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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<char> beach: hello
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<hayley> So, The Art of the Metaobject Protocol turns 30...today or perhaps yesterday depending on time zone.
<beach> Oh, wow! I'll be sure to celebrate!
<hayley> I think it happened yesterday for both of us, but better late than never.
<beach> Yeah.
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* edgar-rft always thougth that art is timeless, but whatever makes you happy...
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<lisp123_> I have question
<lisp123_> If I define a package, say new-and-improved-lisp, which uses CL (:use :cl)
<lisp123_> Can I redefine standard functions within this package and they will shadow the standard ones (but where I don't specify them, they will fall back to the standard ones)?
<lisp123_> I am getting an error "Lock on package COmmon-Lisp violated) - is there a way to suppress this?
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<pjb> lisp123_: definitely. Shadow them.
<pjb> (defpackage "YOUR-CL" (:use "CL") (:export . #.(let (clsyms) (do-external-symbols (s "CL" clsyms) (push (string s) clsyms)))) (:shadow "DEFUN"))
<pjb> (in-package "YOUR-CL") (defmacro defun (name lambda-list &body body) `(CL:defun ,name (,@lambda-list &aux (,(gensym) (print '(entering ,name)))) ,@body))
<pjb> mind using the qualified name when you want to refer to the CL symbol, instead of yours.
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<kakuhen> is it possible to define a class locally and use a type for it?
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<kakuhen> I am thinking of something like (let ((etc (make-instance 'standard-class))) ...) and using 'etc as a type
<shka> kakuhen: yeah, it is possible IIRC but i can't recall how
<shka> but anon classes can be used in CL
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<pjb> kakuhen: like this: https://termbin.com/7nemw
<kakuhen> ooh good approach
<pjb> kakuhen: note the implementation of etcp: you don't need a named type!
<pjb> Just use the class object.
<kakuhen> yeah this is good -- just now I found a solution involving ccl:ensure-class, but it is not portable enough
<kakuhen> your method is way better; thanks
<pjb> you can use c2mop:ensure-class
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<lisp123_> pjb: thanks, reading through this now
<kakuhen> pjb: is c2mop part of most major implementations' CLOS?
<kakuhen> I decided to jump to definition and noticed it took me to l1-clos.lisp in ccl
<kakuhen> wait nvm i just answered that question for myself
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<kakuhen> i'm starting to grow to dislike defclass...
<kakuhen> something that compiles fine literally everywhere else is fine but sbcl must spam nearly 1,000 lines at my repl with a dozen style warnings
<kakuhen> too lazy to fix this agh
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<pjb> kakuhen: c2mop is a portability layer for the MOP, allowing you to use it the same way on all implementations providing some level of MOP.
<pjb> MOP is a non-standard extension of CLOS.
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<pjb> The CL (CLOS) standard doesn't impose much introspection/retrospection; just a minimum. This allows to write batch compilers and perform a lot of compilation-time optimizations. The MOP goes 100% Smalltalk: you can redefine everything.
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<kakuhen> that sounds pretty cool
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<lotuseater> so when someone says to me again this would have nothing to do with OO ...
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<lotuseater> edgar-rft: timeless for us from the moment on it's discovered :)
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<pjb> It's completely natural that we have CLOS and the MOP, given that Smalltalk was implemented in lisp originally.
<lotuseater> haha but again, tell this a blub "OOP software developer"
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<contrapunctus> pjb: TIL :o source?
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<hayley> I doubt it. I heard that the first Smalltalk-72 VM was written in BASIC though.
<hayley> And Mr Bobrow of AMOP was a Smalltalk hacker before.
<Josh_2> 'ello
<hayley> 'Allo guv'na.
<Josh_2> :smirk:
<hayley> 😏
<Josh_2> hayley: are you no-defun?
<hayley> Are you no-defun?
<Josh_2> I'll just assume so then
<hayley> I reckon pjb is no-defun-allowed.
<hayley> As the nicks have no letters in common, I bet they thought they could get away with it.
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<jmercouris> Josh_2: hayley is no-defun-allowed and theemacsshibe
<jmercouris> I will assume hayley is the actual name
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<pjb> "The first version, termed Smalltalk-71, was created by Kay in a few mornings on a bet that a programming language based on the idea of message passing inspired by Simula could be implemented in "a page of code"."
<pjb> (also, note the Burroughs 220 stuff!)
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<zacts> wow that's cool pjb
<zacts> smalltalk syntax seems elegant for the OOP style to me
<pjb> Smalltalk-72 was implemented in assembler: https://github.com/pablomarx/Smalltalk72
<Josh_2> I like Smalltalk
<pjb> Well, it's not clear from the linked EarlyHistoryST document if he wrote it in lisp or just was inspired by lisp implementation to write a smalltalk implementation in a similar way.
<pjb> It's possible the Smalltalk lisp sources I've seen were later implementation in lisp of Smalltalk, on other systems.
<pjb> You'd do that on any system that has a lisp. You'd implement also LOGO that way…
<pjb> Another version of the document: http://worrydream.com/EarlyHistoryOfSmalltalk/
<pjb> It's funny that in 70s he worked a lot on the syntax, instead of concentrating on the fundamental mechanism such as message sending and receiving.
<pjb> A lisper would just implement that; the syntax if sexp didn't suffice, would come later, as way of reader macros…
<pjb> That's probably why it forked to OO instead of MO.
<Josh_2> MO?
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<pjb> Message Oriented.
<lotuseater> ahh, like with COP (concurrency oriented)
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<Josh_2> ah
<pjb> Ah yes, Dan Ingalls implemented the first Smalltalk-71 design in BASIC on the NOVA. Hey! Basic wasn't that useless after all :-)
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<lisp123_> Is cadr same as second?
<beach> Yes.
<beach> In terms of semantics, but not in terms of message to the person reading your code.
<beach> lisp123_: Use CADR if you have a structure of CONS cells. Use SECOND if you have a list of elements.
<lisp123_> second = pick the second element, cadr = take the cdr then the car?
<beach> Yes.
<lisp123_> thanks
<mfiano> No
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<mfiano> Take the car of the cdr
<mfiano> Oh i misread, nevermind
<lisp123_> sorry, i made it confusing ;)
<mfiano> Read "take the cdr of the car".
<mfiano> I should wake up, carry on :)
<lisp123_> beach: have you read SICP?
<lisp123_> Chapter 4 in particular
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<beach> lisp123_: Yes, sometime in the mid 1980s I think.
<beach> I have it here.
<beach> Let me check what chapter 4 is about.
<beach> Got it! What did you want to say about it?
<lisp123_> Is there a subset of CL for which it can be repeated?
<lisp123_> I transforming the code now, but I wonder if its something that should be done at a more professional level
<lisp123_> since it will allow paradigms of logic programming, nondeterministic computing etc, in a standard way
<beach> It's a very naive approach, meant for pedagogical purposes. You won't get any performance out of it.
<beach> Other than that, sure I think it is possible.
<beach> You may also look at Lisp in Small Pieces.
<lisp123_> Yup its on my list, but I have to get through SICP first and then Design & Analysis of Computer Programming which you recommended and I finally got in the mail
<beach> Great!
<lisp123_> if one uses macros will the performance be comparable?
<beach> You need to compile to native code and do all the traditional compiler optimizations (and then some) to get decent performance.
<lisp123_> I see
<beach> lisp123_: I am off to spend the rest of the day with my (admittedly small) family. I hope you can get answers from others in case you have more questions.
<lisp123_> beach: Enjoy :) Have a great day
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<nirnam> is clus still a thing? I'd like something like clhs but in a nicer format
<nirnam> or something in the sense of linux/posix programmer manual that can pull it out with man page
<lotuseater> nirnam: you could also download CLHS for reading it offline, also with emacs
<lotuseater> but ok, having it in org or pdf wouldn't be so bad after all
<lotuseater> i wonder if the html source is 15MB what size the pdf would be
<jcowan> WSCL has the final draft ANS in it, which is not as handy as the CLHS, but is public domain
<lotuseater> nice, i just learned about WSCL from this channel
<nirnam> have anyone created gnu info version of hyper spec? I suppose could be as light weight and easier to access
<lisp123_> if I understand correctly, the hyperspec cannot be modified
<lisp123_> as its under copyright
<nirnam> but if we distributed it, secretly *wink*
<jcowan> Correct.
<jcowan> A side effect of WSCL will be having a truly free hyperspec.
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<lotuseater> to whom goes the copyright? Kent Pitman and others?
<lisp123_> LispWorks
<lotuseater> okay seems reasonable, "--2005"
<nirnam> I just want cl document/manual that is complete and easy to access without an pdf read or browser
<lotuseater> nirnam: so emacs :D
<jcowan> Note that CLHS isn't just the ANS, it has a lot of stuff that kmp added, nottably the issues
<lisp123_> I mean its mostly well accessible, the only benefit they get is a bit of branding - if its a large FAANG I wouldn't feel bad of 'freeing' it, but don't want to cause any issues to a small company trying to make aliving in lisp :D
<lisp123_> nirnam: assuming you use Emacs, http://snowsyn.net/2020/01/01/local-clhs-access-in-emacs/
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<jcowan> Since anyone can copy the CLHS freely (just not modify it), LispWorks is obviously not making money on it.
<nirnam> this here is a vim users, I don't want to say it becase I get weird look by other lisper
<lisp123_> lol, the facts seemed to point to that direction :D
<lisp123_> does vim have an in built browser? thats all you sort of need
<jcowan> This here is an 'ex' user (not an ex-user) who drops into vi mode to check paren mattching by bouncing on the % key.
<lisp123_> a text based browser should be enough
<lotuseater> and if i now dump parts to pandoc for creating org files and modify them just for myself and educational purpose, LispWorks will hunt me down?
<lotuseater> "You'll never get this CL qualification!"
<lotuseater> or better certificate
<nirnam> well, we just called out to man/info command to veiw document say in C or Perl, there's no reason to use vim itself to veiw the document since it just an editor
<lotuseater> or use less or this one rust tool that improves less, since less is more
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<lisp123_> is there a tool to convert html to man/info?
<lotuseater> pandoc
<nirnam> ofcourse
<lotuseater> https://pandoc.org/
<lisp123_> then you can run it through it right?
<lisp123_> lotuseater: as long as you don't distribute it, I don't think there's any issues, but I am not a lawyer
<lotuseater> with included batteries for type safe parsing
<lotuseater> neither am I
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<psycomic> How is the common lisp exception system implemented? Is it built into the lisp system or is it based on lower level primitives and implemented in lisp itself?
<nirnam> say if I distribute a script to do exactly that, fetch clhs, parse it to info doc, save it to /usr/share/doc, can I get in trouble with this?
<nirnam> technically speaking I didn't distribute modified version of the document, I distribute something that does it
<lisp123_> Not really
<lisp123_> as in not really, you shouldn't have issues
<lotuseater> I'm sure LispWorks has an extra department for that, which then comes up with parentheses clubs.
<lisp123_> On that topic, I bought a copy of the actual standard and was gonna share it publicly, but then ANSI stamped my name on every page lol
<lotuseater> lol
* lotuseater bumps out his lambda shield for the next situation
<_death> psycomic: check out https://github.com/phoe/portable-condition-system/ there is also a book (which I've yet to read)
<lotuseater> it's good cause it covers much of that stuff
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<psycomic> _death: I'm actually reading it right now, but i don't understand all of it. I'll probably read the book
<_death> psycomic: there are also papers related to the condition system on Pitman's site.. http://www.nhplace.com/kent/Papers/index.html
<lotuseater> it would take me also to the next step writing serious stuff or application software for others
<psycomic> _death: thank you! i was looking for this
<lotuseater> maybe in August a project comes up, developing a special system for someone who looks for one since 2019
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<raeda> There's LispWorks approved TeX files for the spec hosted on CMU's archive, but I don't know enough about TeX to get it to compile
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<nirnam> I think latex is another layer of complication peoples added into thing (but look, pretty formular!), whatever happened to plain old document :<
<nirnam> I really love pod in Perl, you can embeded your document into your scirpt, and it had to tool to translate it to anything under the sun
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<nij-> Hi, I'm wondering if I can make sbcl into a daemon. Something like
<nij-> $ cat data-for-cl.txt | sbcl --daemon-pid 1234
<nij-> Should feed the text into a running sbcl instance, invokes a sb-thread in that sbcl which handles the text.
<lotuseater> you could have a running swank instance and connect to that
<nij-> And the following
<nij-> $ cat data-for-cl.txt | sbcl --daemon-pid 1234 (lambda () (transform-text *input*))
<nij-> should do the same thing, but let the function transform the text, with the result output back to the shell.
<nij-> lotuseater: Connect only using emacs? Can I fit the swank instance into a shell pipe line?
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<nirnam> didn't know the first thing about sbcl, but that sounded like you could make a server and a client to sent text into the server?
<nij-> Yeah, and the server should send things back to the source.
<nij-> clojure has things similar - babashka. Eg.
<nij-> ls | bb -i '(filter #(-> % io/file .isDirectory) *input*)' ## => ("doc" "resources" "sci" "script" "src" "target" "test")
<nij-> However, it's achieved by taking many things from clojure, to make `bb` start up very fast.
<nij-> If I have a running repl that will handle the input at any time, I can make use of the full force of CL.
<nij-> s/taking many things/taking many things away/
<nirnam> yeah that is what server were for, you can imagine that bb is a client that send thing into already running server, process it then send it back
<nij-> IIRC `bb` does it by launching it every time...
<Josh_2> nij-: if you look into scripting in CL this is how its done
<Josh_2> Maybe this is what you want?
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<mrcom> nij-: Clozure CL (CCL) is a download-and-run Lisp w/ built-in editor and REPL window. Runs on Mac & Windows. Current version (1.12) seems a bit fragile, though. https://ccl.clozure.com/
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<kakuhen> 1.12.1 is released on most platforms btw, and if there isn't a binary for your platform you can bootstrap 1.12.1 from 1.12
<kakuhen> i successfully did this on freebsd/amd64 but became too lazy to edit the portfile and try to convince the maintainer it's a good idea to bootstrap ccl (even though they already do this for sbcl)
<mrcom> 1.12.1 is the version I'm actually running.
<kakuhen> linux/amd64 gave me strange lisp kernel errors on fedora
<mrcom> I'm getting strange errors on Mac, too.
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<kakuhen> interesting -- my mac hasn't given any problems so far, but I guess I'm not using it too much
<kakuhen> the most problems i've had with 1.12.1 so far is trying to get a bootstrap working on fedora; it can compile itself just fine, but then loading the bootstrap image will randomly fail when loading some fasl
<mrcom> I had the same kind of issue (official binary).
<pjb> Currently, I can't save images with ccl on macOS. No deployment! I'm looking into Lispworks…
<pjb> Currently, and since a few macOS releases…
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<kakuhen> huh that's funny, I was able to successfully save a lisp image recently and prepend kernel on some project I'm working on that uses cl-sdl2
<kakuhen> my only gripe with ccl is that cl-sdl2 will activate my macbook's graphics card even if I specifically ask for software rendering and no hardware acceleration
<moon-child> no magic envvar? On mesa: LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1
<kakuhen> I can "solve" this problem by creating an app bundle and setting NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching to YES in the Info.plist file, but that's not a quick solution, or one I can easily automate, yet.
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<mrcom> pjb: Maybe https://github.com/Clozure/ccl/issues/344 - no saved image on Mojave, Big Sur. SAVE-APPLICATOIN bugging out; TOPLEVEL not reached in PROCESS-EXIT-APPLICATION.
<pjb> (eq 'pjb 'informatimago) ;-)
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<kakuhen> ok im on catalina and decided to try saving the heap image of this game
<kakuhen> it "just works"
<kakuhen> the command in particular I used was (ccl:save-application "a.out" :toplevel-function #'main :prepend-kernel t)
<pjb> kakuhen: ccl 1.11 or ccl 1.12?
<kakuhen> CCL 1.12.1 on OS X v10.15
<kakuhen> It also worked on CCL 1.12
<pjb> there's something strange happening. I put traces and break and the toplevel form is not reached when it should save the image; only the prepended kernel is saved, but not the image.
<kakuhen> i will note my program acts funny on mac os when you try to close it the usual way, but that's because cl-sdl2 itself has an issue on mac
<kakuhen> so on mac your graphics stuff--especially Cocoa-related--needs to be on the main thread (or else the operating system will crash your entire application)
<kakuhen> but for some reason when you invoke the function to quit sdl, you get stuck on a syscall
<kakuhen> when I test this game on a REPL I usually run the game in a separate thread with bordeaux threads and kill the thread once I'm done; very gross workaround, but it works.
<kakuhen> the cl-sdl2 maintainers claim this issue only exists on SBCL, but CCL has the same problem; and I'm not sure how I'd go about collecting information to file an issue
<pjb> kakuhen: when you quit, ccl uses process-interrupt to terminate the various threads. This may be the source of the problem.
<kakuhen> i see
<kakuhen> does it behave differently on freebsd or linux then? because the game quits normally there
<kakuhen> it's literally just mac os that has this issue, regardless of the implementation I tested it on
<pjb> I've not posted it to linux yet. It uses mclgui, which implement the GUI classes of MCL on Cocoa (MCL implemented them on the Mac OS Toolbox and Quickdraw).
<pjb> s/posted/ported/
<lotuseater> for the "just works" ^^
<mrcom> I'm getting random SIGSEGVs on main thread when choosing menu items. Usually they work, sometimes they don't.
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<nij-> Thanks Josh_2. I've been looking into options of CL scripting. But I haven't tested the start-time. I'd still think the fastest way is to have a running CL daemon.
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