you have to read the peripheral register in its entirety from low to high addresses for everything to work right
Right, I forgot about that. Don't have the branch checked out, but presumably if I do 8-bit reads to r0 except for the byte that I want, it has the same effect as doing a one byte read
i don't quite understand. i think the read of the lowest byte latches the remaining bytes into an internal register
Then I don't need to read the reg in its entirety? Just the low byte and the byte I actually want?
that's an implementation detaio
probably, but that sounds silly
why would you spend logic resources on getting atomic registers, and then write software that works around it?
(I don't want actually want atomic registers; non-atomic ones won't be added)
«don't make registers wider than the bus» is a straight forward way to avoid the whole issue
Yea, so that's back to the "make a second GPIO peripheral", which is non-ideal for "reasons that only apply to the attosoc example in Sentinel", but is otherwise a good idea :)
(I allow the demo to select between a completely-wishbone or wishbone-plus-CSR SoC. The same firmware works unmodified on both. Requiring a second GPIO peripheral breaks that.)
But anyway, the demo hasn't worked on icestick/fit into 1280 LUTs for months, so maybe I should just give up on that.
how does a 32b CSR bus work out? you save the width conversion logic, but lose more than the savings elsewhere?
Never tried it, actually
The bigger-than-bus-width thing didn't rear its head until yesterday, so I set it to 8 and forgot about it
>the demo hasn't worked on icestick/fit into 1280 LUTs for months <-- finally figured out an easy way to fix this; increase UART speed. Decreases divisor width significantly
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I guess the «remote SSH strategy» won't work against a windows machine?
I'd like to try out some stuff on the certuspro-nx-evn I've had collecting dust on a shelf for a couple of years, and the easiest place I could install radiant is a windows box…
any linux boxes I've got are both headless and less beefy…
<zyp[m]> "I guess the «remote SSH strategy..." <- not unless you use WSL i think
can WSL call windows .exes?
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ah, yeah, seems worth a try then
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The MSYS2 SSHD also _might_ work, but requires a bit of setup