Figured it out, sheesh. *OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS* has the initial compile directory, so all compilations end up checking that location, and when that location doesn't exist TRUENAME etc. ends up signalling an error. If you do ASDF/OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS/DISABLE-OUTPUT-TRANSLATIONS, that fixes the problem.
it's .cache/common-lisp/blah usualyy
neat. thuna`, what are you trying to do with stumpwm? i use it as well, just curious
holycow: Just trying to get it to work at all
oh interesting. you can compile but not get it to run?
holycow: No, I can get it to run, but I'm compiling it through gentoo's emerge which compiles it in a temporary directory so all asdf/ql/load-module calls were broken
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what is the equivalent of tail recursion in CL?
What do you mean by "equivalent"?
a construct where I can 'rewrite' variables
Tail recursion is the same in any language, but the Common Lisp standard does not guarantee that tail recursion (or tail calls in general) is optimized.
sort of this in C: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) max = a[i] > max? a[i] : max
You can do the same in Common Lisp with LOOP.
ok, use setf?
You can do that, sure. That's the equivalent of = in C.
yes but don't wanna do that unless I have to
How about you tell us what you want to do, and we'll see whether we can help.
context: I am writing a compiler in CL. Wrote an interpreter first.
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Now writing a compiler that just generates common lisp functions directly
you may want TAGBODY and GO
if you're working at the low level
chsasank: I meant what are you trying to do for which you want to rewrite variables? And why do you want to avoid SETF?
I'll checkout tagbody/go - sounds pretty much what I want
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but you can't avoid SETF/SETQ if you do
so if I use setf now, that's another construct I have to lower further
you may be able to play around with LAMBDAs to avoid setting
LET is conceptually built on top of LAMBDA
By the way, your C example is in no way an example of tail recursion.
yeah it's kinda the same thing IMO
,(let ((x 42) (y 43)) (values x y)) ,((lambda (x y) (values x y)) 42 43)
(let ((x 42) (y 43)) (values x y)) => 42; 43, and then ((lambda (x y) (values x y)) 42 43) => 42; 43
if it's the same language as brought up in #scheme it's Backus's FP
appears to be so based on the links
yes it's the same
but functional programming ultimately has to become imperative at some point because you're running it on real hardware that works that way
correct it's unavoidable
unless you just translate it into functional-style CL
and let the CL compiler take care of it all :-P
but trying to minimize as much as possible
and (gensym)s are really not much different than when you have to get down to registers eventually (though CL can do this entirely for you)
White_Flame: I want to get this to run on GPUs. CL doesn't support GPUs
languages in generally really don't support GPUs. But there's people doing cool GPU stuff with CL
what is gensym
ah creating temporary variable
I mean temp symbol
chsasank: yes, you say you don't like lambda because you don't want to name things, but e.g. ,(macrolet ((foo () (let ((g (gensym))) `(lambda (,g) (+ ,g ,g))))) (funcall (foo) 42))
that's how I implement comp during interpretation
but that requires to have lambda again :(
there are two equivalent approaches that I'm aware of... you can build everything on top of tagbody+go (CL) or on top of lambda (Scheme)... these are equivalent because you can implement a lambda first
hey wait I think I know what to do
I know my functions at compile time
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ok I am confused
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well, not entirely equivalent because the closures here evaluate to 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 in Scheme but 10 10s in CL... ,(do ((x 0 (+ x 1)) (l '() (cons (lambda () x) l))) ((>= x 10) l))
yak shaving - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
you set out to do one thing and before you know it you're writing a language. The most famous of these is probably TeX.
haha sure
Bubblegumdrop_ is now known as Bubblegumdrop
that's pretty much how things have been progressing so far
what's inp, a global?
no, it's actually assigned by 'runtime'
in CL, lexically scoped variables always have *earmuffs*
exactly the opposite of what I say sometimes when it's late
chsasank: so alpha calls f on all elements of the array? conceptually, that's just map in CL, isn't it?
yes it's the same more or less
so I had to create intermediate variable to send input to list
I didn't like that, but I guess I can't do better
it looks like it could be something like `(mapcar (lambda (*input*) ,(code-gen fn)) *input*) with no need to define the intermediate xi like the loop based approach
having lambda is same as let
(I have no closures etc)
I added let here because I want to make it very explicit so that I can work on it later
so the quasiquoted stuff are your language? easier to do something like mapcar than try to implement loop
or dolist
you could do a dolist
if you're generating a language, you should define a package in defpackage that has (:use) instead of (:use #:cl) because it's undefined behavior to not include a (:use) line at all and it might implicitly use CL if you don't include a (:use) line...
right now I am using common lisp as my IR
then when you're generating it you can make it something like your-language:nth or your-language:let so you don't confuse it with cl:nth or cl:let and when you actually use the final result, that can choose to in-package that package instead of CL. But you'll want to (:import-from #:cl #:defpackage #:function #:in-package #:nil #:quote)
once I write compiler to common lisp, idea is to explicitly make them my IR
like you say here
so you can define packages and enter packages without worrying about which ones use CL or not, and because #'foo is (cl:function foo) and because 'foo is (cl:quote foo) and because '() is nil so those three symbols are special
but you want to make a LET even if your final language never directly uses it except for gensyms that you generate in CL itself
it just makes things so much easier
LET and LET*
and, yes, the GPU gives you enough to define your own LET and LET*
what I am doing is: instead of compiling to x86, I am compiling to common lisp to get started
I am thinking carefully about all the CL stuff I am using right now
so that I can actually replace that with x86 code
what I mean is, what you want is something like this: ,(defpackage #:your-language (:use) (:import-from #:cl #:defpackage #:function #:in-package #:nil #:quote) (:export #| your stuff here |#))
(defpackage #:your-language (:use) (:import-from #:cl #:defpackage #:function #:in-package #:nil #:quote) (:export #| your stuff here |#)) => #<Package "YOUR-LANGUAGE">
sure but I am no where close to packaging rn
it's not really packaging (those are ASDF systems), it's just namespacing
so you know what's real CL and what's fake-CL
yeah understood
hey this is real CL!
I am generating *CL*
where your-language:let (again, even if your-language is in turn an intermediate language that the final language has no access to!) is distinguished from cl:let
well, you don't intend to generate CL at the very end because you want to compile it
if you want to, temporarily, use cl:let then you can make your-language:let the same as cl:let temporarily
I am hoping this exercise of compiling to common lisp will enable to design the intermediate representation
the intermediate representation can be a not-CL
that is to say, you can have a LET and a LET* if you want
I don't want to have :P
your final language won't, no, but we're talking about an intermediate one
where LET and LET* are conceptually just scopes
scopes of variables that you want to be entirely implicit, but still there
correct I wanna keep it implicit until the last step
basically you can have CL:GENSYM generate intermediate implicit variables that go to YOUR-INTERMEDIATE-LANGUAGE:LET* which is what your language that doesn't have named variables is generated to actually use under the hood
From function level semantics to program transformation and optimization | SpringerLink
cl:gensym is a good idea
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see section 5 in the paper
your intermediate language is going to want to have a LET* because that's going to more or less map to the intermediate or assembly language that you generate from that LET* except LET* has the addition of scopes, which is useful, because things out of scope just plain can't be seen
nested scopes even
sort of like SSA hmmmm
exactly like SSA... the things bound in a low-level LET* are SSA IDs
so you can name them
for instance, if you're iterating, you can ,(gensym "I")
(gensym "I") => #:I1
and now you kind of know what's going on if you ever have to look at the generated Lispy IL
got it! got it!
though technically I don't bind SSA IDs in my LET/LET*, I bind an object that will later be given a numeric ID, and that also contains associated type information because SPIR-V has that most of the time.
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though technically, language types may be richer than SPIR-V types so that's something else that may need to be part of that object... but this sort of thing just grows from the simplest implementation as things are encountered and I haven't gotten that far
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I am just using (setf inp (code-gen inp)) for now and completing this step.
I think this is probably the most important thing for my IR
I need to think more
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So speaking of generating SPIR-V from CL… what are ways that a compiler for an internal DSL in CL can access source info to generate debug symbols? (both the location of a form + actual source as a string)
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beah: "those implementations" (plural) near the end of the WSCL issue
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beach rather
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Mon_Ouie: The way I do it for SICL is that I wrap the input stream in a Gray stream that and then I use Eclector to produce CSTs instead of S-expressions. And the CSTs contain the entire file as a list of strings, and the start and end position of the expression read.
Mon_Ouie: Then, I propagate that source information to ASTs, and to intermediate representation.
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Mon_Ouie: So it doesn't really matter what the initial source is; it could be code in a DSL. When there is an error, or when you want to set a breakpoint, it is all in terms of the initial source location.
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There are currently many stack entries without source information, because I sometimes forget places to propagate source information. I will fix that in the future.
Could someone explain this compiled SBCL code? : Common_Lisp
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chsasank: You name your language llama.lisp then use the .cl extension instead of .lisp for source files?
hehe, I should do .lisp sure
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done :)
When you say assemble, you mean you want SBCL to compile assembly to x86?
Or just compile Lisp code
hehe yes, you know my problem 😅
what's the easiest way to run a shell command from inside common lisp? google and stack overflow don't seem to give very clear answers
assemble to x86, yes
But what is your source language, assembly instructions or Lisp code?
GitHub - robert-strandh/Cluster: Assembler with input in the form of standard instances
I linked it yesterday
got it thanks, google isn't finding it
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beach: I don't really understand what that "wrapping the input stream" step look like. If I have a CL macro like (define-dsl-function …), how would that macro be given access to the CST instead of just the S-expression?
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Well, my solution probably doesn't work for your case.
Wrapping the input stream means defining a Gray stream that encapsulates the original stream. But the rest depends on a different reader (Eclector) being used, so you probably can't use that technique.
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Right, just to clarify my goal is to have a regular lisp program (where I compile code interactively through slime, or load files through ASDF, etc.) with a few forms that define functions in my DSL where I'd like to get source information
Finally got a parenscript addon to select a row in a html table and go to the link. What a nightmare to get it to work!
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Mon_Ouie: Your Lisp implementation may have an API (which may or may not be exported) that enables you to record source information. Allegro has this, and If I recall correctly SBCL does, too. I don't know about CCL, but I wouldn't be surprised
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Yeah, I found a very hacky way of doing most of what I want with SBCL — the main issue is I only found a way to get the source location for functions
So for now I'm using unexported SBCL functionality to define a function with the same source location as the input of the macro, and accessing the source location of those functions afterwards
For my CLEX as well as for noffi, I use this <http://clim.rocks/systems/compiler-warn/compiler-warn.lisp> Unfortunatly this is for CCL only. But the idea is to invoke the compiler specific error reporting function to pinpoint the source of an error. When used with SLIME, this error message is then highlighted as any other.
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I'd really like to see ports to other Lisp, especially SBCL. For SBCL I was not persistent enough to find my way around its sources.
I also have a function to carry over source location information from one form to another, which might also be useful in a DSL to indicate that some piece of code you made came from that and that source form.
For getting errors with the correct source location during macroexpansion or something else? In the former case, there's `trivial-with-current-source-form' library that works with SBCL and clasp
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In my case I don't just need conditions signaled with the correct location, I need the actual location (e.g. file name and line number) to create debug symbols
This doesn't allow you though to report the source form, location and text. It's meant for a compiler from a DSL to Lisp by means of a macro.
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Mon_Ouie: ok, then you need something more detailed. With CCL that source-note is a struct with the filename and start and end file-position. And source text if available. But you're with SBCL.
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Mon_Ouie: I looked a bit at SBCL. Within a macro (let ((sb-c::*current-path* (sb-c::get-source-path (cadr form)))) (sb-c::compiler-warn "hey, hey")) would make SLIME point to that subform. This path of SBCL however is not a file position. Still, this somehow is transported to SlIME, so the answer how to get at a line number would be with SWANK. A starting point.
gilberth: In the comment to COMPILER-WARN, did you use "eventually" to mean "possibly"?
s/(cadr form)/form/ My experiment was: <https://termbin.com/f01n> Say c-c c-c on that DEFUN FOO and "(hey)" will be underlined. So the information is there someplace.
beach: What I meant was "in the end of the day". That is when all this information has travelled all the way out of my function, through the compiler to the IDE.
It's quite nice for a DSL. I'll update that for SBCL now that I figured out how.
It's also handy for not too complicated macros. Suppose a CASE-like macro and the macro has something to say about a particular clause, it could point to that clause.
beach: Eventually is possibly a false friend, indeed. But not in this case. But thanks for noticing!
I think your let is the same or very similar to sb-ext:with-current-source-form, if you want to avoid using one more unexported symbol
gilberth: Just checking.
Mon_Ouie: I'll have a look.
And SWANK must somehow be able to map this context or path to buffer positions.
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hello lispers this is my first time using irc is there anything i should keep in mind in #commonlisp ? rules or something.
parens-user: Use plaster.tymoon.edu for more than one line of code, for instance.
But the line can be long. :)
parens-user: Also try to stay on topic.
parens-user: Are you a new Common Lisp user? If so, you should know that this channel is not really meant for newbie questions, although they are tolerated, especially if it is otherwise quiet. A better channel for those is #clschool.
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parens-user: And if you paste some code, we take it as a request for remarks, so you should expect to be told about style issues and such.
parens-user: Oh, and welcome! :)
Ive been using cl for about a year I can find help for noobish questions most of the time
gilberth: Looking at it right now, swank/source-path-parser seems to be where that logic is, but it seems you do have to know what file/buffer is being compiled to know what file to look up
I'm a student and there really isn't anyone that knows or interested in cl around me so I wanted to find some cl people
Mon_Ouie: That's the easy part. *compile-file-truename*
parens-user: You found them!
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parens-user: Where are you a student?
parens-user: Don't feel you have to answer if you don't want to.
Mon_Ouie: Though, what do we see when compiling just one form with c-c c-c. Buffer may not be saved yet. /me scratches head.
Just tried it, at least on my machine it's actually saved as a file, so I think that would actually work
Slime sets *compile-file-truename* to something like /tmp/slimeXXXX
But would the line numbers then be meaningful to you? You wanted line numbers, didn't you?
Well, SPIR-V wants line numbers within whatever you put in the source code that's embedded in the bytecode as debug instructions
its my 3rd year of computer engineering but the uni name is not really relevant
parens-user: Sure.
So if I only embed the form that was compiled I think that will be good enough for me, though maybe suboptimal
is "name: " a convention or is there a reply mechanism
That's a convention.
And your IRC client will probably complete like that.
swank takes care of sbcl source paths in swank/source-path-parser.lisp. it is pretty involved.
parens-user: Like if I start a line with "paren" and then hit C-i or TAB, it completes to "parens-user: ".
Mon_Ouie: That's curious. SWANK manages to set things up with CCL so that the file positions that I get when I c-c c-c are actual buffer positions and thus would match the file provided it was saved. But I guess, with c-c c-k or COMPILE-FILE you will be fine.
parens-user: Oh, and the channel is logged as the channel topic shows.
Inline: ?
beach: thank you
it is logged
Ah! :)
lol :)
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Inline, paren-user: See, this is why addressing with <nick>: is useful. :-)
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It is also useful if you want to search the logs.
parens-user: If you are not too far from Vienna, you might consider going to the European Lisp Symposium in early May. Many of the people who hang out here will be present.
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Oops! Time to go fix dinner for my (admittedly small) family.
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beach: yeah I saw that symposium, seems good. bon appetit.
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parens-user: Also, beach meant plaster.tymoon.eu, not edu
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