dustymabe changed the topic of #fedora-coreos to: Fedora CoreOS :: Find out more at https://getfedora.org/coreos/ :: Logs at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/fedora-coreos
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<guesswhat> Guys? Having problem with limit of userdate on AWS for EC2 instance, can I compress ingition file just like for cloud init?
<travier[m]> guesswhat: You probably want to use a remote config: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-coreos/remote-ign/
<travier[m]> we should probably have a full example for AWS in the docs
<guesswhat> It can work, but I am looking for something more local-ish..
<guesswhat> Well, I am using ct provider for terraform, doing some templates at deploy time
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<dustymabe> yes, you can compress pieces of your Ignition config
<dustymabe> butane should opportunistically do this for you
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<nemric> Yes you can gzip some contents, but not with S3 "The type of compression used on the contents (null or gzip). Compression cannot be used with S3."
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<dustymabe> travier[m]: lucab: jlebon: anybody able to run the meeting today? I have to go to kid pickup in the middle of the meeting
<travier[m]> sorry, I might not be able to be there either
<jlebon> i can do it
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<tormath1> Hello - for your information in latest Flatcar Alpha release we started to use the experimental Afterburn network args feature
<tormath1> and it should be soon covered by a Mantle test
<travier[m]> tormath1: Cool. Do you have a link to the changes?
<tormath1> travier[m]: of course: https://github.com/flatcar-linux/bootengine/pull/44/files so this is the dracut PR
<tormath1> it's basically the one provided in coreos/afterburn
<tormath1> except that we don't provide a default value
<tormath1> and this is the mantle's PR: https://github.com/flatcar-linux/mantle/pull/329
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<dustymabe> jlebon: since you volunteered (thanks). I also created the first version of the F37 changes review ticket. If we could go over that today that would be nice.. The goal is to try to start reviewing the changes earlier to identify any issues early enough that we could participate in the discussion about the change.
<jlebon> dustymabe: ack. feel free to tag anything else to bring up
<jlebon> dustymabe: i guess if we want to get in earlier, we should be looking at them pre-approval
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<jlebon> all, please tag anything you'd like to bring up in the community mtg with the meeting label
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<dustymabe> jlebon: tagged one about s390x
<jlebon> aaradhak davdunc dustymabe gurssing jaimelm jbrooks jcajka jdoss jlebon jmarrero lorbus miabbott nasirhm ravanelli saqali skunkerk walters
<jlebon> FCOS community meeting in #fedora-meeting-1
<jlebon> If you don't want to be pinged remove your name from this file: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/blob/main/meeting-people.txt
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<jlebon> i wonder if we should just have video meetings every time
<dustymabe> ehh. we could increase the frequency
<dustymabe> but I like the IRC meetings too
<dustymabe> each style has pros/cons
<jlebon> i do too, some aspects. but at the same time, it feels like we could go over so much more in video
<jlebon> yeah definitely. alternating could be interesting
<dustymabe> video meetings require more preparation/planning - they also require more work to "capture" the results
<dustymabe> but they are more productive if it's a detailed topic
<dustymabe> IRC meetings are very passive (not a lot of prep) and they also allow people to multi-task effectively (more people are able to come to the meeting)
<dustymabe> I was gone for 25 minutes of our meeting today and I'm all caught up after 5 minutes of reading
* dustymabe lunch
<jlebon> maybe we could call for it when we know we have something larger to work through
* jlebon also lunches
<bgilbert> dustymabe: +1
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<bgilbert> nemric guesswhat: dustymabe was talking about inline compression for data URLs, not remote S3 resources
<dustymabe> yeah. I mean if you can do s3 then do you really care about compression? s3 capacity is pretty large :)
<bgilbert> right
<bgilbert> guesswhat: we intentionally don't support config compression. it might look like a good solution for userdata size limits, but it tends to suddenly fail when your config gets larger :-)
<bgilbert> guesswhat: remote resources are the right solution
<dustymabe> bgilbert: you *can* compress the userdata directly though can't you?
* dustymabe remembers we did something like that recently for kola
<bgilbert> the top-level config can't be compressed
<bgilbert> that PR wraps the config in a compressed data URL in a ignition.config.replace block
<dustymabe> ahh I see
<dustymabe> that's crafty
<bgilbert> and the commit message acknowledges that it kicks the problem down the road :-) note the followup in https://github.com/coreos/coreos-assembler/commit/ce03266
<dustymabe> yep
<dustymabe> so guesswhat could use the same trick, but eventually they might have to move anyway
<bgilbert> right
<bgilbert> tormath1: +1
<jlebon> bgilbert: can you update https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/567 with the proposal agreement?
<bgilbert> done
<jlebon> +1 thanks
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<bgilbert> dustymabe: any opinions on https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config/pull/1774?
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<dustymabe> miabbott[m]: I updated the rebase template to use the test week template: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/pull/1224
<dustymabe> bgilbert: hmm
<miabbott[m]> 👀
<dustymabe> that last comment was a question I had
<dustymabe> "Ideally the job would run inside the openshift/os repo, but GitHub Actions isn't available there."
<bgilbert> yeah :-(
<dustymabe> Is there benefit to having it updating all the time versus just user triggered when needed?
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<dustymabe> I could see value in getting CI feedback sooner
<dustymabe> but.. that is only beneficial if someone is looking at the failures
<bgilbert> reducing friction. whenever there are unvendored changes, there's a PR that we can go look at to see what's outstanding
<dustymabe> and completely wasteful otherwise
<bgilbert> if it can't merge for some reason, we can mark it draft
<bgilbert> and add comments giving the state of things
<bgilbert> I'm hoping this encourages us to frequently merge smaller updates, rather than letting things pile up
<dustymabe> yeah. I just don't want yet another process that's running daily and no one looking at the results. in general this sounds like a good idea, though
<bgilbert> yeah, it's a hypothesis. we can revisit if it isn't working well
<dustymabe> stamped!
<bgilbert> I think it's okay if we sometimes ignore failures, though. it's more that we're continually ready to merge, not that that we're continually trying to
<bgilbert> +1
<walters> OK so I'd like to do a test rawhide build using `registry.ci.openshift.org/coreos/coreos-assembler:continuous` - can...I just do that via jenkins manually? This is to test out the fix for https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config/pull/1698#issuecomment-1121473651
<walters> like I just click build in jenkins and override `COREOS_ASSEMBLER_IMAGE` and also force? any thoughts/objections?
<dustymabe> theoretically that should be fine unless it somehow gets our built artifacts into some bad state (i.e. upgrade tests fail or builds.json gets out of whack)
<dustymabe> would probably be better to hack in a different pipeline, but I realize that's cumbersome
<dustymabe> cc jlebon
<walters> hmm, mocking up the response from robosignatory in `cmd-sign` might not be too hard
<jlebon> yeah, should be fine. just to make sure on dustymabe's point, the ostree container change is backwards compatible, right?
<jlebon> i.e. non-continuous cosa can manipulate container from continuous cosa just fine
<jlebon> container built by* continuous cosa
<dustymabe> oh.. signing.. yeah we need the prod repo for that (there is a way to set it up in stage, but aintnobodygottimeforthat
<dustymabe> prod jenkins*
<walters> cosa is just wrapping (rpm-)ostree here, and all the relevant bits around chunked images have been shipped since https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/releases/tag/v2022.6
<walters> it's certainly possible there's bugs, but shaking those out is part of the idea here
<jlebon> ack, SGTM
<dustymabe> walters: if you do that in the prod pipeline make sure to empty out the additional arches parameter
<dustymabe> that image won't have been built for aarch64
<walters> ok thanks, retrying now; I thought I clicked the force flag the first time but perhaps not?
* dustymabe heading out - have a great rest of the day everyone!
<walters> argh, I am *so* done with dynamic programming languages ```17:00:04 File "/usr/lib/coreos-assembler/cmd-sign", line 189, in robosign_ostree
<walters> 17:00:04 TypeError: argument should be integer or bytes-like object, not 'str'```
<walters> 17:00:04 if subprocess.check_output(['ostree', 'container', 'image', '--help']).find(verb) >= 0:
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