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Hello. Suppose there is a Wi-Fi router with ARM or MIPS running Linux and something. How to find out what is the address of beginning of physical memory? In particular the problem is to use uboot command to download a kernel image into RAM and then run it, and I don't want to overwrite the flash or write it into unmapped addresses
Another problem to find out the address of flash with the bootloader, so I can dump it
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[ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
[ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x00000000-0x07ffffff]
I got a feeling that physical ram doesn't start at 0x0 despite this line in dmesg
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I'd usually trust that (and /proc/iomem) as an indication of what Linux has been told is RAM
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Of course it may not have been RAM at cold boot time - it's not uncommon to have some range of memory-mapped boot ROM/flash initially, and a magic switch somewhere to flip that PA range to represent something else after initial boot
## Booting image at bc040000 ...
Image Name: MIPS OpenWrt Linux-3.10.14
Image Type: MIPS Linux Multi-File Image (lzma compressed)
Data Size: 1310728 Bytes = 1.3 MB
Load Address: 80000000
Entry Point: 80000000
robmur01, does it mean that bc040000 is memory-mapped flash and 80000000 is somewhere in the RAM, probably very beginning?
eww, MIPS... probably the top half of PA space is a non-cacheable alias of the bottom half or something weird and MIPSy like that
which would put bxxxxxxx way above that 128MB of RAM either way, likely some SRAM or XIP flash
robmur01, it's SPI flash. I don't know what is XIP
eXecute In Place, i.e. memory-mapped rather than having to send explicit read commands over SPI to get data off the chip
physical ram starts at 0 in many processors
so don't rule it out right away...
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So there is no way to know which address I need to write stuff I download from serial/network except reading datasheet from CPU or guessing?
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(again, idea was to download openwrt-kernel-initramfs image from PC and run it without overwriting original fw)
there is likely something in the (very likely downstream, obsolete, vendor forked) U-Boot env which loads the kernel from <somewhere> to DRAM ... and if you want to update the <somewhere>, look at the U-Boot env ...
=> printenv
look at 'bootcmd'
it is either SPI NOR (=> sf), or parallel nor (=> flinfo) or in case of atheros it might be directly memory mapped
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Stalevar: 80000000 is likely a virtual address, the 1st 512 MiB of DRAM are mapped there (cached)
marex, the question was in general, like I wanted the fishing rod, not the fish.
but it was MT7628
(so called KSEG0)
the RAM is ussually mapped at 0
It is called fishing rod?
I mean, I wanted to know a general method to obtain memory map from a board, but it's apparently not so obvious and includes a lot of guesswork. The bootloader might be kind enough to provide it right away on UART though
in uboot, => bdinfo
marex: about being old, probably is given kernel's 3.10 LOL
memory map is architecture specific too, and the MIPS one is a bit unusual too
plus vendor can map it however they want afaik, within limitations of the architecture's memory map. Like stm32 won't have the same memory map as say, raspberry pi
Xogium: hey, at least it's not 2.6
cambrian_invader: true, true
Anyway, assuming that memory starts at 80000000 what would be right address to load openwrt kernel-initramfs image into? I guess not 80000000 because kernel tries to unpack itself at this address or something
Stalevar: surely 80000000 is a virtual address
the physical is 0
* headless
spent couple years w/MIPS
it generally can't be at the very beginning because it's conventional to load the image so that the header is "negative" and the data is loaded to its final address
so it's common to offset by 8 MiB or whatever so you have some "headroom"
I think the initramfs can go anywhere though
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of course, arch-specific stuff applies
e.g. on arm64 it has to be above 1G and below 32G and in the same "block" of memory as the kernel
Stalevar: there's #mipslinux channel both on this server and OFTC
of course the real way is to just copy the values from the reference design...
So I got the idea. The idea is to read where kernel is loaded to and then use same address plus some offset which fits the image