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<NishanthMenon> Does anyone know the magic sauce for getting JTAG + software breakpoints to work with kernel? I mean, I did disable CONFIG_ARM_CORESIGHT_PMU_ARCH_SYSTEM_PMUCONFIG_CORESIGHT -> but ran headlong into this little problem: - openocd s/w breakpoints dont work since the text areas are ro - h/w breakpoints work.. but are limited in number (asking for someone else)
<jn> NishanthMenon: you can make the .text sections RW by disabling CONFIG_STRICT_KERNEL_RWX
<NishanthMenon> aah thanks
<NishanthMenon> trying..
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<robmur01> NishanthMenon: IIRC the arguments for minimising hardware debug frustration are "rodata=off"
<NishanthMenon> Thanks robmur01 - that is much easier to try.. adding it to nokaslr
<NishanthMenon> robmur01: worked like a charm. thank you!
<robmur01> (disabling idle is because historically Arm Development Studio didn't really like CPUs suddenly disappearing - dunno if it's got any better since I last tried)
<NishanthMenon> robmur01: ok the only thing irky is coresight driver taking over coresight regs and messing with openocd control :( -> will see if there is command line option for that sometime..
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<HdkR> Is there a userspace accessible system register for enabling and disabling ASIMD execution? I have an edge case which would be really nice to have lazy FP state saving and restoring.
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<Bitweasil> Don't you get that by default on the Linux kernel these days?
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<Bitweasil> I thought it left that stuff disabled on context switch until you fault, at which point it swaps state around.
<Bitweasil> Though the microarchitectural leakages from it may have been responsible for some changes there, I've not kept up.
<j`ey> aarch64 linux doesn't do lazy siwtching for ASIMD
<maz> j`ey: not for userspace. but we do it for guests (and even that isn't that lazy).
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<HdkR> maz: Dang, So I can't do it in userspace at all. Good to know.
<HdkR> I think I would have needed a CPACR_EL0 or something?
<j`ey> yeah that controls the trapping
<HdkR> Guess I'll just need to think of a smarter way to not need to loadstore all this state :D
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<maz> HdkR: the problem with having a CPACR_EL0 is that you need to route the exception to... EL0. and we don't have userspace exceptions. the best you could have is some ugly API with the kernel to disable FP for you and give you a signal (+ re-enabling FP) on FP execution.
<HdkR> Which would end up being worse than just saving and restoring my state once I need to touch the kernel :)
<maz> exactly.
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<broonie> HdkR: OOI what’s the use case?
<HdkR> broonie: I need to save and restore 30 FPRs when jumping out of some JIT code and coming back. Which is something like 11 instructions on either side of the call and 480 bytes of memory access. Trimming that down to a theoretical MRS/MSR plus masking would be a big performance win
<HdkR> Since the call out of code is unlikely to touch FPRs anyway
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