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<robmur01> HdkR: get amdgpu to not do wrong things like calling memset() on an iomem pointer :(
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<bjdooks> anyone trying to use qemu with edk2 and finding it seems to be ignoring qemu's dtb
<bjdooks> EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel...
<bjdooks> EFI stub: Exiting boot services...
<bjdooks> EFI stub: Generating empty DTB
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<HdkR> robmur01: Sadly I don't have the power to control AMD
<HdkR> I thought someone had got an older Radeon card working on the Solidrun boards but I guess I don't have something old enough. Newer hardware seems to have /more/ issues
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<robmur01> also memset() was less aggressive with unaligned access in sufficiently old kernels
<HdkR> Probably also makes sense
<HdkR> I plan on retrying the NVIDIA Jetson Orin with the same situation once they update their software. But I'm unsure if they will resolve the IOMMU issue with their PCIe bridges
<HdkR> Probably SOL until AmpereOne emag lands
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<robmur01> "let's just cast away volatile, what could go wrong?"
<HdkR> I definitely wouldn't have gone far enough to say its quality :P
<robmur01> kinda fun that a "bad" DC ZVA shows up as an alignment fault on a 64K-aligned address, though
<robmur01> (looks like the actual unaligned access thing didn't matter here)
<robmur01> IMO you should definitely have the power to send a patch to fix that :D
<HdkR> `If the memory region being zeroed is any type of Device memory, this instruction can give an Alignment fault which is prioritized in the same way as other Alignment faults that are determined by the memory type.`
<HdkR> Interesting
<ardb> bjdooks: you need to run qemu with -no-acpi if you want DT boot rather than ACPI boot
<robmur01> HdkR: BTW, apologies for interleaving two contexts there - "...fix that" was still referring to the driver, not the DC ZVA architecture :)
<HdkR> robmur01: Yea I figured that. Just interesting that I missed that line last time I looked at dc zva
<HdkR> Obviously it never applies to work I do since everything is normal memory for me
<robmur01> time to find some tenuous reasons for more VFIO in FeX then?
<HdkR> I just need a radeon GPU for testing things with radv/vulkan really. We cut out our x86 JIT so I can't use that as a test platform anymore
<HdkR> Exynos 2200 would be a theoretical platform if it sanely worked on Linux and people made SBCs for those SoCs these days
<HdkR> VFIO on Orin is just because building a new kernel on that platform is...a nightmare
<ajb-linaro> bjdooks what platform? Generally QEMU doesn't supply an DTB for good reason as it is the firmware's pervue
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<bjdooks> Qemu virt
<bjdooks> ajb-linaro: looks like the issue was -no-acpi and buildroot qemu not having acpi build in kenrel config
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<ajb-linaro> bjdooks you can define the platform with DTB or ACPI, not both (although I think firmwares can consume DTB and spit out ACPI to the kernel)
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<bjdooks> ajb-linaro: not sure what qemu is up to, but got buildroot's kernel working with qemu now and edk2
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