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<DC-IRC> <Alchemy1701 BKR No 1021> Heya guys at Armbian, could you possibly update the released images for the Orange Pi 5B to include the WiFi and Bluetooth module drivers for the onboard WiFi device so that it works out of the box 🙂 I've just installed the Cinnamon Armbian version and the WiFi module on the board isn't seen or activated. I don't have the ability to wired connect the device so need the drivers installed as Standard:-)!
<DC-IRC> <EfeCTN> You need to enable wifi overlay for old images.
<DC-IRC> <EfeCTN> It's not needed on new images
<DC-IRC> <Alchemy1701 BKR No 1021> How do I do that, I ask as I don't really know how to do that... Thank you for your help:-)
<DC-IRC> <EfeCTN> armbian-config
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> yeah `armbian-config` is the easy-mode for adding available overlays.... here's some more documentation for hard mode
<DC-IRC> <Alchemy1701 BKR No 1021> Thank you, do you have any sorta walkthroughs or guides for that? I'm sorry to be annoying
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> here's an example of using it to enable an overlay
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> obviously you'd want to reboot afterwards
<DC-IRC> <lanefu> to be clear, my example was for a totally different board, where i was enabling an irrelevant overlay, but the process is the same
<DC-IRC> <Alchemy1701 BKR No 1021> Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, that is amazing assistance, the way you show it as a video was brilliantly executed and has helped me MAHUSIVELY:-)
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