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adding 'session required' to /etc/pam.d/common-session doesn't seem to cause any issues for me (none expected, really) and also allows settings in /etc/security/limits.conf to actually work, so seems like a good idea to me. Anyone object to me adding that to linux-pam?
absolutely not
defaults in limits.conf are commented out and limits.d has nothing in it by default, so shouldn't cause any issues, I think
jaeger: are the settings going to be default or CRUX specific?
I am assuming they will be default and commented out
I would not make any changes other than that one line in common-session
I much prefer to leave those choices to the user
Without it, though, setting things like nofile via security.conf doesn't work
er, limits.conf
try adding '<username> hard nofile 524288' to limits.conf and then running 'ulimit -Hn' as that user without it, you won't see the limit change
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I'm not sure how to actually test esync with wine but at least it doesn't break other stuff so far
I have no idea, it just seems like lutris wants to enforce best practices they collected on the winehq wiki etc.. you can't override it either but all I can say is overwatch just works and thats fine