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krzk: I got your mail about your pgp-key, thanks for reacting. Might I lure you into OFTC/#sequoia where people are that are more competent than me to fix that?
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krzk: that would be great input because that feedback probably helps to improve the suggested todo for the affected people
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I'm trying to make sense of the pgprot_noncached definition. which uses MT_DEVICE_nGnRnE on arm64, unlike pgprot_device, which is MT_DEVICE_nGnRE as expected
On all non-arm architectures pgprot_noncached is the same as pgprot_device, and uses the same as ioremap(). I think all the portable drivers really want the pgprot_device behavior here, though there are probably some that want MT_NORMAL_NC, which on arm64 is pgprot_writecombine
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arnd: I think that's a historical accident, and I suspect we can make pgprot_noncached() use MT_DEVICE_nGnRE
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I was adding a second node to a dt binding example and get a "duplicate label" error. how can I make those two examples independent from another and avoid that error/warning when running dt_binding_check?
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LeSpocky: gpio/aspeed,ast2400-gpio.yaml has several examples. I would expect that being separated by "- |" doesn't make duplicate label names a problem?
ukleinek: that one has no duplicate labels, it has [none], gpio, gpio0, gpio1 … but I will just omit the label for one node in my case, I think it get's clear enough for the reader
LeSpocky: usually aadvice is: just don't add unused labels
and the example itself must be significantly different, not just by one property, to be worth adding and maintaining
krzk: I think it is, we'll see, thanks for your input :-(
I mean :-)
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* LeSpocky
faces '4.7.1 Ratelimit "mailcow" exceeded' and will send the rest of the patch series tomorrow
LeSpocky: so you sent exactly what I asked not to - difference in one property: compatible :/
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