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<milkylainen> Hmm. Can one regulate the transaction sizes on AMBA->system busses to match whatever page sizes are out in memory mapped devices? Or is the access always cache line sized, regardless?
<robmur01> it's up to the thing generating the transaction
<milkylainen> hmm. ok. So like the actual instructions and whatever load sizes they do? I was thinking since this is memory mapped it'll do a cacheline sized pull regardless.
<milkylainen> Maybe that's just within the realm of the cpu cache coherency bus.
<robmur01> For a CPU, if it's mapped as Device memory, then loads/store instructions should generate transactions of the exact corresponding size. For Normal memory, you're largely at the mercy of whatever the CPU feels like doing
<robmur01> (e.g. normal non-cacheable stores could still be merged in a write buffer)
<robmur01> A DMA engine, on the other hand, may allow you to program specific burst sizes for a transfer
<milkylainen> mm.
<milkylainen> So how would a parallel nor flash be treated like? there is no dma for the generic physmap mtd?
<rfs613> page size of 4kB is much larger than typical burst size on AMBA/AXI, which IIRC is max of 256 bytes
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<HdkR> Has there been any work towards having *at variants of the various xattr syscalls? {l,}{get,set,list,remove}xattr?
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<milkylainen> rfs613: I was refering to the page burst mode of nor flash:es and their sizes. Typically between 16-64 bytes. Sorry for the confusion.
<rfs613> milkylainen: ah that would probably be a better fit then ;-) but often you don't have that kind of control over the interconnect, so I wouldn't try to reply on burst sizes happening to line up.
<milkylainen> So.. Page mode on a parallel attached NOR is a semi useless feature on a modern machine? :)
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