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<narmstrong> just bisected onto the same a5ae331edb02b664, too late^^
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<dhruvag2000> @broonie gentle ping on the patch for runtime pm: . I haven't recieved any tested-by from other users of the drivers but neither have I received any concerns or NAK's . Can we take this patch in? Or do you prefer that I add some kind of TI specific quirk to check for and based on that enable / disable runtime pm in the driver probe?
<javierm> arnd, geertu: sometimes the Kconfig symbols combination matrix makes my head hurt :)
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<geertu> javierm: Welcome to the club...
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<broonie> dhruvag2000: please don't send content free pings.
<broonie> and please allow a realistic time for review, it's been about a day since the merge window closed.
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* ardb wonders what a contentful ping looks like
<broonie> ardb: In general pings are going to be content free
<ardb> so not even dhruvag2000's wall of text qualifies as context?
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<broonie> Not really, I had to go open a browser to figure out what was being talked about.
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<broonie> (in general a resend tends to be a better option, it's directly actionable)
<javierm> broonie, arnd: I always wondered whether would make sense to write down some of these maintainers' preferences in the MAINTAINERS entries
<broonie> It keeps on being suggested but nobody came up with anything.
<javierm> broonie: for instance, you have a very good track record of going through posted patches in your subsystems, even if it make you a few weeks to response
<broonie> There's lots of stuff to encode (eg, what to base your patch on)
<javierm> *respond
<javierm> broonie: but people who are not usual contributors may not know that and think that fell through the cracks
<javierm> broonie: yeah, I guess that's the hard part. To know what are the things to write down and have some level of consistency in the entries
<broonie> Actually looking at submitting-patches.rst it claims a week turnaround time with only a minor note about merge windows which is a *bit* optimistic, especially where maintainers are leaving time for other people to review.
<javierm> broonie: yeah, I believe 2 or 3 weeks is more realistic
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<geertu> ardb: Probably something along the lines I sent for a lost renesas,rzg2l-irqc patch, as maz just applied it?
<geertu> maz: thx!
<ardb> geertu: arnd ^^^ ?
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<geertu> ardb: Not this time ;-) It was you was wondering about the contentful ping, right?
<geertu> you who was
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<maz> geertu: np
<ardb> ah ok
<ardb> yes that was me
<robmur01> Indeed, I also favour the "this still applies, but would you like me to resend it?" approach - I reckon an actionable question constitutes meaningful content :)
<broonie> robmur01: The problem I find is that if it's genuinely been lost I lack any context for why it might not have been applied and now I have to handle an additional mail telling you to resend it so I can figure out what the patch actually is.
<broonie> Whereas if the patch is resent I can just review the patch
<geertu> broonie: That's why I use lore. Works fine even if I wasn't CCed onthe original submission.
<broonie> geertu: Sure, I can go download the patch to figure out what they were talking about if I have network at the time but that's faff.
<robmur01> broonie: ah, indeed, I guess a single patch that can remain quoted in entirety for context is one thing, but a reply to a cover letter where the whole original thread has vanished due to keyboard-shortcut-mishaps would be a different matter
* robmur01 feels fortunate to still avoid the responsibility of actually applying patches anywhere :)
<broonie> and if it's not been lost the chances of me actually seeing the ping until I actually review the patches are low, plus a good chunk of the people who ping do so really quickly.
<robmur01> maybe we need a mantra... "if it's not a fix, wait 'til rc6"
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<javierm> robmur01: it even rhymes :)
<maz> "No sleep 'til Hammersmith"
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