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minion: memo for scymtym: you're right, there is :drag-callback.. it was something different that I can't recall at the moment
Remembered. I'll tell scymtym when he/she/it next speaks.
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Hello, if someone has a moment to spare; I'm having some trouble getting quicklisp to recognize foreign libraries
Just ask your question.
It can't load libsqlite3 and sqlite3 for clsql library
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I've searched and nothing comes up. I'm unsure if it's a fault of musl libc
- Using Voidlinux + musl, sbcl + quicklisp
I wasn't aware that Quicklisp could do foriegn code at all.
It may just be the clsql library then
Apologies, it is the library clsql
if you have the libsqlite3 shared library somewhere, you can check that the loader/cffi find it, see /etc/ and cffi:*foreign-library-directories* respectively
Ooh, nice. Especially the part where it apparently codifies current real world behavior
That's the main idea with WSCL, i.e., do not invent anything that the main existing implementations don't already do.
So, just transfer reasonable and agreed-upon behavior to the specification.
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Bike created some "issues" that don't quire belong in WSCL, and we don't quite know how and where to present those. They don't belong because they discuss extensions and/or radical changes.
it seems reasonable it even now outruns Dyalog APL which is 500.000 lines of C++ o_O
what do you mean by 'outruns'? Outperforms? I find that very unlikely
afaik it doesn't even do reference counting, which is necessary to get good-performing apl
yes ok, it can't do anything up to now
moon-child: Why would a tracing GC not work?
(funny how languages differ that way :P)
Is refcounting needed when you have GC?
beach: it would 'work', but it would not perform well
moon-child: can you shortly explain reference counting to me?
That sounds very surprising to me, given how reference counting works.
moon-child: why so? Runs contrary to all instincts and knowledge I have, so I'm curious
Same here.
The one time I've seen refcounting and "faster than tracing GC" actually work out was I think in Linear Lisp
And there it was essentially part of a trick to reduce trace time
phantomics told me it is also planned (when stying with SBCL) to use SIMDs
First: apl tends towards small numbers of large objects, so the overhead of reference counting is lessened. Second: in apl, all object have value semantics. A statement such as 'x←y' is semantically a copy; however it can be implemented by making 'x' point to the same memory as that currently pointed to by 'y'. A statement like 'x ← x + y', then, can only be an in-place operation on the
memory pointed to by x if it is known that the reference count of x is 1
(where x is some very large array that it would be costly to copy)
Makes sense.
yeah it's intended to handle BIG arrays ^^
*small numbers of large _and homogenous_ objects--an array of fixnums, say--so you don't need to maintain a reference count fo revery element
Avoiding the copy in many cases could dwarf everything else.
One-bit GC would work fine then
Sorry, one bit "reference counting"
pl: no
because you might create many references to some object, then delete all but one, at which point you should be able to perform operations on that object in place
getting GC right when implementing a CL is one of the more tricky parts, right? Roger Corman said so in his talk about Corman Lisp.
lotuseater: gc is very touchy, yes; and design desiderata for GCs are somewhat application-specific
moon-child: would there be many references, or rather, big space to scan? Or rather, can the array refer suddenly to somewhere else in the middle, or can one optimize by allocating "no outbound refs" arenas?
okay :) I thought about when one starts writing a language kernel in Rust, which does borrow checking and needs no GC, would the CL implementation still need GC? I think yes because of its very dynamic nature.
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lotuseater: it's not that Rust doesn't *need* a GC, it just doesn't have one.. many programmers might *like* one for some tasks, it just isn't there
lotuseater: Ruat's propaganda doesn't change the fact that it runs a half-baked Linear Lisp GC
yes it does pl. propaganda :D
also, you can write CL code that does not cons ("allocate memory") very much, so the GC would only run very infrequently
And the end result is that when you get into complex data structures, you have to forsake safety
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pl: in apl we distinguish homogenous arrays (which contain only fixed-size numbers and characters) from nested arrays (which may contain other arrays). (And most arrays fall into the former category, so you do not need to scan very much.) _If_ you were doing tracing gc, it would make sense to allocate the former in a no-outbound-refs arena, but it doesn't make sense to do tracing gc with apl
lotuseater: You can use the host GC only if you have your compiled code executed by the host. But that's not usually how a Common Lisp implementation works. It generates native code with its own ABI, so it needs its own GC.
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A Rust enthusiast friend of mine told me the last time he was at my place he doesn't see lisp used or be adapted by industry now that Rust is. i showed him from time to time some magic. and then told him CL is in industry for now a long time, or isn't it?
lotuseater: Also, it is best to write the Common Lisp implementation in Common Lisp.
lotuseater: the semantics of lisp require a gc (or to leak memory); this is independent of the language you use to implement it. Rust's gc is not commensurate with lisp's semantics
QL leaves me with clon-1.0b25; but loading that (via QL) gives me "System "net.didierverna.clon.termio" not found"
lotuseater: "GC" is the colloquiall name - the name of the art is "automatic memory management", and as much as I laud them for bringing half of a single GC design from mid-1990s into common usage, that's where my like ends
beach: Sure it is!
pl: if steele brought the c++ programmers halfway towards lisp, rust is bringing them halfway towards ocaml/clean? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let alone be ACL2 in industry use for proving hardware or this DART system in the gulf war
moon-child: haha yeah one of my favorite quotes
moon-child: no, Rust let's them do a 180 turn
well, yes; as hayley points out, java also dragged the lisp programmers halfway back towards c++
they also find it funny when i say stuff like C and friends are just special purpose langs. or that IDEs seem to converge to emacs
and of course climacs ;)
moon-child: and then Rich Hickey came along with Clojure
Industry seems determined to use languages with no independent standard, with a few exceptions.
yes it does
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beach: you once said it's not good using things with no or often changing/breaking standard, much more when legacy is needed in the long run
And, as I emphasize in my industry talks, a project leader that chooses such a language should be fired.
haha yes :D
I can also imagine you had some big industry projects in your career.
beach: I do not think such blanket statements are appropriate
beach: to me, its funnier when some languages that get bad rep turn out to have standards XD, it's just not widely known outside of the community
(for example Ruby, which has both an (outdated) ISO standard, and informal standard including test suite that allows existence of interoperable implementations)
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Which is why JRuby thrives and Jython and IronPython are deader than door nail
or this mess with the C++ standard changing all three years, adapting things that are well known for 20+ years and even the experts don't know/understand everything o_O
counterpoint: pypy, graalpython
moon-child: ah with this GraalVM?
python packaging is pain out of hell
moon-child: It keeps the audience awake. And then I explain why in greater detail.
the existance of a standard is invaluable when making a new implementation of a language, but I think its more important role is as a statement of the values of the designers and community of a language
or when much is depending on that what you do with it. eg in medicine technology every line must be clearly justified
moon-child: That would be way to complicated a message for my typical audience.
moon-child: PyPy is rife with "this doesn't work, this works" for the last... 15 years or so? I think that's how old the project is
beach: heh! Fair enough
flip214: maybe something depends on that with #+ or #-
moon-child: in comparison, with Ruby, you generally /assume things work/
* moon-child
sometimes feels as though his role in this channel is to play devil's advocate to beach
With PyPy I assume the opposite
moon-child: Thank you. I need a few people playing that role.
moon-child: but that what's keeping the discussion awake :)
lotuseater: in the ASD there's a :depends-on with (:feature :net.didierverna.clon.termio net.didierverna.clon.termio)
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but why *features* has that I don't know yet
moon-child: there's simply a big difference between language with a test suite as target, and language with "you have to work exactly like this big hairy C function"
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pl: don't forget about the shedskin :D
python->C++ compiler
dead, obviously
there can be only one python implementation
all others are getting decapitated
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It's not effectively possible to track CPython because the spec is "whatever PyEvalFrameEx is doing"
And then you have leaky abstractions, iirc, in Python C extensions
The latter is not an insurmountable problem by itself - Ruby IMO shows the way
(lots of CFFI style stuff happening)
But the CFFI style stuff became important because JRuby was viable
flip214: you probably just need to add it to local-projects to get it working
etimmons: ah, thanks
so it wasn't the QL update but the QL cleanup of "unused" stuff that broke the setup
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is the memory allocation different between these two options -- (push (cons a b) alist) vs. (push '(a . b) alist)? I think (cons a b) will allocate on the heap. what about '(a . b). does it not need to be allocated somewhere?
assuming a and b are variables passed around by some other part of the code.
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when you qupte a and b are not evaluated
so instead of variables you have symbols
from the allocation side, quoted expressions may be stored once in the memory, so single modification may impact all future accesses
literal objects should not ve modified in general
gin: as you can see, there are semantic differences. That should be enough to decide which to use.
in SBCL, with safety=0, literals modification can be very... interesting
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SBCL generally will allocate literals in function header, so while I don't know how it would go with a cons cell, in my experience allocating a short vector resulted in said vector being completely stored in function header
this resulted in !fun! when I modifed its contents
ECL stores literals in the FASL header, so it may possible collapse equal literals from different functions
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Hi hi hi
whats the best RSS feed parsing library?
etimmons: i don't see how that system file can be loaded. does asdf do something to suppress package-not-found or something?
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Xach: Huh, you're right (I haven't actually tried using clon in a while, I just remembered Didier mentioning that issue at ELS)
ASDF does nothing with package-not-found, so sb-grovel must have been already loaded by the people that have gotten it to work
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Has anyone done anything with series in recent history?
(before I waste any time trying to revive it)
xach: Anyways, the proper way of doing what he wants is to use `"sb-grovel:grovel-constants-file"` instead of `sb-grovel:grovel-constants-file`.
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etimmons: thanks.
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etimmons: i tried finding that info in the manual, but failed - is it in there? if so, can you tell me where?
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Xach: I can't find it either. And the commit that added that feature (50f2420f) didn't touch the manual
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Xach: Did you figure out a path forward with the UIOP version mismatch at compile vs. load times?
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if I want to a push the values of variables a and b into an alist, it is going to be (push `(,a . ,b) alist), am I right? just checking if my coding style is alright.
etimmons: i updated the build asdf i use for now
gin: i don't find it that common to use backquote to construct conses like that, but preferences vary. I'd do (setf alist (acons a b alist)) or (push (cons a b) alist) instead.
gin: or (push (cons a b) alist)
moon-child: The Google CL guide I found online says, "For the Lisp efficiency point, given two options of equivalent complexity, pick the one that performs better. (This is often the same as the one that conses less, i.e. allocates less storage from the heap.)"
moon-child: so I was avoiding (push (cons a b) alist) until now and going for (push `(,a . ,b) alist) but like Xach mentioned, I too did not find this coding style used by others.
that is why I thought of coming to this channel and checking if I am doing the right thing by following the said style guide.
Xach: Nice. I worry we're going to have users reporting a whole bunch of similar issues when the latest UIOP is actually released to QL, though.
gin: my personal opinion (which is not much) is that you should use acons and not mutate the alist - given how powerful computers are, this very minor inefficiency is fine. UNLESS i guess you actually want to mutate it (there are many valid cases for that, but one should consider coding in a way without side effects wherever possible imo)
at least that is what I've been taught from the various books on lisp
Xach: This issue was randomly on my mind earlier today, so I opened <>. Not sure if anything will come of it, but should be a lively issue thread at the very least.
lisp123: my question isn't about acons vs. push. my question is about (cons a b) vs. `(,a . ,b)
the Google style guide recommends avoiding cons whenever possible. but I never see the `(,a . ,b) coding style in practice. so that made me think if that style guide is followed in reality.
well for one thing `(,a . ,b) isn't actually any more efficient
gin: oh I see. (cons a b) is easier for me to read, but others who write a lot of macros may prefer the latter approach
it will cons
on sbcl (macroexpand-1 '`(,a . ,b)) => (list* a b)
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Xach: I mentioned it in that issue, but I may open a separate issue about this particular local package nickname thing. There might be support for another quick release to mitigate the issue for packages that don't explicitly ask for package local nickname support.
Bike: thanks! that helps a lot.
technically i guess an impl could use the information that modifying it is undefined behavior and do some kind of optimization there, but i doubt any of them do and the gain would be pretty marginal at best
lisp123: by the way, why did you make the point about mutating the list? did you see any code example here in the chat that was mutating the list?
gin: i thought push mtuates the original list
maybe I'm mistaken
push mutates the variable binding that points to the list
tacking on a new cons cell to the head of hte list does not mutate the old list's cells
gin: I think you misunderstood that style guide..
white_flame: but it changes the _place_ right?
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yes. the place is not the list
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it's a reference to the first cons cell of the list
(from its perspective. there might be multiple other cons cells that use that list as a shared tail to their list)
lisp123: PUSH does not mutate the list. it only updates the place.
lisp123: what do you get when you run this: (let* ((a (list (cons 'x 10))) (b a)) (push (cons 'y 20) a) (format t "a: ~a, b: ~a~%" a b))
so going from (2 3) to (1 2 3) or (1 . (2 3)), that (2 3) sublist is not mutated, and is used as the tail by the new (1 . <cdr>) cell which the place now uses as the first cell of its list
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another place might still be pointing at the first cell of (2 3), and is completely unaware and unmutated when that other place now tacks on the (1 . ###)
_death: I think so too that I have misunderstood the style guide. would you please explain what the style guide really meant here?
(1 . cdr), (2 . cdr), and (3 . nil) are 3 different objects on the heap that point to its respective 'next' list cell
gin: assuming you mean the wording there is not as decisive as "avoiding cons whenver possible".. there are ample qualifications, and note that efficiency is last on the priority order.. I don't particular like this style guide, and think the parenthetical remark should've been dropped
_death: yes that's the one
_death: is there another style guide that you or others here like?
But I guess your understanding already is quite advanced, so you can disregard
gin: from what I heard in a recent talk (probably not recorded?) google's Lisp code is basically "C with parentheses" at this point so I don't think you should take its style guide as exemplary
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gin: ITASoftware aka Google has very specialized needs, they can afford to spend extra work to gain performance.
gin: this may be due to the constraints of their system.. you can read something written 20 years ago about it here:
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pretty sure that naughty dog's GOAL was also mostly C-in-Lisp, but it makes sense there for performance gaming
but combined it with runtime recompilation
Interesting, thats a very unique way to use lisp
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Would it be possible to convert 'usual lisp style' into 'c in lisp' style via macros?
i.e. get more efficient code but not sacrifice expressivity
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it's a different style, not necessarily a mechanical transformatino
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it's like people asking if you can just compile JS to webasm, if you're in that space
to try to make code faster
but is JS and webasm 1:1?
neither is manual memory management and lower level access style
vs higher level lisp
I guess it would be very difficult :D
Theoretically might be possible though?
lisp123: there's a profile of webassembly that maps 1:1 with JS, which is common compilation target, but that's because Chrome's V8 has (had?) broken webassembly support
you mean asm.js? that was something different
White_Flame: GOAL was afaik a stripped down mix of CL and Scheme with liberal access to assembly
pl: oh i see. Chrome is always a bad actor. The IE6 of 2021
White_Flame: no, webassembly. Because for considerable time, Chrome would compile webassembly to JS because it was incapable of JITing it otherwise
ah, heh
(well, into JS-based IR)
the specific issue was that the JS roots of the V8 IR format meant there was no support for any sort of jump
only branches and loops
but no goto
makes sense
GOAL btw had "normal" GC, somewhat
you had two arenas for allocation, a global one and level-scoped one
both had simple bump allocator
the level scoped one was dropped whenever you loaded a level
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"regions" in lispm speak?
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iirc yes
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There's an interesting reverse engineering post about it
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good evening from my pi :)
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evening lotuseater
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lotuseaster: nicely done :)
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does slime have a "call this lisp function with region as a parameter and replace region with the result" builtin?
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It may, but it should be pretty easy to write regardless
I haven't played around much with slime's output / result settings, so I might do that as an exercise one day - let me know if you struggle with it
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phantomics: did you get my mail from yesterday?
lisp123: spacemacs with slime is running here fine too. this DELL laptop I borrowed temporarily has some hardware issue
lotuseater: I hadn't looked at that address, just read it
I've been looking at developing an Emacs mode for April to give a REPL experience similar to the GNU APL mode
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ecraven: Functions you need to use to do what you are after are (slime-eval-defun), (kill-region), (insert ...), slime-eval-print
ok no problem
Apart from that, another longer-range project of mine is aimed at creating a general-purpose Lisp interface, kind of like an IDE
phantomics: yes that was also what i thought about. or as i wrote, building with McCLIM some sort of IDE as Dyalog offers
Were you the one asking about visual interfaces for s-expressions before?
no I wasn't
the first one (slime-eval-defun) you can probably avoid - you can use (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end)) to get the form, then pass it through slime-eval-print to get the result, then kill-region to delete the current region and finally insert to insert the result
that would be the basic idea
we talked about eg it can get more performance by eg SIMDs meaning the SBCL intrinsics
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lotuseater: nice :-) will be curious to see how much performance you can get out of it (e.g. can you run a CRUD server)
time for sleep for me though :-) night all
I build a web-based interface before where I had a window of APL code next to a window containing a Minecraft-style voxel environment generated by the APL
lisp123: atm i have NO IDEA how that even works. there is this nice blog article by Paul Khuong about it "for when abstracts too much away" :D
or one video from cbaggers
hehe minecraft. i know of this sucle voxel engine with opengl
lotuseater: :D
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but i wanna dive deep to show everyone else the power CL offers
damn now he's gone, I saw i must correct "for when C abstracts too much"
I tried sucle a bit but it's very much alphaware
Needs a lot of work to be usable
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it was beginning of last year i got it running but didn't get how to do stuff. before my system had issues finding the .so files
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firefox on pi is not a good idea. and that was just 1 tab with rocketchat o_O
but phantomics I'm happy you're in IRC again
I'll be around, let me know if you have further thoughts
I've been doing extensive debugging of April, getting ready for a new release
oh wow
the most important file is spec.lisp as you said in your long talk, right? i have to watch it again in detail and try out
Yes, spec.lisp is the core language spec
grammar.lisp specifies the grammar patterns
Most of the functions are implemented in library.lisp and aplesque/aplesque.lisp
and as i see the parser is with combinators. i wonder if Dyalog does it this way
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Not sure how they do it, theirs is an interpreter so it works very differently
I know theirs is very baroque with lots of exceptions to rules
ou damn, and surely much old legacy C++ from before c++11
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