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<Xogium> here's a fun question... I've got a board which has 4 pins for uart. I'm not quite sure what the 4th pin means though... Typical gnd, rx, tx of course is there, but the 4th pin is a wakeup pin ? How does that even work ?
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<phh> Xogium: PCBs often have power supply as last pin
<phh> never quite understood why but well
<rfs613> Xogium: could it be rs-422 rather than 232 ?
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<phh> Xogium: or you're saying that your documentation actually say it's a wakeup pin?
<Xogium> I'm really not sure tbh someone told that to me
<phh> for bluetooth it's pretty standard to have a bt chip => main cpu irq pin to resume main cpu from deep suspend on event
<Xogium> I'd look at the schematics but since I'm blind..
<Xogium> this thing's labled debug and has no bluetooth so it can't be bluetooth
<rfs613> Xogium: the schematic does say "WAKEUP" for the 4th pin
<rfs613> and it is routed to the PMIC pin 17 which is "PONKEYn"
<rfs613> so I think phh has the right idea here ;-)
<Xogium> so it would be a power source ?
<Xogium> what a weird label to use
<rfs613> no, i'd say it is an active low signal
<Xogium> so... What does that actually do ?
<Xogium> I'm confused
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<rfs613> without reading the PMIC data sheet... I'd guess it is basically a power-on button.
<Xogium> like this thing's going to work even if I plug a 3 wires cable into it, right ?
<rfs613> siglunch here, bbiab
<Xogium> ahaha nice one ! I've also seen sigfood
<rfs613> yeah i think you can ignore the 4th pin, unless it's needed to turn the whole thing on.
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<Xogium> nah doubt it. It's switching straight to dfu for now when I plug usb-c in
<Xogium> a button exposed as a gpio pin... I'll have seen everything. Or not, but
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<rfs613> PMIC datasheet shows the PONKEYn connects to a "user push button" tied to GND
<rfs613> pin described as "User power ON key (acrtive low with internal pullup)"
<Xogium> hmm, makes sense
<rfs613> there are some timing diagrams, showing how long it takes for various power rails to come up, after pressing PONKEYn
<Xogium> really have to wonder why seeed exposed that one as a male header literally in the same row of pins as the 3 uart pins :D
<Xogium> unless it means one can plop down a button on that male pin and somehow have a wake up button
<Xogium> but I doubt it is that simple
<Xogium> very intriguing design choice
<rfs613> all this does is turn on power rails, from what I see
<rfs613> i guess you can use this to put the board into very low power state, and have the button wake it back up
<Xogium> yeah... Cause you can instruct the pmic to not immediately power the hardware and to require a button press. I've done it with another board of theirs which has an actual power button
<Xogium> it makes sense this would be the same. Just the pin is... Well, I never expected that
<rfs613> looks like it is someting like 15 ms to power up all the rails
<Xogium> that, and it can also be used to resume from suspend
<Xogium> I'm just having a really hard time picturing how you'd use that single pin, that's all
<rfs613> i guess it was just easier to put a 1x4 pin header, rather than a separte 1x1 and 1x3...
<Xogium> yeah, that must be it
<Xogium> first time I saw that and I was really unsure what it was for
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