Good morinig together
<dtometzki> s/morinig/morning/
<thefossguy> Good morning :)
<davidlt[m]> Morning
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<dtometzki> where i can find reference manual for example rv64imafdc or rv64imafdcvsu ?
<thefossguy> [dtometzki](<https://matrix.to/#/@dtometzki:fedora.im>): https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isa-manual/releases
<davidlt[m]> Note, that S and U are not ISA things.
<davidlt[m]> There are no such thing as V too. Single letter extensions are gone, there are a bunch of extensions that define vector stuff.
<thefossguy> No su on rv linux? sadge 😂
<davidlt[m]> It's not ISA extensions.
<thefossguy> I meant S and U as in the su command ;)
<davidlt[m]> There were a number of discussions about these.
<davidlt[m]> Ah :))
<dtometzki> it is correct imafdc represent the Encoding of Extensions field in misa ? Page 17 ?
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, but don'tr trust misa.
<davidlt[m]> Like what does B stands for?
<davidlt[m]> B is set on JH7110, but it only supports 2 out of 4 bit-manip extensions.
<davidlt[m]> I would say misa is somewhat legacy thing, because it's hard to understand what it means (at least for me).
<davidlt[m]> Basically recommendation was not to set misa.B at all.
<davidlt[m]> What you should look at (in near term future) is what hwprobe syscall tells you about core capabilities.
<davidlt[m]> How kernel sorts out what's supported or not is implementation specific, but basically taking it from DT or ACPI tables.
<thefossguy> I assume hwcap will handle that, no?
<davidlt[m]> No
<davidlt[m]> We are approaching 200 extensions.
<thefossguy> wtf
<davidlt[m]> There are not enough bits in misa, and there are no enough bits in HWCAPS v2.
<thefossguy> 200 public extension?
<davidlt[m]> Yeah
<thefossguy> Or does this include proprietary ones too?
<davidlt[m]> Someone counted that we have ~130 ratified, I counted another 50-60 in WIP state.
<thefossguy> Bruh, my read load just incresed
<thefossguy> *increased
<davidlt[m]> There are very few vendor specific extensions, and most of them probably not gonna live long as there are RVI extensions.
<davidlt[m]> RVB profiles seems to be way smaller, more things moved towards optional.
<davidlt[m]> While RVA gains more, which is nice.
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