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<marc|gonzalez> Hello everyone!
<Xogium> marc|gonzalez: hiya :)
<marc|gonzalez> Xogium: hi! still working on MSM stuff? :)
<Xogium> marc|gonzalez: what do you mean by msm ?
<marc|gonzalez> Xogium: maybe I'm confusing you with someone else. I meant the qcom chips :)
<Xogium> oh nah that's not me ^^
<marc|gonzalez> oops. Bad memory! :)
<Xogium> I work with stm32, there's that, but ;)
<Xogium> also embedded x86 yikes
<Xogium> but one's gotta make do
<marc|gonzalez> Xogium: I actually have an embedded x86 task right now: make a fast-as-possible in-kernel memtest
<Xogium> oh boy
<marc|gonzalez> there's mm/memtest.c as a good starting point, but it leaves performance on the table for greater compatibility
<Xogium> I mean I got lucky because our hardware's got serial ports, since it's really for industrial use, but... The uefi bios of course doesn't talk over it, just like all other modern uefi thingy on x86
<Xogium> so if I got a problem during boot I'm kind of screwed
<marc|gonzalez> I have a custom serial port somewhere too, if I blow the box open with a special forceps, and connect some pins with a special cable made by the HW dudes
<Xogium> hah double yikes
<marc|gonzalez> indeed :)
<Xogium> I guess we're lucky in that the ports are exposed already, we got a whole bunch of things using them, like thermal printer, is that how you say it ? Hmm
<marc|gonzalez> mrutland: robmur01: is Vladimir M still at arm?
<Xogium> but gosh do I hate serial port for such use case ! You have like 8 or 10 of those and you don't know which one in linux will hold your printer
<marc|gonzalez> I disable all serials but mine in DT on arm
<Xogium> yeah... I so wish I could do that :D
<marc|gonzalez> In the BIOS, one can disable ports, no?
<Xogium> sure, but since the bios doesn't talk over serial and I'm blind, well... That ended this idea very fast
<marc|gonzalez> gah
<Xogium> I love coming back to arm ;)
<Xogium> specially with a vendor as cool as st
<marc|gonzalez> Vive la France :D
<Xogium> aye aye
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<mmind00> arnd: as char-misc supporter ... does a new eeprom compatible (node code change) go through some char/misc tree or should I just pick it together with the dt users? [ ]
<mmind00> node -> no
<arnd> mmind00: just keep the binding change together with the dt changes in this case
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<mmind00> arnd: ok, thanks :-)
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