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Good morning everyone!
beach: hello
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So, The Art of the Metaobject Protocol turns or perhaps yesterday depending on time zone.
Oh, wow! I'll be sure to celebrate!
I think it happened yesterday for both of us, but better late than never.
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* edgar-rft
always thougth that art is timeless, but whatever makes you happy...
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I have question
If I define a package, say new-and-improved-lisp, which uses CL (:use :cl)
Can I redefine standard functions within this package and they will shadow the standard ones (but where I don't specify them, they will fall back to the standard ones)?
I am getting an error "Lock on package COmmon-Lisp violated) - is there a way to suppress this?
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The CL (CLOS) standard doesn't impose much introspection/retrospection; just a minimum. This allows to write batch compilers and perform a lot of compilation-time optimizations. The MOP goes 100% Smalltalk: you can redefine everything.
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that sounds pretty cool
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so when someone says to me again this would have nothing to do with OO ...
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edgar-rft: timeless for us from the moment on it's discovered :)
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It's completely natural that we have CLOS and the MOP, given that Smalltalk was implemented in lisp originally.
haha but again, tell this a blub "OOP software developer"
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pjb: TIL :o source?
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I doubt it. I heard that the first Smalltalk-72 VM was written in BASIC though.
And Mr Bobrow of AMOP was a Smalltalk hacker before.
'Allo guv'na.
hayley: are you no-defun?
Are you no-defun?
I'll just assume so then
I reckon pjb is no-defun-allowed.
As the nicks have no letters in common, I bet they thought they could get away with it.
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Josh_2: hayley is no-defun-allowed and theemacsshibe
I will assume hayley is the actual name
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"The first version, termed Smalltalk-71, was created by Kay in a few mornings on a bet that a programming language based on the idea of message passing inspired by Simula could be implemented in "a page of code"."
Well, it's not clear from the linked EarlyHistoryST document if he wrote it in lisp or just was inspired by lisp implementation to write a smalltalk implementation in a similar way.
It's possible the Smalltalk lisp sources I've seen were later implementation in lisp of Smalltalk, on other systems.
You'd do that on any system that has a lisp. You'd implement also LOGO that way…
It's funny that in 70s he worked a lot on the syntax, instead of concentrating on the fundamental mechanism such as message sending and receiving.
A lisper would just implement that; the syntax if sexp didn't suffice, would come later, as way of reader macros…
That's probably why it forked to OO instead of MO.
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Message Oriented.
ahh, like with COP (concurrency oriented)
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Ah yes, Dan Ingalls implemented the first Smalltalk-71 design in BASIC on the NOVA. Hey! Basic wasn't that useless after all :-)
In terms of semantics, but not in terms of message to the person reading your code.
lisp123_: Use CADR if you have a structure of CONS cells. Use SECOND if you have a list of elements.
second = pick the second element, cadr = take the cdr then the car?
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Take the car of the cdr
Oh i misread, nevermind
sorry, i made it confusing ;)
Read "take the cdr of the car".
I should wake up, carry on :)
beach: have you read SICP?
Chapter 4 in particular
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lisp123_: Yes, sometime in the mid 1980s I think.
I have it here.
Let me check what chapter 4 is about.
Got it! What did you want to say about it?
Is there a subset of CL for which it can be repeated?
I transforming the code now, but I wonder if its something that should be done at a more professional level
since it will allow paradigms of logic programming, nondeterministic computing etc, in a standard way
It's a very naive approach, meant for pedagogical purposes. You won't get any performance out of it.
Other than that, sure I think it is possible.
You may also look at Lisp in Small Pieces.
Yup its on my list, but I have to get through SICP first and then Design & Analysis of Computer Programming which you recommended and I finally got in the mail
if one uses macros will the performance be comparable?
You need to compile to native code and do all the traditional compiler optimizations (and then some) to get decent performance.
I see
lisp123_: I am off to spend the rest of the day with my (admittedly small) family. I hope you can get answers from others in case you have more questions.
beach: Enjoy :) Have a great day
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is clus still a thing? I'd like something like clhs but in a nicer format
or something in the sense of linux/posix programmer manual that can pull it out with man page
nirnam: you could also download CLHS for reading it offline, also with emacs
but ok, having it in org or pdf wouldn't be so bad after all
i wonder if the html source is 15MB what size the pdf would be
WSCL has the final draft ANS in it, which is not as handy as the CLHS, but is public domain
nice, i just learned about WSCL from this channel
have anyone created gnu info version of hyper spec? I suppose could be as light weight and easier to access
if I understand correctly, the hyperspec cannot be modified
as its under copyright
but if we distributed it, secretly *wink*
A side effect of WSCL will be having a truly free hyperspec.
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to whom goes the copyright? Kent Pitman and others?
okay seems reasonable, "--2005"
I just want cl document/manual that is complete and easy to access without an pdf read or browser
nirnam: so emacs :D
Note that CLHS isn't just the ANS, it has a lot of stuff that kmp added, nottably the issues
I mean its mostly well accessible, the only benefit they get is a bit of branding - if its a large FAANG I wouldn't feel bad of 'freeing' it, but don't want to cause any issues to a small company trying to make aliving in lisp :D
Since anyone can copy the CLHS freely (just not modify it), LispWorks is obviously not making money on it.
this here is a vim users, I don't want to say it becase I get weird look by other lisper
lol, the facts seemed to point to that direction :D
does vim have an in built browser? thats all you sort of need
This here is an 'ex' user (not an ex-user) who drops into vi mode to check paren mattching by bouncing on the % key.
a text based browser should be enough
and if i now dump parts to pandoc for creating org files and modify them just for myself and educational purpose, LispWorks will hunt me down?
"You'll never get this CL qualification!"
or better certificate
well, we just called out to man/info command to veiw document say in C or Perl, there's no reason to use vim itself to veiw the document since it just an editor
or use less or this one rust tool that improves less, since less is more
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is there a tool to convert html to man/info?
lotuseater: as long as you don't distribute it, I don't think there's any issues, but I am not a lawyer
with included batteries for type safe parsing
neither am I
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How is the common lisp exception system implemented? Is it built into the lisp system or is it based on lower level primitives and implemented in lisp itself?
say if I distribute a script to do exactly that, fetch clhs, parse it to info doc, save it to /usr/share/doc, can I get in trouble with this?
technically speaking I didn't distribute modified version of the document, I distribute something that does it
Not really
as in not really, you shouldn't have issues
I'm sure LispWorks has an extra department for that, which then comes up with parentheses clubs.
On that topic, I bought a copy of the actual standard and was gonna share it publicly, but then ANSI stamped my name on every page lol
* lotuseater
bumps out his lambda shield for the next situation
it would take me also to the next step writing serious stuff or application software for others
_death: thank you! i was looking for this
maybe in August a project comes up, developing a special system for someone who looks for one since 2019
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There's LispWorks approved TeX files for the spec hosted on CMU's archive, but I don't know enough about TeX to get it to compile
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I think latex is another layer of complication peoples added into thing (but look, pretty formular!), whatever happened to plain old document :<
I really love pod in Perl, you can embeded your document into your scirpt, and it had to tool to translate it to anything under the sun
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Hi, I'm wondering if I can make sbcl into a daemon. Something like
However, it's achieved by taking many things from clojure, to make `bb` start up very fast.
If I have a running repl that will handle the input at any time, I can make use of the full force of CL.
s/taking many things/taking many things away/
yeah that is what server were for, you can imagine that bb is a client that send thing into already running server, process it then send it back
IIRC `bb` does it by launching it every time...
nij-: if you look into scripting in CL this is how its done
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nij-: Clozure CL (CCL) is a download-and-run Lisp w/ built-in editor and REPL window. Runs on Mac & Windows. Current version (1.12) seems a bit fragile, though.
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1.12.1 is released on most platforms btw, and if there isn't a binary for your platform you can bootstrap 1.12.1 from 1.12
i successfully did this on freebsd/amd64 but became too lazy to edit the portfile and try to convince the maintainer it's a good idea to bootstrap ccl (even though they already do this for sbcl)
1.12.1 is the version I'm actually running.
linux/amd64 gave me strange lisp kernel errors on fedora
I'm getting strange errors on Mac, too.
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interesting -- my mac hasn't given any problems so far, but I guess I'm not using it too much
the most problems i've had with 1.12.1 so far is trying to get a bootstrap working on fedora; it can compile itself just fine, but then loading the bootstrap image will randomly fail when loading some fasl
I had the same kind of issue (official binary).
Currently, I can't save images with ccl on macOS. No deployment! I'm looking into Lispworks…
Currently, and since a few macOS releases…
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huh that's funny, I was able to successfully save a lisp image recently and prepend kernel on some project I'm working on that uses cl-sdl2
my only gripe with ccl is that cl-sdl2 will activate my macbook's graphics card even if I specifically ask for software rendering and no hardware acceleration
no magic envvar? On mesa: LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1
I can "solve" this problem by creating an app bundle and setting NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching to YES in the Info.plist file, but that's not a quick solution, or one I can easily automate, yet.
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pjb: Maybe - no saved image on Mojave, Big Sur. SAVE-APPLICATOIN bugging out; TOPLEVEL not reached in PROCESS-EXIT-APPLICATION.
(eq 'pjb 'informatimago) ;-)
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ok im on catalina and decided to try saving the heap image of this game
it "just works"
the command in particular I used was (ccl:save-application "a.out" :toplevel-function #'main :prepend-kernel t)
kakuhen: ccl 1.11 or ccl 1.12?
CCL 1.12.1 on OS X v10.15
It also worked on CCL 1.12
there's something strange happening. I put traces and break and the toplevel form is not reached when it should save the image; only the prepended kernel is saved, but not the image.
i will note my program acts funny on mac os when you try to close it the usual way, but that's because cl-sdl2 itself has an issue on mac
so on mac your graphics stuff--especially Cocoa-related--needs to be on the main thread (or else the operating system will crash your entire application)
but for some reason when you invoke the function to quit sdl, you get stuck on a syscall
when I test this game on a REPL I usually run the game in a separate thread with bordeaux threads and kill the thread once I'm done; very gross workaround, but it works.
the cl-sdl2 maintainers claim this issue only exists on SBCL, but CCL has the same problem; and I'm not sure how I'd go about collecting information to file an issue
kakuhen: when you quit, ccl uses process-interrupt to terminate the various threads. This may be the source of the problem.
i see
does it behave differently on freebsd or linux then? because the game quits normally there
it's literally just mac os that has this issue, regardless of the implementation I tested it on
I've not posted it to linux yet. It uses mclgui, which implement the GUI classes of MCL on Cocoa (MCL implemented them on the Mac OS Toolbox and Quickdraw).
I'm getting random SIGSEGVs on main thread when choosing menu items. Usually they work, sometimes they don't.
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Thanks Josh_2. I've been looking into options of CL scripting. But I haven't tested the start-time. I'd still think the fastest way is to have a running CL daemon.