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<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: check nujive, again no ping for 8 hours or so
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<rwmjones> morning
<rwmjones> checking nujive ..
<rwmjones> make has been running for nearly 12 hours
<rwmjones> I killed it, that can't be right
<rwmjones> restarting kojid
<davidlt[m]> and it reported back to Koji
<rwmjones> do you know what the package being built was?
<rwmjones> I'm going to set up my N x vcpu qemu instance today and benchmark it
<davidlt[m]> I canceled it hoping that will revive nujive, but didn't help
<rwmjones> make must have got itself into a weird state, but there was nothing in dmesg to indicate problems
<davidlt[m]> Well, we have some mystical things, but hoping some of that will go away with a new Fedora image and switching to containers from chroot.
<davidlt[m]> I can give you more things to look at:
<davidlt[m]> 1. nbd hangs on a test too, never returns.
<davidlt[m]> 2. pypy stackless porting, it requires 1 or 2 files, to be ported to riscv64
<davidlt[m]> 3. rust-cryptoki-sys port, this one should be easy too. IIRC there might be options to generate bindings already.
<davidlt[m]> For pypy it's a couple functions that store/restore context for stackless stuff.
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<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: let me set up the qemu instance right now ...
<rwmjones> should I stick with the F37 images for now?
<rwmjones> also if you happen to have a libvirt XML for a risc-v machine that'd be useful
<davidlt[m]> Yes, F37.
<davidlt[m]> You don't need one. Should work out of the box.
<davidlt[m]> But keep it Sv39.
<rwmjones> "out of the box" - you mean using virt-install
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<davidlt[m]> Yes
* rwmjones tries
<rwmjones> $ virt-install --import --memory 8192 -n fedora-37-riscv --arch riscv64 --vcpus 8 --disk /home/rjones/vms/fedora-37-riscv.qcow2,format=qcow2 --osinfo fedora37
<davidlt[m]> pass extra qemu options to disable Sv48, Sv57
<rwmjones> something like --cpu riscv64,-sv48,-sv57 ?
<davidlt[m]> Example is somewhere in this cahat.
<davidlt[m]> -cpu rv64,sv57=off,sv48=off
<davidlt[m]> golang got a fix in 1.20
<davidlt[m]> Not sure about other run-times
<rwmjones> do you know what --serial option to use?
<rwmjones> because I'm not getting any output at all
<davidlt[m]> DId you modify extlinux.conf?
<rwmjones> nope
<rwmjones> let me have a look at it
<davidlt[m]> We are in a mode where you need to configure/generate disk images based on target board.
<rwmjones> add ... console=ttySIF0,115200 earlycon ?
<davidlt[m]> console=ttyS0 earlycon
<rwmjones> I'm going to document this on the wiki ...
<rwmjones> also tidy up the wiki
<davidlt[m]> ttySIF0 for Unmatched, Unleashed, etc.
<davidlt[m]> It's on wiki.
<davidlt[m]> Probably needs redoing again after Fedora 38 image.
<rwmjones> so it is
<rwmjones> grrr guestfish ..
<davidlt[m]> Ah yes, for virt-install this also doesn't use our firmware.
<davidlt[m]> -bios u/usr/share/uboot/qemu-riscv64_spl/u-boot-spl.bin \
<davidlt[m]> -device loader,file=u/usr/share/uboot/qemu-riscv64_spl/u-boot.itb,addr=0x80200000 \
<davidlt[m]> I stopped using libvirt after we switched to native builds, so libvirt stuff might have rusted.
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<rwmjones> I'm now timing dnf5 builds on the VM vs real hardware ...
<davidlt[m]> I don't think DNF5 is the best benchmark
<rwmjones> just getting a feel for the differences first
<rwmjones> I'll try a libvirt or qemu build after that, they are both highly parallel
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, but QEMU will loose on long single threaded builds.
<davidlt[m]> I have seen some extremely long configure scripts that just take hours on QEMU.
<davidlt[m]> Realistically TH1520 should destroy QEMU in general, especially if we end up having glibc optimizations, etc.
<davidlt[m]> And that 64-core is just a beauty (sadly still RVA20 stuff).
<davidlt[m]> Right now the "rules of the game" is that you need to work on multiple things at a time to "hide the latency" :)
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<davidlt[m]> There is a new version of kf5 again.
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<cwt[m]> However
<cwt[m]> > Even with these big memcpy speed-ups for RISC-V, GNU's Glibc is still showing much faster RISC-V memcpy results. In some cases the Glibc memcpy performance on RISC-V is still twice as fast as the new optimized implementation with LLVM libc.
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, I posted it some time ago.
<davidlt[m]> I don't think anyone is using libc from LLVM.
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<davidlt[m]> Fail rate for builds increased as it hit KF5.
<davidlt[m]> It seams I will have another round of this KF5 and probably KDE.
<davidlt[m]> Koji still states 242 successful builds for 1 day.
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: I just check, and I probably lied, there is (or no more) "opensbI" (stable) and it's just "opensbi-unstable"
<rwmjones> ok
<davidlt[m]> So we probably should rename it as "opensbi", and change versioning to something more reasonable, maybe git describe, or git short commit.
<rwmjones> and uboot-tools ..?
<rwmjones> yup
<davidlt[m]> You cannot do it until opensbi is in.
<davidlt[m]> That depends on OpenSBI, but changes are trivial.
<rwmjones> let me check the spec files of these
<davidlt[m]> That part is probably okay as-is, or might require small modifications.
<davidlt[m]> It's relatively trivial.
<davidlt[m]> Just note that this will change starting JH7110 support.
<rwmjones> ok there is a uboot-tools package in Fedora already, but we've patched it in riscv
<davidlt[m]> As load address for OpenSBI is different from others boards and QEMU.
<rwmjones> or not
<rwmjones> oh I see I'm looking at the wrong branch
<rwmjones> yup got it
<rwmjones> we've added a uboot-images-riscv64 subpackage
<davidlt[m]> As we really never did it.
<rwmjones> I see
<rwmjones> ok so it looks like:
<rwmjones> (1) add opensbi to Fedora
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, that will take the longest.
<rwmjones> (2) update uboot-tools (probably need to talk to pbrobinson)
<davidlt[m]> Yeah.
<rwmjones> ok I'll file the review bug
<rwmjones> I'm sure we'll need this for qemu eventually anyway since we generally want to unbundle blobs frm qemu
<davidlt[m]> Maybe Conan Kudo nirik could help to speed up things by doing a review 😄
<Eighth_Doctor> of?
<davidlt[m]> Yeah, you have been working on it before IIRC.
<rwmjones> opensbi in Fedora
<Eighth_Doctor> I can do a review, but I don't know what you want me to review
<davidlt[m]> Conan Kudo: OpenSBI (RISCV firmware bit)
<rwmjones> not yet!
<Eighth_Doctor> ah
<rwmjones> I'll ping you when I have set up the review bug
<davidlt[m]> I think reviews these days are mainly for Fedora packaging policies.
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: you might want to check/restart your effort for QEMU OpenSBI packaging.
<davidlt[m]> We probably should take OpenSBI which is released with QEMU and package that too, and that should be used by default on QEMU like any other firmware.
<davidlt[m]> For hardware we cannot rely on it, it's just always too old.
* Eighth_Doctor wishes that we could get qemu also in EPEL de-conflicted from RHEL's qemu-kvm
<rwmjones> ok
<davidlt[m]> So basically 3 sub-tasks :)
<davidlt[m]> (and if you want some true porting fun I posted a couple earlier today [small ones, I think])
<davidlt[m]> But if you want more fun, there is probably a few 100s of packages that would require upstreaming SPEC changes too ;)
<davidlt[m]> Well some of that will go away once a GCC build with libatomic fix lands.
<davidlt[m]> if djdelorie board survives for another ~3 days to finish the build :)
<djdelorie> I'm not going anywhere near it, just in case ;-)
<davidlt[m]> I didn't start multiple of those as Jakub is already working on a new version.
<davidlt[m]> Well, at least winter is gone too :)
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: it would be great if you could list me somehow as co-maintainer or something. That would be nice.
<rwmjones> here's the old opensbi review fyi: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1739133
<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: I'm going to enable cross-compiling in this package FYI; obviously at the moment it has to be built on riscv64
<rwmjones> because it's easier to do an informal review first, ^^ is what I'm proposin
<rwmjones> g
<rwmjones> it's cross-compiling firmware which makes it a bit odd
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones: could we have a better NVR?
<davidlt[m]> Like a short commit or git describe (how many commits after 1.2), etc.
<davidlt[m]> Also remove changelog
<davidlt[m]> Switch to autorelease and autochangelo
<Eighth_Doctor> please don't use forge macros
<Eighth_Doctor> they're deprecated and unmaintained
<davidlt[m]> Also description is wrong, is not for QEMU only. We should separate QEMU and this one (most likely)
<davidlt[m]> While not used, we might want to actually ship those:... (full message at <https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/libera.chat/479b92a717b796b2d15872509b0b1235def93656>)
<davidlt[m]> sbi library, headers, and demo payloads
<davidlt[m]> and IIRC QEMU uses a different path in general to find firmware blobs
<davidlt[m]> Ah, so QEMU source tarball incl. OpenSBi and U-Boot source code too.
<davidlt[m]> So it seems that firmware blobs in Fedora aren't aligned to QEMU releases
<rwmjones> davidlt[m]: that's the NVR chosen by the Fedora forge macros
<davidlt[m]> Also this NVR example is better: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/openbios
<rwmjones> Eighth_Doctor: really? I'm using them everywhere ...
<davidlt[m]> These macros are rare from what I have seen in packaging.
<Eighth_Doctor> rwmjones: nim (who created them and bound them to font and go macros) disappeared three years ago
<Eighth_Doctor> and nobody knows how to work with that code
<rwmjones> hmmm
<Eighth_Doctor> so it's deprecated because nobody can maintain the crazy lua he wrote
<rwmjones> probably should say that in the documentation
<Eighth_Doctor> there's a PR for it
<rwmjones> k
<rwmjones> openid--
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<rwmjones> so my 2019 AMD (AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor) with a qemu-system-riscv64 8 vCPU guest
<rwmjones> is about half the speed of SiFive Unmatched
<rwmjones> which is a bit surprising, but ...
<rwmjones> I have actually been thinking it's about time I got a new development machine