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<lag> Any selinux gurus around to explain some magic to me please?
<lag> How does an identifier like `MSGQ__GETATTR` get converted into a u32?
<ukleinek> ..ooOO(/me would guess either using fairy dust or cpp)
<lag> I'm hedging on fairy dust and gemstones!
<lag> Ah, so you think it's compiler nonsense?
<lag> Seems fragile: error: use of undeclared identifier 'IO_URING__SQPOLL';
<lag> So where do I look to see what's missing?
<phh> definitely cpp
<lag> Okay, so that's one step in the right direction - thanks for the info
<lag> Next question is; how do I go about debugging this? Do these identifiers need to also reside in cpp, or does it pluck them from another part of the kernel source?
<ukleinek> lag: note that's I'm not a selinux guru and cpp was just a guess
<lag> ukleinek: phh also seems pretty certain :)
* ukleinek nods
<phh> i'm making a quick check, just in case i'm wrong
<lag> My assumption is that cpp (or whatever is conducting the incantation) is splitting the two parts, but that means "IO_URING" and "SQPOLL" should be defined somewhere, right?
<ukleinek> that would involve deep cpp magic indeed. Maybe fairy dust isn't that bad a guess :-)
<phh> yeah well my knowledge of selinux if on Android and it looks like it doesn't apply properly here, so maybe don't listen to me
* ukleinek wouldn't be surprised if lag cares for the Android variant of SELinux, too
<phh> ukleinek: there is nothing upper case like that in android selinux
<lag> I'm glad it's not just me - thought I was losing my touch :)
<j`ey> damn, that stuff seems earlier than the v2.6 that git was started with
<lag> j`ey: Yep, I came to the same conclusion
<lag> It's lacking documentation as well, right? I had a little look ...
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<robmur01> lag: hmm, in my current 6.6-rc3 tree it's defined in security/selinux/av_permissions.h
<lag> robmur01: Which one?
<robmur01> MSGQ__*
<j`ey> is that generated?
<j`ey> (yes)
<lag> Okay, that's interesting - let me see if I can fine what generates it
<j`ey> scripts/selinux/genheaders/genheaders.c
<robmur01> oh indeed there's also a couple of IO_URING__* macros too
<lag> robmur01: I see them - awesome! That's another step forward, thanks
<j`ey> I guess in this tree I dont have the security subsystem enabled
<robmur01> heh, actually it seems that file is dated April 2022, so quite possibly left over from when I last built Android kernels in this tree :)
<lag> I have it - mystery solved - thanks again everyone!
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<ukleinek> arnd: your suggestion about merging my soc: Convert to platform remove callback returning void sounds fine to me
<ukleinek> thx
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