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<arnd> ardb, krzk, robher: I wonder if I'm being too pedantic about that loongarch suspend patch at since krzk has already reviewed the binding, and the ACPI variant uses the same method
<arnd> it just feels wrong to have the suspend function just branch into an address provided in a DT property to have it execute code from ROM
<arnd> <insert exploit vector here>
<geertu> arnd: If an attacker can tamper with the DTB, you have to consider the device compromised anyway.
<arnd> geertu: sure, it's just that we usually don't go out of our way to make it easy
<geertu> arnd: Seeing you will be on holidays soon, do you have a backup for handling late soc PRs?
* geertu is going through a huge pile of email during resuming from holidays
<arnd> geertu: no, my plan is to travel with a laptop and still do the important merges.
<geertu> arnd: IC ;-)
<geertu> I do hope no urgent and important things show up, and we can just postpone to v6.7.
<arnd> Right, I think the merge window will be fairly quiet because of the vacation and I've already merged a lot, thanks to a lot of you all sending pull requests early, thanks for that!
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<geertu> arnd: Enjoy your holidays!
<arnd> thanks
<conchuod> arnd: I looked at the loongarch thing in one of the first revisions & neither did I like it nor was I able to get the chap to explain what the firmware actually was doing.
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<tlwoerner> how can i find out if a trivial patch i sent at the beginning of august has been picked up?
<tlwoerner> i don't need a reply to a small patch, but if there is no reply does that mean is slipped through without being noticed?
* tlwoerner looks for a link
<arnd> broonie: it looks like I merged it two days ago, it just hasn't shown up in linux-next yet
<broonie> Ah, great - don't think I got email for it but it might've been lost in the noise. Thanks!
<arnd> tlwoerner: it depends on the maintainer. If it's a patch you sent to, there is a patchwork instance that shows the status. Some other trees have the same, but I think most don't
<tlwoerner> oh! there was a reply. odd gmail hasn't informed me
<rfs613> that's a gmail "feature" :-)
<tlwoerner> lol
<arnd> broonie: I see an automated reply to your patch that was sent,, but it looks like patchwork no longer puts everyone else on cc
<arnd> so the lakml archive doesn't have it
<broonie> It probably got lost in a big batch of patchwork stuff.
<tlwoerner> arnd: get_maintainer didn't tell me to send it to soc@ but rather to linux-omap@
<tlwoerner> weird, i can't seem to coax gmail into showing me the reply to that patch
<broonie> It probably got eaten by gmail's spam filtering, it's notoriously fickle at rejecting incoming mail.
<arnd> tlwoerner: right, we haven't come up with a way to make get_maintainer do the right thing here. Most defconfig changes should go through a platform tree when they are only relevant to one platform, including changes to the generic defconfig but change platform specific drivers
<arnd> your patches were not platform specific, and crossed multiple files, so is in fact the right address for those.
<tlwoerner> arnd: i wasn't sure if it make sense to split the patch by config option or platform. i chose config option (i chose wrong, lol)
<arnd> broonie: my entire email setup has improved a lot after I started paying for
<arnd> tlwoerner: no, I like the way you split it, it makes much more sense to have this change cross multiple files
* broonie just uses for outbound stuff which also has some advantages with work IT.
<broonie> Incoming stuff seems to work fine and it'd be enormous hassle to omve.
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<tlwoerner> arnd: okay. can i leave it with you, or would you like me to resend?
<arnd> tlwoerner: the mips changes need an Ack from Thomas Bogendoerfer <>, he's Fleedwood on #mipslinux but currently not logged in there.
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<arnd> similarly for the loongarch changes from their maintainers
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<arnd> tlwoerner: it might be easier if you can resend just the arm bits to
<tlwoerner> arnd: okay, will do. thanks!
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