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Good morning, Armbian ;-) Anyone well versed in RPi's DT overlays here?
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From another angle: has anyone managed to enable I²C on Raspberry Pi 5 on Armbian?
Manneveru: `sudo modprobe i2c-dev` you see the `ls /dev/i2c*` now?
c0rnelius: yes, but only 1, 11 and 12. How to make this persistent on boot and how to enable 4 & 6 (cameras)?
Manneveru: add `i2c-dev` to /etc/modules
I thought cams were autodetected now? I know the old school way is to enable in the config.txt `start_x=1` and `gpu_mem=128` the new way which I never use is `camera_auto_detect=1`
Camera autodetect is not going to work for my as I have _in-house_ camera with my own driver. I need to enable I²C as I can on Raspberry Pi OS, `dtparam=i2c_arm=on` in /boot/firmware/config.txt` was doing the job there.
s/for my/for me/
Manneveru meant to say: Camera autodetect is not going to work for me as I have _in-house_ camera with my own driver. I need to enable I²C as I can on Raspberry Pi OS, `dtparam=i2c_arm=on` in /boot/firmware/config.txt` was doing the job there.
The other part is that `dtoverlay` is not working for me as it wants to prefix each DTBO filename with `0_`...
armbian is using `/boot/firmware/overlays` to store the overlays correct?
There are 2 copies for increased confusion
Files are there, but they don't have prefix...
Not sure how to tell `dtoverlay` to not prefix them on attempt to load
I don't have to do that for I²C on Raspberry Pi OS as the `dtparam=i2c_arm=on` enables all I²C I need, them I can `dtoverlay` my driver.
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My overlay don't work as my driver cannot identify the device connected as there's no /dev/i2c-4 in the system
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well even on my own custom img i only see the three when I enable the i2c. in a normal case the i2c nodes created in /dev are only done so because they are in the DTB or the DTBO. The system can't create something it doesn't know about.
Right. Thing is overlays doesn't seem to work on Armbian
Where are you putting ur custom overlays?
But dmesg says it's loaded (I'm doing it at runtime), so my driver is probed.
But I can't enable right overlays for I²C at boot.
s/I²C/right I²C/
Manneveru meant to say: But I can't enable right overlays for right I²C at boot.
Hmm... worth giving a shot. Let me try.
No change. I don't have serial cable to see what errors firmware may spit at me :-(
I'm just gonna guess here as I feel like ur not giving me all the info; the overlays aren't being found by the config.txt so they aren't getting loaded.
The DTBOs aren't for right platform, hence the `no matching platform found` warning on manual attempt. Firmware cannot load them even with the flag enabled in `config.txt`.
I wonder what would happen if I copied DTBOs from the SD card with Raspberry Pi OS?
checking the rp1 datasheet, it does have an i2c6, at 0x40088000
looks to me that what he is trying to do is not compat with the pi5 and needs to be reworked. but i also don't believe all the info has been expressed.
there it is, i think `dtparam=i2c_arm=on` just flips the status of the earlier one
Manneveru: it may help to compare the final dts, one min
something like `dtc -O dts /proc/device-tree -s -o out` will convert the final dts (after all overlays are applied) back into a dts file
if you run that under both Armbian and RPi OS, and diff the files, you can see why linux is behaving differently
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It's going to take time as I have one RPi only and need to reboot from different SD Card.
clever: major differences seem to be clocks
a lot of phandles differ
phandles differing is normal
thats just how one node points to another
i need to go grab lunch, then i can debug it more
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Manneveru: oh, and are you using dtoverlay= or the userland dtoverlay?
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clever: in reality both, in userland I use it to load my own driver with my own overlay file (which works on Raspbian OS on RPi 5, because I²Cs are active in DT).
Manneveru: i'm more familiar with the config.txt method, can you try loading all of the overlays like that, convert /proc/device-tree to dts, and then pastebin the dts?
Give me few seconds
Interesting observation: i2c@80000 status okay on armbian, disabled on raspberryos, same i2c@88000
yep, i2c-6 is loaded, and once you load i2c-dev, it should show up
what was the end goal?
OK, now after `modprobe i2c-dev` these two didn't appear so I couldn't do `i2c-detect` on them
now my overlay uses wrong I²C despite using `cam0` param
how does your overlay reference the i2c port?
and this is interesting? reversed aliases? on RPi OS I use `cam0` param to the dtoverlay, which is supposed to tie my driver to i2c_csi_dsi0 and it's i2c6 there, but if I use `cam0` on Armbian I end up with reference to i2c4 instead... it loads OK if I don't use param and `target = <&i2c_csi_dsi1>;` remains in force (I derived my DTS from imx219 one).
Looks like userspace `dtoverlay` on Armbian doesn't deal well with params
I have to manually change fields for overlay to work
Manneveru: why not just use only config.txt ?
our driver is in development, so we load and unload it sometimes... but soon we should have `.deb` with it, so it should land in `config.txt` then
Thanks for help - very valuable!
I have the driver loaded and libcamera sees it
you can load and unload just the .ko
and leave the overlay in place all of the time
thats how i did my RP1 pio drivers
my .ko wasnt in /lib/modules, so on boot, linux/modprobe just fails to find it, and basically ignores the overlay
hmm... I tried and something about rp1_cfe was causing troubles
when i modprobe the .ko, it springs to life
and as long as i dont OOPS or panic, i can unload and reload the module as much as i want
hmm... on Raspberry OS I didn't have to add it to `/etc/modules` to work...
only launch `depmod` after copying the driver `.ko` over
i try to avoid making auto-load works
because if you mess up the init function and it panics the kernel, how do you fix it?
remove SD card, mount on PC, remove the .ko and overlay and reboot
yep, but thats a lot of hassle
i found it far simpler if you just require a manual `insmod` on boot
my probe is stable, so I can leave with it ;-)
if you mess up, just cycle the power, and it wont load again
OK, that's why I stick with dtoverlay reload
worked so far... trouble started on Armbian
we need Jammy because of ROS2
alternative was Docker on RPi OS with Jammy and Humble on it
but that's a lot of hassle to make cameras work inside container
speaking of ROS, would a 200mhz cortex-m3 help out any?
there is one hidden in the corner of the pi5
it has low-latency access to gpio as well
ATM we wouldn't make use of it... however, good to know. Is it accessible to flash from the main one and what bus can be used to communicate with it?
As this may be valuable for drone builders
and working with him, we got a dump of the boot rom for the RP1
then later i worked with, he found a `while(true){ ...}` in the 21kb blob, and by patching it at runtime, he can temporarily borrow core0 and get core1 started
the biggest problem with G33KatWork's initial solution, is that you have to hard reset the RP1 after booting
and the linux drivers get really really upset when you hot-unplug the RP1
`rmmod` is also enough to panic certain drivers
so you need to use a config.txt dtoverlay to just ban linux from touching the RP1 in the first place (no ethernet or usb on boot)
then hard reset it, and sideload your firmware
then use the userland dtoverlay to enable the RP1
then reboot the whole system if you want to do it again
MichaelBell's trick allowed you to gain control of core1 without a reboot, and i just refined things, using the reset block and getting LK ported
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* flyback
should blow the dust off his orane pi lite soon
[Discord] <nexusxe> hey, trying to build armbian for my lichee rv nezha board with the build tool's mangopi-mq config, but am getting errors building u-boot due to missing opensbi. anyone have any ideas? I can get opensbi cross-compiled locally just fine, but the build tool doesn't seem to be able to do it
clever: sounds tough. Too bad RPi1 firmware is not open-source, so it could sideload the RPi1 before the kernel is loaded (similar like Xilinx does on Zynq and others)
Manneveru: i have been working on making open firmware for the rpi line of boards
Manneveru: currently, it can boot linux on a pi2 and pi3
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