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<NishanthMenon> arnd: just curious: -> i see a conflict with soc/apple/Makefile in linux-next atm. is there a road forward or will ulf do a final cleanup at the end?
<broonie> NishanthMenon: trivial conflicts aren't an issue, Linus will sort them out when he merges things.
<NishanthMenon> broonie: aah thanks. was surprised it was'nt part of next already and wondering if i should consider pulling into platform drivers stuff that i am carrying..
<broonie> Probably someone should prod Ulf to get the tree in -next directly.
<NishanthMenon> hehe, ok
<arnd> NishanthMenon: I assume I'll resolve the conflict when I merge the apple patches into the same branch, in that case torvalds doesn't even see it
<NishanthMenon> arnd: aah ok. thanks for clarifying.
<conchuod> Aye, I was surprised not to get an email from sfr about conflicts w/ it that I introduced.
<conchuod> > Probably someone should prod Ulf to get the tree in -next directly.
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<arnd> conchuod: I pushed the branch today, it should show up tomorrow
<conchuod> Ah cool.
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