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hi, is there a place on IRC where I can talk to IIO (and libiio) people?
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sfo: I'm sure some people familiar with IIO are on a few of the channels. Probably also here. I don't think Jonathan is actively in IRC though. (if you're looking for him specifically).
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I'm looking for someone familiar with the DMABUF API. I'm trying to implement data streaming from a Xilinx DMA IP via a custom IIO driver and libiio (v1).
Using the sysfs IF of the driver I get valid data from the FPGA but as expected I'm missing samples between consecutive DMA txs
so I wanted to use the new DMABUF API with multiple buffers/blocks
I hacked together a small poc from the ad93*-iiostream examples. there I create a buffer and a stream with 4 blocks of 1MS.
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however I run into problems with iio_stream_get_next_block(). it fails on the 2nd call with -EBUSY, and the block returned from the first call only contains zeroes.
afaiui, I don't need to manually enable any IIO buffers but I think there's no transaction taking place
at least on the FPGA side when triggering on the AXI bus signals I see the stream staying inactive (which is not the case when manually using the sysfs interface of the IIO driver)
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