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<wens> mraynal: reported issue with nvmem sysfs patch
<wens> ^ New
<wens> 5:59 PM (50 minutes ago)
<wens> to b-system+-626966485, chromeos-geralt
<wens> thank god that wasn't confidential information :/
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* maz looks at the bug...
<maz> an. not even an actual buganizer entry... disappointing! :D
<wens> maz: that's a good thing ... for me :D
<wens> is infradead offline? can't access the web interface for mailman
<maz> I'm not getting anything since yesterday evening.
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<Tartarus> Hey all. I was wondering if anyone knows if there's an existing tool today that's kind of the inverse of, a if you will, that shows files that are not covered by the MAINTAINERS file
<Tartarus> (Or if one of the CI instances has something written up in a test with
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<krzk> Tartarus: lwn published some results few years ago, so maybe Jonathan has something
<Tartarus> krzk: Possible, yeah. Or he might have just worked something out looping (which I'm toying with atm, since it would be for CI and if it's not too slow, it won't bottleneck everything else). I'll keep that in mind
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<Tartarus> I can say doing a lazy for loop in the kernel sources, so far the only big area lacking specific maintainers is places under Documentation/ABI/
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