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<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Not sure is the right place for rock-5b build issues, but here goes...
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I'm building using a clone of the github Armbian build repo and issuing this command
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> All goes well till I run into this error
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> `--> (502) COMMAND: mount --bind /home/pi/build/cache/aptcache/lists/lunar-arm64 /home/pi/build/.tmp/rootfs-no-uuidgen-yet-8812-6995>
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> --> (502) COMMAND: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -qq -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=0 -o APT::Clean-Insta>
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> -->--> command failed with error code 100 after 1 seconds`
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> The only odd thing I see leading up to this is
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> `--> (172) COMMAND: mount --bind /home/pi/build/cache/aptcache/lists/lunar-arm64 /home/pi/build/.tmp/rootfs-no-uuidgen-yet-8812-6995>
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> --> (172) COMMAND: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -q -o Dpkg::Use-Pty=0 -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=0 update
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> ...
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Ign:5 lunar-backports InRelease
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Err:2 lunar InRelease
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Temporary failure resolving ''
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Err:1 lunar InRelease
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Temporary failure resolving ''
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> `
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I've checked and and resolve just fine!
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> are you using docker?
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Nope, native. Tried both X86 and Aarch64 host... Same issue.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> what git branch is that?
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> where are you cloning that from?
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I tried a few, latest was head code at
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> let me test something
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> ok
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I'm testing it (mind you I'm using native arm64 to arm64 to build it)
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I can also build on arm64
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I'm on a very fast build box so this test shouldn't take too long
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> its obviously a resolv issue
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @c0rnelius I agree.. but why only in the builder
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I thought so too, till I sucesfully pinged both addresses.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @jean-m-cyr dont trust ping
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> nslookup and resolvconf uses different resolver libraries
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> well it looks to be failing on ` Err:2 lunar InRelease` so... could be mirror related?
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> `pi@rock-5b:~/build$ nslookup
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Server:
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Address:
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Non-authoritative answer:
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Name:
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Address:
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Name:
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Address: 2602:fea7:e0d:1001::12
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> `
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> lunar is more what I suspect
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> thats not a version I think is supported yet
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I just need a minimal (non-desktop) with a 6.2 kernel.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> rock5 wont run 6.2
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> There's a lunar 6.2 kernel image download posted.
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> And it boots, I just would like to rebuild it
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> You realize it's missing about 80% of its hardware support right?
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> what would the distro have to do with a functional kernel?
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Yes, I realize.
<DC-IRC> <c0rnelius> uefi maybe
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I'm not sure it can even use the pci/usb yet still
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Yes, it works fine with nvme and ethernet which is all I need.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Where did you get this info from?
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> I downloaded it and ran it!
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Should I go find the link, it's one of the images offered.
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Got to go eat, but still puzzled by that error.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> You definitely have a network problem... build worked fine here
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> Ok, good to know. I'll try disabling IPV6. Who knows?
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> Its finished
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> total 1924112
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2508193792 Apr 5 20:38 Armbian_23.05.0-trunk_Rock-5b_lunar_midstream_6.2.0-rc1_minimal.img
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 19671 Apr 5 20:38 Armbian_23.05.0-trunk_Rock-5b_lunar_midstream_6.2.0-rc1_minimal.img.txt
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> This does smell like IP6 hell where your host is resolving IP6 but then the chrooted rootfs is getting tangled by it.
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> @lanefu yeah I tend to disable ipv6... I have found very little to no need/use for it yet still
<DC-IRC> <Tenkawa> I do have really good routinf on it "now" however that only happened in the last 2 years when my provider did some updates and I upgraded my uplink
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> All good now, thanks. It was indeed a DNS issue.
<DC-IRC> <jean-m-cyr> All good now, thanks. It was indeed a DNS issue. I run a local DNS server.
<DC-IRC> <laserarma> hello amazingfate, meanwhile I wanted to thank you for your precious help and availability. As for the GPU overlay, it works perfectly, I got to test the performance and it's almost like the raspberry pi4B. But I just can't get the audio to work, your guide refers to a 5.10 kernel, while I have a 5.15. I know that radxa is far behind and in fact it is stuck at 5.10.
<DC-IRC> <laserarma> Is there no possibility to get audio working on pi4c+ board with Armbian 5.15? Thanks again, look forward to donating.
<DC-IRC> <amazingfate> An overlay adding the sound node should work. I don't have that board but I may write one for you to test when I have time.
<DC-IRC> <laserarma> ok, because if you use armbian-add-overlay of the file you posted it gives me compile error.