<eigenform[m]> "Wanda: i think they're doing..." <- Yeah, you need something like `set_property PACKAGE_PIN C7 [get_ports FIXED_IO_ps_clk]` in the xdc file. And Wanda seemed right the ps_clk is "C7".
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Catherine: would it be s stupid idea to add toggle coverage to PySimEngine?
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i think you can compute that already from the VCD
i would prefer to add a mechanism of extracting waveform data from the simulation engine that is not VCD over adding toggle coverage specifically, since the former would cover that as well as a number of other useful cases
for example it would also make it quite easy to do enum coverage, something toggle coverage is quite useless for
that would need some careful design in an RFC though, since it is not very obvious how to do it in an efficient manner
Other metrics can also be computer from the waveform data like power consumption and where the hot spot are etc...
<whitequark[cis]> "i think you can compute that..." <- oh interesting, good point.
<whitequark[cis]> "i would prefer to add a mechanis..." <- thats an excellent idea.
<whitequark[cis]> "that would need some careful..." <- good point
<whitequark[cis]> "that would need some careful..." <- yeah, some experiments first and then see, i think
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<RobTaylor[m]> "thats an excellent idea." <- So i'm thinking something like a observer pattern tracer interface, then VCDWriter and other cool stuff like a toggle coverage tool or an an FST writer would subscribe to that interface. Makes sense?
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jfng: Are there any known issues with the amaranth-soc GPIO peripheral for pin_count != data_width? I have a sample SoC which works when pin_count=data_width=8, but when I make pin_count=16, writes to output don't seem to be reflected on the LEDs
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issue when output register is wider than the bus? remember that the register write won't take effect until you've written the whole register
I tried that, both with "sh" and "sb twice" but the writes still don't seem to take effect.
try high to low order
actually, I may be misremembering
ignore me please
Gimme me a sec to make the script easy-to-run for others (PEP723)
I swap out the I/O insn to write to the whole output reg between builds, so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong
Oh son of a bitch, partially figured it out... "sw was misaligned"
zyp[m]: I lied (partially...) I wasn't using "sh", I was using "sw".
CPU doesn't have a misaligned load handler, so it died
err store* handler
Remind me... do reads > CSR bus width have any special considerations?
Is that the high to low thing?
Well, partial reads don't work either (if I want to read the high byte of a 16-bit reg on an Wishbone2CSRBridge, 8-byte CSR bus, I have to read 16-bits, not 1 byte at (REG_OFFSET + 1))
I was "insulated from this by using 8 bit I/O ports for everything in AttoSoC, but wanted to play around. So now it bites me.
IIRC a major point of the CSRs is that all registers are atomic, and your register access code should reflect that
if you only need half the register, that's probably a sign it should be divided into two registers
An 8-bit read is going to be atomic
AFAICT, the GPIO peripheral does not allow you to split the ports into banks like that, unless I create a second GPIO peripheral (which, thinking about it more, I guess is how it's implemented on STM32 and MSP430)