It's a slow ADC (sample rate a few kHz), but there's plenty of slow sensors. Good for ice40/ecp5/"Xilinx where xadc is already in use".
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it's something I might want to use in Glasgow actually
although on second look, I think we don't actually need it to be as accurate and a simple "measure time" circuit would suffice for the needs
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In the code, I multiply the "measure time" part by a constant to normalize the count to a power of two (2**lut_width); the raw=True param will give you that value proportional to the count instead of feeding it to a LUT to correct nonlinearity
value proportional to the "measure time" val
yeah I just mean that for a single counter and a trigger I don't want to pull in a library
oh I guess there's also no license so I can't
but I wouldn't want to anyway, so please don't do anything just for me
It's definitely not ready anyway. With that said, when it _is_ ready, I'd appreciate you trying the demo (not ready) on one of your own boards and your own capacitors if you have access to an R2R DAC. I want this ADC to be turnkey (including building the RC circuit, but there's a lot of potential fun failure modes. I want to see if I can catch them as part of param checking.
(And yes I'll add a LICENSE by that point)
yeah I can try it out
just ping me
will do
Related... my poor icebreaker has seen better days... the button fell off. Well, at least the default amaranth bitstream can be used to test my soldering job tomorrow
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<cr1901> "It's a slow ADC (sample rate a..." <- Nice, just want to remark that I think you can multiplex up to 16 analog inputs to one XADC.
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Oh, well... if you want to multiplex inputs, that requires more RC circuits and diff pairs, or an analog switch before the lone diff input (like what Orangecrab does) :)
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