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<davidlt[m]> I will wait for some feedback from fedora Python maintainers about their bootstrap seq, before going for 3.9 -> 3.11.
<davidlt[m]> I kinda would like to do thing a bit more the way they do it.
<davidlt[m]> I am no longer the only one sending builds :)
<davidlt[m]> Who else will want an account? Major requirements: understanding and knowing how to use koji.
<davidlt[m]> New accounts basically have the same god mode as me so they can use advanced commands. We don't have bodhi, side tags and moving builds between those.
<davidlt[m]> Well technically we can limit folks to use "build" permissions if they don't need advanced features.
<kalev> davidlt[m]: I could attempt to bootstrap ldc, looks like it just got risc-v support upstream
<davidlt[m]> There is a bunch of new stuff comping with LLVM 15 (incl. LLDB). I haven't started on LLVM 15 stack, I think, it might still be in f37-updates-candidate tag.
<davidlt[m]> kalev: would you be fine to get account within the next few weeks or so? Well, as soon as I will add more boards.
<davidlt[m]> Python bootstrap just started thus I plan to build anything else until Python 3.9 -> 3.11 happens.
<kalev> davidlt[m]: sure, I'd actually prefer waiting a few weeks until we get a new upstream ldc release
<davidlt[m]> Ah, this isn't even part of LLVM?
<davidlt[m]> I thought this was part of LLVM mega repo :)
<kalev> no, it's a separate project, a D compiler based on llvm
<kalev> nope
<davidlt[m]> I noted down in my notes. As soon as there are more board (or current ones are free) I will ping you with account stuff.
<kalev> ok!
* davidlt[m] goes to check shipping information...
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<neil> davidlt[m]: does anyone know how to use koji though? :P
<davidlt[m]> neil: there are definitely good hackers around Koji :)
<davidlt[m]> But to learn all the tricks you need to read the code, you cannot find all the beauty in the documentation ;)
<davidlt[m]> skip77: how is your kernel build going on?
<neil> this is very true :) I'm only a novice, myself
<davidlt[m]> neil: aren't you working on Rocky Linux infra? :)
<davidlt[m]> I would assume you know tips & tricks? Or was it skip77 (yeah, I did some googling )
<davidlt[m]> skip77: has a blog about infra setup: https://skip.linuxdn.org/blog.html
<neil> heh, yeah, i do. koji is largely maintained by our release engineering teams, specifically, louis abel
<davidlt[m]> neil: an interesting testing. Just very recently (within last few hours) I learned that OpenJDK in Fedora has TCK compliance (most likely done by Red Hat internal, I assume).
<davidlt[m]> Is that case with Rocky Linux too?
<davidlt[m]> Do you ship OpenJDK with TCK compliance sticker?
<neil> i'm not 100% familiar with TCK, but I imagine it's something we cannot attest to without actually having it certified?
<davidlt[m]> Very old news article about this: https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/openjdk-and-the-icedtea-project
<davidlt[m]> Java Test Compatibility Kit (TCK).
<neil> i see e.g. this older article re: centos, which should largely apply to rocky, too https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53485992/have-centos-openjdk-packages-passed-tck-compliance-testing
<neil> as far as the binaries themselves, we build whatever RHEL does, so if the openjdk builds from RH pass, Rocky's should as well
<neil> though, now I'm interested and will poke at this :P
<davidlt[m]> Well this validates binaries thus the sticker is gone :)
<neil> :D
* neil uses acetone to remove the sticker and put it on his software
<davidlt[m]> And I wouldn't bet 100% on reproducible builds :)
<neil> yeah, that's not really a thing so much in EL land as far as I understand :P
<neil> i'll raise this with the rocky testing team. someone there might be interested :)
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<rwmjones|HOL> davidlt[m]: that error (in gdb) is bizarre - did you diagnose it yet?
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones|HOL: you mean ocaml tk stuff?
<rwmjones|HOL> rwmjones|HOL: oh I mean this one:
<rwmjones|HOL> 12:22 < davidlt[m]> rwmjones|HOL: http://fedora.riscv.rocks/koji/taskinfo?taskID=1228620
<rwmjones|HOL> I will look at the ocaml tk one soon
<davidlt[m]> rwmjones|HOL: it's fixed
<rwmjones|HOL> ok
<davidlt[m]> News: importing of ~3100 python packages started
<davidlt[m]> Fingers crossed we are not gonna break things :)