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looking at existing code, I assume it is OK to cast and drop the __iomem qualifier on pointers returned by ioremap_wc() for blocks of DRAM or SRAM. Is that true?
I looked at a couple remoteproc drivers
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wens: in portable code, casting __iomem is not ok.
if you want to map something that is not an MMIO register, you should use memremap() as the portable way to give you a pointer you can dereference
If you just want to access it as RAM, then you usually want a cacheable map (MEMREMAP_WB) rather than write-combining (MEMREMAP_WC)
it gets a lot trickier if there is another device that may do DMA on the same memory
ack. it's ww1
it's a remoteproc driver for an onboard coprocessor, so likely not portable
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wens: so is this buffer part of system RAM, or some special SRAM that is part of the coprocessor?
there's both
one block is in system RAM, the other is in some TCM (tightly coupled memory)
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TCM is a third option, I think we've thrown out most of the TCM infrastructure over time as it was rarely used
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For the part in system RAM, there should be a way to make that appear as the backing for dma_alloc_coherent(), we used to do that with dma_declare_coherent_memory() but I forget what the devicetree equivalent of that is
assuming the device uses cache-coherent DMA, that should give you a cacheable mapping as well, which would be faster
for the TCM, I think you need an uncached (PROT_NORMAL_NC) mapping, so probably MEMREMAP_WC is the closes approximation
In both cases, you probably need explicit dma_wmb()/dma_rmb() barriers when accessing the memory with a pointer if you need to serialize accesses against the device
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DT equiv: memory-region pointing to a reserved memory node w/ "???-dma-pool"?
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wens: yup, shared-dma-pool is the one
today will mostly be fixing proprierary software's config scripts as newer gccs cause it to fail to configure properly
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I am wondering why we look at MMFR4_EL1.E2H0 to decide ARM64_HAS_HCR_NV1 capability. I might be missing some assumption there. If i rename ARM64_HAS_HCR_NV1 to something like ARM64_HAS_E2H0_FEAT, i find code more easy to follow. Something like
Any reason we name that NV1 cap instead of E2H0_FEAT cap
Also can MMPRF4_EL1.E2H value 0 and value -1 indicate NV1 capability?
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Sorry i meant can MMFR4_EL1 value between -8 -> -3 indicate NV1 capability? (-2 implies NV1 is RES0)
aneesh: please use a paste service when pasting big chunks of text
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aneesh: we do that because that's how the spec is written?
also, aside from the IRC pollution, these questions are better asked on the list.
also, detecting this late whether E2H can be written to is pretty pointless. If we made it that far, we have a precise idea of that state.
by the time that code you find unbearable gets run, we're firmly with a final value of E2H that will *never* change.
didn't follow that. The diff i shared do that as part of capability update. So it is early. What did in the diff is instead of calling it NV1 cap, i am wondering whether we should name it E2H update capability?
no, it is fsckin late. *very* late.
we already use that state in the first 10 instructions at boot time. *that* early.
just look at init_kernel_el.
and NV1 is really NV1. that's what KVM wants to know.
we want to know whether HCR_EL2.NV1 is RES0 or not. that's the only thing we are interested about.
does a value of MMFR4.EL1 value of -3 indicate NV1 RES0?
ie, 0b1101
there is no such field in ID_AA64MMFR4_EL1. what field are you talking about?
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if you are talking about the E2H0 field, then any negative value removes functionalities from the value strictly higher.
so E2H0 implemented = 0, E2H0 not implemented = -1; E2H not implemented *and* NV1 not implemented = -2.
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if the architecture decide to remove something else (no idea what), -3 will still not have E2H0 nor NV1.
ok. got that.
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