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<beerman> oops, polkit needs mozjs91 now
<beerman> i'll need to fix that up
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<farkuhar> beerman: over in #crux ppetrov^ reported a successful build of polkit after first removing mozjs78. Maybe the duktape dependency is sufficient when mozjs78 is not installed.
<beerman> it is, but i made mozjs override duktape in case a user decided to install that, since it should offer more performance on runtime
<farkuhar> ok, that makes sense.
<beerman> but i didn't test out if it still takes whatever mozjs we have currently, because i had to do romster updates and cristina updates and my own updates among other ports
<beerman> so
<beerman> that was an oversight which needs fixing but is not high on the priority list. the average crux user should be able to puzzle together an answer, and if they want it done sooner they can send a patch to implement a mozjs91 port, preferably with lto and pgo enabled ;)
<beerman> https://dpaste.com/EM9PGH8YZ for references, this is my opt/mozjs78 fork
<beerman> which craps out, i hate windows clients...
<beerman> http://sprunge.us/YvqUt1 there, this works
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<jue> beerman: thanks for duktape, much more appropriate for polkit, IMO
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